498A,Dowry Case,Domestic Voilence - Please advice?
2008-12-19 02:57:11 UTC
Hi,I got married an year back.Ours was a christian marriage in church.This is my 1st marriage.The girl i got married to was a divorcee,lived with her ex-husband for 2months and later lodged complaint against him on Cruelty,Adultry and Domestic voilence (Which i found out later).As per the info i had got, she didnt get any maitenance fee from him after seperation.
Coming to my life's story,She lived with me for a month and later filed a complaint on all the above said sections, 498A,Section 125 etc.Thier 498a cases is pending in court.We belong to different states.I belong to Chennai.Within 3 days of our marriage i found she was getting calls at 1.30am and 2am from her boy friends.Upon questioning is the consequences im facing now.
She had also tried to put my relatives behind bar when i didnt accept thier demand for 25lakhs of money.
She had hid her info regarding her 1st marriage in the church (As per the church rules , Divorcees will not be allowed to get married, Since She hid this info and has not provided any documents in Church that shes single) the church registrar issued a letter stating the marriage is not registered coz she had to give the necessary documents, which she couldnt.Our marriage is not registered in Goverment too.We lived togather for a month.
Now my question would be, if theres anyone who can help me out.
1. Are the cases filed by her are valid?.
2. Is she still my legal wife?
3.She is now threatening me that she would file Section 24.The Judged during the 125 case hearing said that why dont both parties go for a compromise and my so called wife's mother demanded 25lakhs.
4.Can anyone file a maintenance case without Marriage certificates?.
5.I had already filed a case in court to delcare the marriage null and void.
6.Is there anyother way i can counterattack to stop her harassment?.
Appreciate your help.

Ten answers:
2008-12-19 03:07:49 UTC
Well im not so aware of all these legal ones but i can say one thing that when your church's registrar himself has declared this marriage isnt registred then its a big plus point for you,you have already filed a case and now send a notice to your wife and move out of that home or if its not hers neither yours then ask her to get lost or whatever you think is appropriate.That should be immediate and make things clear to court and get divorce.But there will be a negative point,you appear to be an Indian and here,court doesnt come to any judgement soon,so try to gather more information about her past and give it to court authorities.

And by the way this section is not rite for your question,you should have posted it under legal related sections,you would have got much information.
2008-12-20 12:07:33 UTC
You are not alone buddy...

If this is not registered in church or with the marriage registrar I assume you are not officially married. Do check with a lawyer, Indian laws are written by insane people and logic or common sense doesnt work in this matter!!! Also do a favour to others by exposing this girl so that no other innocents get traped.

Do not go for compromise at any cost. There are several guys who did and that encouraged another 100 morons to do the same trick. Fight legally and put them behind the bars. Yes you can!

Contact your fellow victim in Chennai +91 9840443555
2016-03-15 09:11:39 UTC
When you like a guy call him all of the time, every day and be sure to tell him you love him after a couple of weeks. Also be very jealous of every other women, even his sister and mom. Want some more??? Eat lots of pizza and drink beer every day. Call out to work and just stay home ordering pizza and drinking beer, do it for months and months. Never leave your house, just order it in, the beer too. Buy a bunch of stuff on credit. Everything that you have ever wanted you should buy, don't save for it though, just put it on your credit card that way you don't have to wait. The best piece of bad advice that I have to offer entails swimming in the ocean. Always make sure to tie pieces of dead bloody chicken scraps around your ankles, especially if you're surfing.
Jagreuben Kailay
2008-12-20 07:16:10 UTC

Please join Save Indian Family Foundation.

Visit Chennai chapter.

They can really help you as this organisation is fighting cause of innocent people like you.

Do not compromise as you can come out without paying any penny.

I am very sure that solution can be found as you have solid case.

2008-12-19 03:05:58 UTC
sorry to hear your plight. where exactly are you situated?

do a background check of the girl and her parents. I feel this is just a case of harassment with specific intentions and you should consult a good legal consultant.

If you have proof of adultry, you can divorce. get call records from the telephones ./ mobile service.

You need to work on this with a cool head. good luck to you
vijay m Indian Lawyer
2008-12-19 04:12:30 UTC
The facts you have given here bring big doubt in my mind with regard to your marriage with woman as legally valid for the reasons, her first marriage whether got dissolved by decree of divorce or annulment issued by the competent court is doubtful; you say your was Christian Marriage it means either both of you or one of you must be Christian by religion if none of you were Christians by religion then your Christian Marriage itself is invalid; you talk about maintenance claim under section 24 this section 24 of Hindu Marriage Act,1955 applies to Hindu Marriages between Hindus only not Christian Marriages, for dissolution of Christian marriages & related issues such as Maintenance etc Divorce Act,1869 applies & in that its sections 36 & 37 for the purpose of Maintenance; the provision of section 498A of the Indian Penal Code & section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code applies to legally Valid wife, if your marriage with her is a matter of doubt or as I can make out is void itself (as she never got legal divorce or annulment of her first marriage from the competent court) her complaint under both these provision will fail on this account itself. You say she is claiming Rs25 lakhs if the things are actually as I presume (I cannot be sure unless I check all facts & other details of your case) then rather her claiming this amount ,you claim this from her for to avoid criminal complaint against her for cheating, extortion, criminal breach of trust,bigamy etc
James R
2008-12-19 03:02:43 UTC
I'd push for an annullment. Sounds like you're doing the right thing mate and watch out for gold diggers in the future...
Vishal G
2008-12-20 16:06:50 UTC
Just file for divorce.


THERE ARE PEOPLE IN SIF WHO DIDNT PAY ANY MONEY in similar situation ...and now they have turned everything in their favor.

Join groups like SIF and I recommend you doing the LADMARK FORUM

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2017-04-09 01:54:04 UTC
For Legal help I always recommend this site where you can find all the solutions. http://LOANSANDFINANCES.INFO/index.html?src=5YAhih52VaKMtd1

RE :498A,Dowry Case,Domestic Voilence - Please advice?

Hi,I got married an year back.Ours was a christian marriage in church.This is my 1st marriage.The girl i got married to was a divorcee,lived with her ex-husband for 2months and later lodged complaint against him on Cruelty,Adultry and Domestic voilence (Which i found out later).As per the info i had got, she didnt get any maitenance fee from him after seperation.

Coming to my life's story,She lived with me for a month and later filed a complaint on all the above said sections, 498A,Section 125 etc.Thier 498a cases is pending in court.We belong to different states.I belong to Chennai.Within 3 days of our marriage i found she was getting calls at 1.30am and 2am from her boy friends.Upon questioning is the consequences im facing now.

She had also tried to put my relatives behind bar when i didnt accept thier demand for 25lakhs of money.

She had hid her info regarding her 1st marriage in the church (As per the church rules , Divorcees will not be allowed to get married, Since She hid this info and has not provided any documents in Church that shes single) the church registrar issued a letter stating the marriage is not registered coz she had to give the necessary documents, which she couldnt.Our marriage is not registered in Goverment too.We lived togather for a month.

Now my question would be, if theres anyone who can help me out.

1. Are the cases filed by her are valid?.

2. Is she still my legal wife?

3.She is now threatening me that she would file Section 24.The Judged during the 125 case hearing said that why dont both parties go for a compromise and my so called wife's mother demanded 25lakhs.

4.Can anyone file a maintenance case without Marriage certificates?.

5.I had already filed a case in court to delcare the marriage null and void.

6.Is there anyother way i can counterattack to stop her harassment?.

Appreciate your help.



1 following 8 answers
2008-12-19 05:27:14 UTC
if you and her dont have any legel documents about marriege then dont worry about it.. in 25lakhs get a good lawyer and if you are in india you know the indian way.. you will be win in court..

also send that girl to me... i will take care of her..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.