okay. we have been dating for almost 6 months now. things have been good for the most part. but sometimes he acts like he doesnt care about me or our relationship. he is a jerk around his friends and so nice when we're just alone. when we are together at school he always kids and jokes around his friends. i dont really feel anything at al anymore. but i just cant break up with him...sometimes i try to pick fights with him just to feel something! and he makes me mad al the time cause he doesnt act like he cares about me or anything! hes so nice sometimes but...ahh! idk. what do i do. how can i make him show that HE DOES CARE. im sick of tryin to pick fights to try to make things work. i like him so much.. how can i show how much it hurts that he doesnt show that he does...he says he does care...he just dont act like it. and it hurts! idk what to do.