2009-10-26 02:35:09 UTC
My dad has been fairly supportive in everything, my mum on the other hand, hates the whole thing and thinks i'm "too young to make such a big decision" (i'm 16..). Both of them though, are very strict and seem to love making a big deal out of everything I want to do.
In the last few weeks I've started seeing someone who lives quite close to me. We've had him over for dinner a couple of times, and my parents seemed to get on just fine with him.
I'm in sixth form so we often have a lot of free periods, and in such a small area there's nothing to do, so we often go back to each others houses.
Whenever I ask if I can go out, I get a huge lecture on not to do alcohol or drugs, and to be back by some absurdly early hour.
Everything I ever ask for, like this morning I said could he come over at 8:30AM because his mum is on her way to work and will drop him for the bus. My mum got her grump on and said "it's too early, I don't want to pick him up from the bus" (when it's 20 seconds down the road and the guy i'm talking about's mum drives us 20 MINUTES home and back and forth).
My parents just seem to love to say no, no and no and they're making my life a living hell, sometimes I just think they'd be so much better off without me. :(