If you really do want help, as you say, you will listen and take the advise of people, like me, who know more than you do. People older than you are wiser for a reason. They have lived longer and therefore have more knowledge and experience and have the ability to predict the outcome of some situations based upon their combined life skills. And, this is why my answer is important because I have the wisdom that you could not possibly possess at your young age
You ask if you should wait. Wait for what? To get married? Whelp, you will have no choice other than to wait, because you are a minor and you have to be 18 years old to get married. There is a reason for that, you know. It is because it is a proven fact that kids your age do not have the maturity or the mental capacity to make adult choices for themselves. So, yes, you will have to wait. If you love each other, then it should last forever, right??
If you are asking if you should have sex. NO. You are too young and immature to engage in such activity. You are still a child and you are still growing in your teeth for crying out loud. You need to learn so much more about yourself and about life before living the adult life.
Enjoy your childhood while you still can because marriage is very serious and there are things about marriage that 14 and 15 year old children just do not comprehend.