Is this really worth it?
2008-12-03 09:16:24 UTC
I broke up with my boyfriend about 3 weeks ago because I wanted to be with somebody else. We had gone out for 10 1/2 months and he really loved me(and still does) and I care about him still but I'm not "in love" with him. He wants me back and the past week we've talked and I've told him no we can't be together but I miss him physically because we've had sex a few times in our relationship and we haven't lately so I want to be with him that way but my conscience is telling me that it's not the right thing to do because I'll feel horrible afterwards. He also had sex with another girl about a week ago because he was drunk but now he tells me that was a stupid thing to do and he misses me. What should I do? He seems really sincere. But what would be good and bad about each side?
Two answers:
2008-12-03 10:11:02 UTC
If you're going to get back with him for sex, don't get back with him at all.

I think you should look at your own feelings. You might think he's sincere about wanting to get back together with you, but that doesn't mean that's going to make you happy. Consider why exactly you broke up with him for that other person, they're differences, etc. Then make your choice.

Good luck!.
2008-12-03 17:50:15 UTC
did you get with the guy you left him for and if you didn't maybe you should tell you x that you sorry and wanna go back out. but that's just my opinion

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