Hi Princess Jane
There are many interesting things in your questions.
1/The relations your parents have with you and him....
2/The fact that you are shocked regarding the stuff(!) that you saw in your PC
3/The fact that you care about "the good path" you would like your brother to follow
1/ Sometimes parents focalize more on a child than another, that does not mean they like him/her more, it's a kind of attraction they have but nothing to do with love.
You used the word "attached" , keep cool, I am sure they are attached to you too but in a different way.
THE LITTLE ONE is always right....That's what usually happens, independent from their will.
Your parents love you. I don't think you can disagree with that....
2/That computer seems to be everyone's ......So it is yours too.And the fact of discoverind thet "stuff" shoched you, first because you had never seen such movies,then because your dear "ANGEL":) revealed himself to you as a guy you would hate if he was not your brother.....
Girls are not fond of pornography, let put some exceptions aside!
3/What I would suggest you is to have the guts to tak to your brother, firmly to tell him you are several people to use that computer and that you are quite aware about the stuff he has , and try to pretend that you did the same when you were his age and that it isn't worth a REAL SEXUAL LIFE.....
All teens do this, do not be too shocked, but what is not normal is that you came across this.....
Do you think your parents would love to know this....I am not sure!!!!
Please receive all my support , I am from Yahoo France!