2008-06-02 23:31:22 UTC
My major problem is that i m comparing my boyfriend with other guys like i compare him with my cousin's boyfriend tv actors etcc, now i think he doesnt look that good, and what will people think if they see me with him etcc but i m never happy. Even with my studies i compare with my cousins WHILE my cousins are happy with their lifes, they have dropped out of university, and dating guys and is totally happy with them.
I really like my boyfriend but i dont know why i compare him soo much even though his nice, educated etc! BUT i dont know what my problem is, i so do not like comparing myself and him with people this way i use always be sad cos i m never happy i dont how all of this happened and since when i started to compare but i think i started when i was in high school till now.
whats my problem i am soo sad and depressed pls HELP