I'm only 14 years old and in 8th grade. I admit that I made a very big mistake by getting involved with this guy. There was a new boy to my school and I found him really cute! He got kicked out of his old school for smoking weed. My bestfriend started dating him and then broke up with him because he flirted with me while they were dating. He started dating me and she got mad and was a ***** so we stopped being friends. Everyone was suprised I was dating him because he is considered a player and a "bad influence" and some people thought I was a prude compared to him. Well a lot of stuff happened this year after I started dating him. I'm a complete different person then I was last year. Ive lost so many friends and now am considered a bad influence. Parents of kids at my school won't let there kids hangout with me. Kids at school call me the "school slut"..I feel like a whore for all of this and dating this boy changed me into a different person that I would of never became before. This is everything I've done this year that I've never done before.. I've sended nudes, got fingered , madeout , dirty texted, dirty talked on the phone and in person , got my boobs touched over the shirt, got hickeys , got my bare *** rubbed by a guy , my boyfriend rubbed my pussy under the lunch table at school and put my hand on his dick, almost smoked weed, got in a fight at school , got sent down to the office seven times for fighting or causing a scene, almost got suspended, drank alcohol , went to a party and got drunk, almost had sex in the woods but people were watching , got 2 D's on my report card , I started a fight with my stepdad and got the cops called over and had to go to court , I became depressed and started cutting myself ,my boyfriend called me "his dirty *****"and "his slut".... etc..me and my boyfriend broke up after 3 months of dating and now I actually have no one. I use to have a lot of friends and now everyone says I'm a slut. People only know about my hickey because I wore scarfs for a week and they know about me fighting because they see it. When I was dating my boyfriend he was an idiot and told one of his friends that we send each other nudes and we talk about sex and his friend told everyone ... So there are so many rumors about me....me and my boyfriend also were planning on having sex but we broke up so we never did. I've been called a slut so many times this year and it hurts a lot. Last year I wasn't anything like how I am now. I got honor roll and I had tons of friends , I had boyfriends but we never went far at all. Now I have guys all over me wanting sex, I'm trying to get rid of my bad reputation because I lost a lot of friends from it. I don't want to be called a slut and it's making me really depressed from hearing so many people say things about me. I know the answers I'm going to get from asking this question will be bad but can someone please help me and not tell me that I'm a bad person. I realized I made a lot of mistakes , I just need to hear from someone that I'm not a horrible person like everyone acts like I am from doing these things and I need advice on how to get my good reputation back . It just hurts so much from all of the things people are saying to me , I normally would try to fight them but I don't want to make things worst, I cut because of all of this, I have a lot of scars and people are starting to notice and say I'm doing it for attention..please help me :/