2011-12-27 08:36:23 UTC
..First look at the answers above which people have given.
Basically ur concept is, Girl is good. She was a good honest friend. But the guy is mad, obsessed. He not only doesnt love her but also doesnt know 1 word abt frenship. He deserves to be dumped like this.
Now people th REAL story is this.
''A girl is happily about to marry. Her guy is exactly the man of her she could ever want. Her marriage date is fixed and she is thrilled. HER LONG STANDING BEST FRIEND OF 4 YEARS, felt sad, coz he loved her secretly. he said he loved her 1 month b4 the arranged marriage. She said she loved him, but only as a friend. She insisted 4 frenship. He agreed intitally, but had to tell her after 3 days its not possible that way as his feelings also stayed, and he may end up saying all he has tomorrow after she gets married. That will make her suffer. So, he said to end frenship. She didnt agree.
So, he said ok, frenship stays but no contacts for time being, untill he gets over his feelings. When he gets over his feelings, he wud start talking to her again. Frenship, meanwhile will always stay in the minds. She again rejected. when asked why? She didnt tell.
Later on she invited him to her wedding. He congratulated her but said he wont be able to go not coz of jealousy, but coz of the pain. Even then she was not willing to give him the time to recover
Thats how she got married.
Now 1 month gone. He asks her, 'hi. How r u? How have u been?'. She doesnt respond. He calls her, she doesnt pick up the fone. She comes online in FB, talks to all her buddies there, but never responds to his chats.
Now tell people, whats ur views?
She wants her friend to stay and simultaneously avoid him at the same time?
Is she sadistic?
(I dont need ideas telling me to move on. I am old enough to know that. I need something different, an idea to go into the mind of the girl and know whats in her head. U will help me here)