Does she definitely want to have children period?
There are some women who dont have the burning desire to have children, and if they do, they would mostly want their own I would think.
I don't get the vanity part of it all. Losing your looks to have your own child? So what? What looks is she afraid to lose? She'll have stretch marks, most women do, not all, but most. Her body will go through the nature process of change. Eventually it will anyway, unless she doesn't plan on aging ever.
The pain can be bad for some, not so bad for some. That's why there's drugs. I didn't have much pain and to be honest, I don't remember it anyway.
So long as you're ok with it but not having your own blood children, adopting is a great option. There are many children waiting to have great homes with loving parents. Adoption can take time and money though, for us normal folks who aren't Madonna and can go drop 3 mil for a kid. And alot of times it's a longer wait for a baby. There's lots of options out there if you have the time to research them.
I would just make sure she really wants to be a Mom. Once you are one, you're one til you die. That's how I view it anyway.
JMHO.....good luck to you.