I am Gay But i havent told my mother how should i tell her?
Gay Twink
2008-12-09 16:21:33 UTC
I have felt this way for ten years and i havent found the right time 2 tell her but there is also the fact my uncle od when he was diagonosed with aids and my ma's frightend i need help please reply asap
Six answers:
Purple Sparks
2008-12-09 16:33:21 UTC
Just have her sit down with you one day and tell her "I'm gay." Don't go a round-about way of telling her. Just get it over with and see what happens. She's your mother, she loves you. She may not accept the fact that her son is gay, but at least she will know and you will have lifted the burden off of you, by telling her.

Good luck!
2008-12-09 16:27:00 UTC
First of all -- how old are you?

If you are all grown up and all established (out on your own, has a good job, and mature), then just go home one day, sit her down, and try to explain this throughly with her.

However, if you're still young and still living at home. Hold off on telling her. Wait until you're out.
2008-12-09 16:33:00 UTC
well you should sit your mother down and say to her mum i have to tell you sum thing you might not like it at first but if you love me you will understand why i haven't told you this till now and then you *** out and say mum i'm gay
2008-12-09 16:30:23 UTC
Best thing to do is just blurt it out.Walk by her and a quick "Mom Im gay".
2008-12-09 16:27:15 UTC
just sit her down and tell her if she loves you it shouldnt matter if youre gay straight or bi your her child.just be honest
2008-12-09 18:20:08 UTC
just go ahead and tell her. She can't hurt you. She just has to support you in anything that you do.

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