its really a shame to me to ask this sort of question?
2010-04-17 04:48:12 UTC
its really a shame to me to ask this sort of question but im really shattered & embarrassed to find something about my little brother , he'z 4 years younger to me & all the hopes & dreams of me & my parents are attached to him only , the dream to see him become a gud & successful engineer , a loving & caring son , a successful person & i always see him as a very innocent & decent little brother . But unfortunately what i discovered about him completely shocked me , i never saw such kind of thing before , he'z just 16 yrs ol & I saw some very bad kind of **** stuff in his pc , I also share the same computer , he hided those files but im an engineer & somehow i figured out all the stuff which he still is unaware that i saw all of it , i could not believe that his computer is full of very adult kind of stuff , when I was alone , even then I didn't had guts to see those movies in a full screen view & almost all the movies that he downloaded are full of **** & very clear sexual activities , I could not believe my eyes what he sees & then i got to know that why he spends most of his time sittin in front of the pc & whenever we (momdad & me) returns home frm somewhere & he'z alone in the house , we always find him sittin over the pc , then I check out the Internet History & recent stuff but I never saw this kinda stuff but once I saw him downloading that sort of movie & he said that its just an adventurous movie , so bad of him , I feel like he lost his dignity , respect & the feeling of innocence which I had for him inside me , I never saw that stuff before , hated it , even nobody at our house dared to watch any stuff like that too , But now people plzzzzz guide me :( show me the right path to guide him so that he leaves to watch that stuff . Also without letting him know that I already know abt it so that he'll never feel uncomfortable of sorry in front of me ,Plzzz help
28 answers:
2010-04-17 05:23:35 UTC
Hi Princess Jane

There are many interesting things in your questions.

1/The relations your parents have with you and him....

2/The fact that you are shocked regarding the stuff(!) that you saw in your PC

3/The fact that you care about "the good path" you would like your brother to follow

1/ Sometimes parents focalize more on a child than another, that does not mean they like him/her more, it's a kind of attraction they have but nothing to do with love.

You used the word "attached" , keep cool, I am sure they are attached to you too but in a different way.

THE LITTLE ONE is always right....That's what usually happens, independent from their will.

Your parents love you. I don't think you can disagree with that....

2/That computer seems to be everyone's ......So it is yours too.And the fact of discoverind thet "stuff" shoched you, first because you had never seen such movies,then because your dear "ANGEL":) revealed himself to you as a guy you would hate if he was not your brother.....


Girls are not fond of pornography, let put some exceptions aside!

3/What I would suggest you is to have the guts to tak to your brother, firmly to tell him you are several people to use that computer and that you are quite aware about the stuff he has , and try to pretend that you did the same when you were his age and that it isn't worth a REAL SEXUAL LIFE.....

All teens do this, do not be too shocked, but what is not normal is that you came across this.....

Do you think your parents would love to know this....I am not sure!!!!

Please receive all my support , I am from Yahoo France!
2010-04-24 02:40:40 UTC
look he need a counselling either by u or by ur parents. We have to tell him the pros and cons of it. this is the age in which several did the same. but if u hide it it can spoil his future too. be cautious about it and discuss with your parents.
2010-04-17 05:40:10 UTC
Its complicated to sort this situation out I mean I could never watch anything further than a kiss on telly! I REALLY HATE STUFF LIKE THAT!

But he is 16 and is probably doing what other boys his age do... the best thing you can probably do is forget about it. I mean hes not going to stop just because you tell him to, he will do what he want (my experince lol) and the only thing I would be greatful for is that chances are hes not leeping round with girl.

just forget about it is my advice
2010-04-17 05:00:24 UTC
It's a difficult situation I wouldn't tell your parents because that will just make him feel ashamed so you could either tell him you know about it then tell him some stories of people who look at **** and how it's destroyed their marriages and stuff. Or you could say nothing and just let him figure it out himself, whatever you do it's important you don't judge him.
2010-04-23 06:50:21 UTC
ONLY True Love have power to surpass Lust of growing man.

But you can gift him Video games like Call of Duty , God of War and WOW so that he may spend his time more on them instead on **** ??

VIDEO / PC GAME and FACEBOOK addiction is much better then Po.rn Addiction...

gift him some romantic movies and songs and DELETE (SHRED) all the XXX Content of PC.

dont get annoyed on the other ridiculous answers he is your Brother you both have SAME BLOOD running in veins it really good to feel possessive and to protect him from bad habits,dont care if people say ''stay away'' or ''mind your own'' ; .... its like doing drugs...... but you should Know that having Nightfalls and Masturbation is very Natural in this age (its like Period of Boys) and po.rn has also become common , you cannot try to eliminate Natural but you can try to help him out of these, talk with him if necessary,I hope he will himself abandon this habit when he will get some mature but it can get worse in College years and it can create a lot of problems for him and your family .

Best of Luck and i appreciate your concern :~)
2010-04-21 12:53:14 UTC
let me get this clear okay... NOT ALL GUYS AND GIRLS WATCH PORNOGRAPHY! I don't care how old they are! What he is watching is not real love... If it was, it would not be posted on the internet. Any ways, pornography changes the way people see themselves and other people, and you can't get it out of your heads. If you guys think that it is cool... YOU ARE SICK! It lowers your moral standards, and you will only attract people just like you...

Ask straight out... If he asks how do you know say something like "I was looking for an old document" or something like that...
2010-04-17 09:06:07 UTC
Block all the websites he goes on by knowing from the history.

u can get so many different ways to block them. Great one is by notepad.

go to start menu, then go to run

type this : c:WINDOWS/system32/driversetc/hosts

click ok

choose notepad

u will see this on the screen ( localhost)

then type all website url under this


then click save

he will not know that u have blocked them

when he will open them the page comes as "the internet cannot open this page"

good luck
2010-04-17 04:50:39 UTC
Get a grip; he's 16 what do you expect?
2010-04-19 23:35:35 UTC

Every guy normally goes through such a stage in his life.That's quite normal.

But the real test is now.You have to take him more seriously now.Try to find out about his friends.Who they are and how they behave.

Normally , such things happen with bad company.Involve yourself in his daily life activities , like school work or anything.

Take him more friendly and try to read his mind.His dreams and his desires.Try to control his bad desires by putting him on right track , showing him things related to his dream like if he wants to become an Engineer, download New Technology Videos from Internet , show him new technology websites so that his mind always remain linked to his dreams.

He is little bit addicted now , but if you keep following what i said , then at some stage of his life he will give more importance to his dream rather than such activities.

If you are unable to take such steps , take help of your mom.Check his friend circle .. choose the right people and go out with them.Spend time with them.

You can contact private NGO's and take their help as well.

Its really nice of you , if you care a lot about your brother.
2010-04-17 05:14:41 UTC

I fully understand you. I fear that's the curse of mechanisation and globalisation.You need to talk to him privately and explain him how bad it is. Maybe you should inform your mom secretly about these incidents. But don't embarrass him. I think it's normal for 16 year old teenagers to be curious about that stuff, but I doubt those movies are the right way to teach sexuality and respect between men and women. That crap became a plague over the last few years. You know that you could get an internet security program to block that kind of sites (that's possible without let him know that). But maybe he will go to a friends house to watch those movies again.

Edit: People can get addicted to that kind of movies, there's a risk that they develop an unhealthy bad behaviour. A lot of those people are later not able to maintain or build a normal relationship. They get a wrong impression of love and intercourse by continuously consuming those movies.
2010-04-17 05:59:20 UTC
You're lucky. My brother's only just turned 14 in January and he's looking at that stuff (we weren't snooping, we just wanted to find out if he was playing on games!) and we found all this stuff on his FAVOURITES that was like RedTube and stuff. I was mortified. Especially as my other brother clicked on one of them to see what type of stuff he was looking at and it came up as stuff that I hadn't even heard of yet. Also he had taken pictures of what was on his laptop screen on his phone and always went into the bathroom for half an hour every night with his phone.... Ugh.... He's only two years older than me and I can't look at him the same way.... And the brother that I mentioned earlier that clicked on it had some videos on his phone that we saw. We asked him about it and he said fine I'll show you! and ran off. It was like 5 minutes later when he came back and he had obviously deleted the videos because they weren't there. I'm afraid there's nothing you can do apart from delete them and see what he does.... Moniter his computer usage, like at the end of the day make sure you're the last person to use the computer and see what he's done that day. If you keep deleting what he's saved then eventually he SHOULD stop bothering. I'm so sorry you're going through this as well. Ughhh I feel ill now....
2010-04-17 05:52:26 UTC
See princess janie, actually it his age where he is doing such stuffs, so its not a matter of shock. I am surprised that you are saying this as you are 4 years older than him. He is young person and he is seeing all those stuffs which other teenagers do. I am surprised to listen these things from you as you can understand this situation. So dont get shocked, no need to be getting angry on him, he is your brother hence let him enjoy his life.
2010-04-21 07:40:36 UTC

It is absolutely common and there is nothing wrong with it.

I am sure you still consider him a baby but he is no more a baby.He is a fully grown young lad so

just leave him alone.

You can talk to him if you think it is affecting his performance elsewhere.But Let me tell you one thing clearly no matter how hard you try you won't be able to stop him so you better mend and mind your own stuff.

Listen,do not pay much attention to female answers...This is question about guys so listen to guys.

Best wishes
2010-04-18 16:43:44 UTC
Tell him face to face and say listen you selfish cowardly mother F@#KER either;


2) tell your parents you need train you little perverted brother some serious Discipline;

try to be like a Mafia and start target practicing and show him how DEADLY THE CONSEQUENCE COME AFTER!!! that will give him the message

3) hire a UFC fighter tell him; to beat you brother up when getting some bruises then video tape him, humiliate him, till he has a BIG WORD ON HIS FOREHEAD SAY SHAME OF YOU DOING THAT YOUR FAMILY BEHIND MY BACK, THEN SPIT AT HIM SAY PATHETIC TWERP



2010-04-17 04:54:03 UTC
look i know how you feel im 14 and i have a younger bro and i try as hard as i can to get him away from swearing and things that are not good in life but the problem is your brother is 16 firstly its alot harder to get him out and secondly this thing only happens for a little longer, because hes at this age his freinds his school there all influencing him to do this stuff he will get over it soon and never watch **** again.What im trying to say is at that age boys like this kind of stuff and its natural i know it sounds disturbing but its true and all you should do is wait or just tell him that you dont want him to see this stuff, be honest with him and maybe thiswill change him
2010-04-17 04:58:26 UTC
Yaar, dont get that much serious, he has not committed such a big crime as you are explaining it. Honestly saying, boys are more attracted to sexual contents than girls, its natural, so even if he enjoys em, its not a big deal, i too started looking such things when i was around 17, but i i dont consider myself committing a sin, as long as u dont indulge in bad practice(rape, molestation, pros etc), its not wrong, and believe me it wont hurt his character at all, dont worry he will come up wid ur expectationz, i can say that from my own experience.....cjhillaxx
2016-09-28 16:46:22 UTC
it is the twenty first century. perchance while your grandmother grew up human beings did not mixture, yet not any extra. situations have replaced and your residing on your grandmothers previous. in case you like your lady chum and clearly you d, 5 years good? then you definately could desire to marry her regardless and in the experience that your grandmother relatively has an argument then purchase a clean ring. i like my grandmother a lot besides and he or she is a capability on my existence yet i would not destroy up with somebody because of the fact she disproves of them. save on with your heart or enable her bypass in any different case your merely preferable the undesirable female on so except you heavily intend to marry her it relatively is relatively helpful to think of approximately how a lot you extremely love her....
2010-04-17 06:32:20 UTC
dont make it such a big issue..we boys use to watch that kind of stuff a lot especially in the age of your is almost natural..i dont think your brother has done anything wrong..dont think about it from a girls prospective..its just a matter of interest..just as you like cooking ,he likes wont find any single boy or man who hasnt watched any such movie...he is as good as you think he was before..and it has nothing to do with his plz dont listen to what other people are saying to you here..just dont feel embarrased..he will stop watching them himself after sum time..its his age which is a problem..he hasnt done anything wrong
2010-04-17 06:27:39 UTC

You think that's bad?

Mind your own business, he is doing nothing wrong by watching those kinds of videos. How would you like it if someone dictates how you should live your life even if it's considered completely harmless?

Leave him alone, all because you're not into that doesn't mean he should stop it cause of you.

I'm sure you do some pretty damn bad things yourself but don't want to admit it.
2010-04-20 05:01:33 UTC
many guys do it and since you are older to him talk to him, you need to make him understand that it may lead to wrong path, there's nothing wrong in talking to him don't be shy, You are re his sister, you may not like this type of things but many girls also watch this type of movies and pictures on their computer looks like you are different but you do need to keep an eye on him. and tell him to stop or you will tell your parents
2010-04-18 04:50:50 UTC
seriously hes 16 years old and trust me when I saw this all guys in their teenage years do this and some unfortunately get caught like myself (mother caught me very embarrasing)....its completely normal and all you need to talk about with him is to be safe just incase he finds someone to carry out what he has seen online.....and if hes really curios show him this
2010-04-17 06:09:24 UTC
its kind of hard to admit but most guys do this stuff basically guys like to watch other people doing Sexual activities you can try to let your parents talk to him about sex and etc... and tell him that most of what he sees in **** is not real and most of it is fake
2010-04-19 10:00:19 UTC
Very clear sexual avtivity hardcore po.rn, so you also watched it ? now you are also corrupted does that images come to your mind in night wow !!!

2010-04-17 04:57:19 UTC
This is tough question I think he is a guy and that's what all guys do sorry.... I can't help it'd be embarassing if u say something I would ignore it if I was you...
2010-04-17 05:46:12 UTC
Aww leave him alone he is just a young lad doing what most young lads his age do, you are making way too much out of it!
2010-04-17 05:40:25 UTC
He is a 16 year old male....I would be concerned if he wasn't looking at **** on the internet.

It's perfectly natural, and quite frankly, none of your business.
2010-04-17 05:12:14 UTC
Come on hon, he's a sixteen year old kid and your sitting pretty high on that little high horse of yours aren't you? And who gave you permission to pry into his personal stuff? doesn't that make you a nasty little prying sister who's not to be trusted? sure does hey? He will grow up to be a fine young gentleman to be proud of, but I wish I could say the same for his prying sister because she needs some guidance herself! You have got to understand that a lot of young men dabble in the sexual media, It's a very strong magnet for young men entering puberty, or would you rather he be gay? Wake up to reality it's all around you!
bang bang
2010-04-17 04:56:43 UTC
All guys do it, just ignore it n go on.IM me if u wanna discusss

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