Is this really considered child abuse? And if it is, what can i do??
2007-01-25 23:21:51 UTC
I'm almost 15 years old, and i live in a semi-troubled family. About 10 years ago, my dad started heavily drinking and would hit my brother, but i was never touched. As time grew on, he would start yelling and slapping me. My grades started to slip, and everytime i came home with a report card with a B+ on it, id get hit. In 3rd grade, my teacher noticed bruises and called CPS. My mom came up with a lie, and they believed it. Now that I'm older, and school work gets harder, im bringing home only Bs and Cs, sometimes lower. Everytime i do, i get yelled at, slapped several times and ignored completely for a week or two. Im called a useless b**** and a dirty w****, and other things like that on almost a daily basis. About 5 times this past year, ive been denied food for about a week, once it was longer. If my mom has a problem with something, she takes it out on me- i end up on the ground used like as a human punching bag. I feel like im treated like dirt. what should i do???
Eleven answers:
2007-01-25 23:32:16 UTC
Yes that most certainly is abuse, emotional and physical, speak to a counselor in school and let the chips fall where they may...dysfunctional family is one thing, abusive is another, don't stay quiet, talk to a counselor and tell them the truth, seriously...

otherwise you are just fooling yourself. Good Luck, I wish you the best.
2007-01-26 00:33:32 UTC
Sweet heart listen to me. The first thing I want you to do is get you and your brother to a safe place. Make sure that neither of your parents can hurt you and then call the police or child protective services. This is going to be an extremely difficult thing to do but you must do it. Beating you over grades especially really good ones with holding food and calling you names like that is ABUSE. You and your brother do not need to live like that. Run away and go straight to the police if you have to but GET OUT! Let me know if I can help you any more than this.
2007-01-25 23:53:11 UTC
For me that is a clear case of childabuse. B+ grades are very good. Your parents should love you no matter what kinds of bad grades you do have. Then if they are good parents, they would talk with you about the dropping grades and try to find a constructive solution. With constructive solution I mean, they might help you study by studying with you, or ask a teacher to give you additional lessons or even suggest that you go by yourself or with your parents to a counsellor or a psychologist. Do you have a school-counsellor you can go to? A teacher? Someone else in your family like an aunt or an uncle, or grand-parents? Or even a parent of a friend of yours? It is your parents who make you have these bad grades. And then they are punishing you, who is not at fault, for their abusive behaviour. That is totally not ok. You are in a difficult situation.
2007-01-25 23:38:53 UTC
OMG--Sorry, yeah, I know how you feel. I'm swearing at your dad over and over again right now, my problems feel like nothing.

Yeah, I told my dad I was gay (I know it's a bit different, but I can relate to you a lot, and I'm using my story to tell you how to get them in trouble) in March '06, I'm also 15 , by the way, and ever since he's basically hated me. He tried to beat me up and the police were like, "Oh, well, we'd have to take you away, that's all we could do, blah blah blah." I live in Utah, and they're really into family, so as dirty fag *sarcasm*, I should get taken away. Well, actually, they'd have to take away all of the kids, which my mom wouldn't let, and then tell them to take my dad, but yeah, anyway---

In November, my dad freaked out when he heard me talking about homosexuality to some family members at Thanksgiving dinner. He started ranting to my mom in their bedroom about how awful I am and blah blah. Then a few days later, I was on the computer and he started telling me I can't use any of our computers (I use my mom's work laptop now) and I am useless and should die. I didn't deserve anything and I should drop dead and die if I have any honor. I told my counselor at school, she called child services and they told my dad he can't talk to me at all. (Though my parents are married, so it is awkward at times.)

Anyway, you really need to fight it. If you're mom is lying, then you need to do as much as you can to get Child and Family Services involved. They will get very involved. That whole food thing is illegal nation-wide, the longest you can be not allowed is 2 meals and it has to be in a 24-hour period.

Anyway, if you're really a human punching bag, then show bruises to your school counselor and it should get taken care of within a day or 2.

I hope it all turns out okay, e-mail me at if you ever want to talk. ^_^
2016-10-16 07:13:02 UTC
i imagine people imagine of kid abuse as some thing intentional... and in all likelihood to get some form of twisted entertainment from it. some thing like a smoker must be more desirable seen as new child forget... at perfect case the parent is risking their youngster's wellbeing so that you'll proceed their habit, hoping that the study displaying it is risky to little ones are fake. forget looks to conceal a much wider determination of debatable matters. people look to apply new child abuse as an attempt to amp up the seriousness of the act to attempt to make people imagine... more desirable of a wonder component used in a debate then genuinely abuse. although, those debates are already beginning on the incorrect song because it makes issues own... like call calling, they in many cases only get heated and sidetracked from the authentic topic. i'd not evaluate many stuff abuse because few father and mom maliciously damage their little ones. forget covers many matters to various degrees. to illustrate, no longer feeding your new child sufficient nutrition because yo u can't have sufficient money it must be on the more desirable serious area. one component people would evaluate unusual is even genital slicing may be seen forget quite of abuse. the father and mom do not maliciously damage their new child, they only income this for faulty motives. in this concern it is more desirable of a difficulty with the society, way of life, even perchance political or achieved for income. putting each and every of the blame on the father and mom can too harsh. that is the position calling it out as abuse ought to easily have minimum result, people ought to close out the concern. Explaining the why and how is practically continually more desirable efficient at replacing people's perspectives. to illustrate, when I communicate out again male circumcision i recognize father and mom only go with to do what's perfect for his or her new child. I clarify that even searching on the most slanted study the benefits a baby ought to obtain do no longer outweigh the adverse outcomes of the surgical procedure. also, the study that tutor reward/drawbacks for adults would properly be evaluated through adults... their precise to go back to a call on ought to no longer be overridden until eventually their is a few thing prompt... ie a vaccine. It sucks even as people dont see eye to eye and a baby suffers hence, yet you could only income this a lot.
2007-01-25 23:54:32 UTC
Wake up!!! Get help! I went through the same thing when I was your age! I'm45 now, I have my own kids now! I learned from my past not to treat my kids the way I was treated! I lost my temper a few times!! You need someone to help and support you. Go to your councelor at school,thats a start!!! Good luck!
Speed, I Am Speed
2007-01-25 23:31:24 UTC
Are you insane????? Of course that's child abuse!!!!!!!! Report it immediately!!! I can't believe that you could live like that without telling anybody!!!!!!!!!! Tell the police or child services. They will make sure you get a safer home. If you go at least 96 hours without water, you could die. That is really bad for you. I would do something right away. I don't care if your parents threaten you with your life, tell someone!!!!!!
2007-01-25 23:49:29 UTC
Yes...this is absolutely abuse and you need to report it to school authorities and police. You're older now...make them believe what you're enduring. You cannot continue to live like this without carrying scars of a lifetime
2007-01-25 23:48:11 UTC
Yes, this is child abuse. You need to talk to your school counselor as soon as possible.
Bui Bui
2007-01-25 23:30:05 UTC
you should talk to your teacher or social worker about this. You don't deserve to be treated like that
2007-01-25 23:46:11 UTC
girl, what u waiting for? why haven't you told anyone? call and get some help before it's too late....dont' you ever let anyone do that to you......

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