my gf wants a 3some.?
Phil S
2009-01-13 14:12:33 UTC
She is big on life being too short and stuff like that. I think its just cuz she is...sorry...but young and dumb. She isn't 18 yet, but I am. Will she get over it?? Or will it mess everything up?
One answer:
2009-01-15 15:44:27 UTC
Most likely she will get over it. Like you said "Young and Dumb".

These things come and go.. As you get older you are open to a wider range of knowledge and are less ignorant.

If it works out between you two then if this does not cool off it may ruin your relationship to an extent or completely. However, then there is a chance that it she may cool off of it due to your love for one another.

I can't tell you much, it's just one of those questions.. The most you can do is tell her what you think is best for your relationship and one another.

I hope everything works out for the best, Q&A.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.