I need help with a girl (urgent)?
2009-02-14 21:32:11 UTC
I met this girl three days ago and i really like her. the problem is that im a little bit shy. what should i do to make realize that i like her?
Ten answers:
2009-02-14 21:36:02 UTC
well you COULD'VE started by getting her something cute for Valentines' but now that that's over, I guess you'll just haave to gather up the courage to get your butt over there an talk to her. You're the guy. act like it
2009-02-14 21:41:07 UTC
Well, well. You see, before a relationship could develop, you have to build up a friendship first. So, approach her, befriend her. Be very positive and helpful towards her. It would be nice to flirt, you know! So, after the friendship, then begin your courtship. You see, maybe, you could further proceed to a relationship. But be very delicate on this matter. Be sincere and honest about your feelings towards her. If she lives you, she would reciprocate. If she does not, then it's okay. You have a friend already anyway. Good luck to you.
2009-02-14 21:36:07 UTC
Drop hints. tell her you're single

And try to be yourself, see if you have anything in common .

Make sure she's single. Don't get nervous. Because if it doesn't work out there are a ton of other fish in the sea :D!

Don't try too hard. Its a turn off.

I hope my advice is any help

-take care

Ray <3
2009-02-14 21:39:38 UTC
Talk to her a lot, be a good listener, care about her and let her know it, comfort her if she needs it, and always be there. Its not gonna happen right away, the best things always take time.
2009-02-14 21:41:06 UTC
girls like it when guys notice them, so say hi to her, it does seem harder than it sounds especially if ur shy, but it will be worth it :D

good luck:D
2009-02-14 21:36:46 UTC
hi write her a note telling her you like her.maybe have one of your friends tell her you like her
2009-02-14 21:35:54 UTC
its valentines day what do you think

just hope its not tooo late
Ainsley G
2009-02-14 21:35:18 UTC
give it time. First you have to get to know her. you cant jump right to it.
2009-02-14 21:37:01 UTC
2009-02-14 21:36:11 UTC
talk to her silly, build it up from there

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