2012-08-04 09:03:57 UTC
I never intended my life to turn out like this. I had always imagined a future full of family and happiness. But as the years ticked on so did my life. I never knew what I wanted to be when I "grew up" and still don't. Of course I have dreams but those take a lot of money and still most likely will fail.
I know one of my main problems is that I am fat. I have let that hold me back from doing many things. I let it run my life. Three years ago I began walking and I lost a lot of weight. I thought that this was going to give me the confidence to become a different person. But that is not the case...
Two years ago I met Nelson. He came into the store I work at and asked a question, a random question, but one I had a lot of interest in. I started talking and twenty minutes later I realized I had said enough. He left and that was it. But it wasn't, for the next year he came into the store about once a month and one day bought me earrings. I had already fallen for him at this time but I was confused by him. It wasn't until almost a year after he first came in that he told me he liked me. We had so much in common, he seemed just right for me.
This was the first time a man had every liked me. I had never had a boyfriend, been asked out, kissed, and you can guess the rest. The only problem was that I was pretty sure he was either married or separated. We met up a week later and I asked him and he said "if you have been with someone that long I guess you are married". Now before you hate was my choice also. I could have turned away. But after waiting so long to find someone and someone who excepted me for who I was I couldn't just let it go. No one had ever "liked" me before and it felt nice. That day I got my first hug. I was in love before we even let go. It felt so good to feel wrapped up in someone you care about. I never wanted to lose that feeling. It was about three weeks later that he did admit he was married and had a little boy and was scared to lose him.
Before I even continue I know what you are thinking...he played you. It was all for sex. It wasn't...we did have sex, but not for quite awhile and not overly often, we mainly snuggled and talked and laughed. I realized after awhile that he would and could never be faithful to any woman, he has been hurt so much in his life that I think he is incapable of loving anyone or truly trusting them. I told him he could tell me anything that I already knew his secrets and I would be there for him, but he just couldn't let go.
He became my everything. I have no friends, except one older lady, twice my age, and my mom and sister. I am very lonely and he came into my life at a time when I was desperate to experience a connection with someone. We had a pretty good year, definitely filled with ups and downs, but fun. These last few months have gone down hill fast. He is no longer interested and instead of ending it face to face he chooses to ignore me. That's how he deals with everything.
I am completely depressed. I have no place in this world. I have gained back all the weight I lost, and am uglier than ever. I have no friends and pretty much live alone. I wake up alone every morning and go to bed alone every night. With or without Nelson my life is sad. I am not a social person and I do not make friends easily.
Most people think the answer(s) is/are simple. There not simply. I'm tired of hearing...let's think of something you can do to keep your mind off things or someone else will come along, like it is that simple. I'm 35, only one person has every been interested, how is anyone else going to come along. How is finding something to occupy my mind going to keep me happy when I am still all alone.