2011-05-09 21:44:35 UTC
When i met him he was a lonely, sad and cash broke man. He told me his wife abused him and that she was not happy with what he made which was about two thousand dollars. He is a restaurant manager. He never told me that his wife was pregnant and when he did tell me, it was the day after she gave birth. On the night she gave birth he even came by to where i worked to say hello to me in the evening. Later he told me that the youngest, a daughter - the third child in the family was not even his. He earned my empathy. I wanted to set this man straight. I resolved to work him and make sure he started feeling better about himself. When at this point he told me he wanted to walk out of his home- i said no. Because i felt that regardless of whether the child was his or not, his wife had just given birth and this was not the time for him to walk out. I wouldn't wish this on myself and It will be devastating for a woman especially with 3 young children. There was good and bad that came out of this.
I made his life, mine. Our dates revolved around his restuarant, his work. I did his proposals. Waitressed and cashiered. And was available 24/7 for him as and when he needed me to talk about anything that he wanted to. We discussed his work and his staff. I got along very well with his staff and alot of people though suspected that he and i were an 'item' they also believed that i was his brains and back bone. One of his staffs told me this. Believe me in 3 months - he was promoted and within 5 months, saw yet another increment in his salary. He was no longer broke and was finding respect and the manliness that he was not seeing earlier in his community. He always made it known to me that I was the woman behind his success and i took note NOT to gloat and let myself soar in my heart for my success because by this time i was already suspecting things were better at his house. Insecurity set in within me.
Then one day he fell ill and he changed altogether. He told me that he was suspecting that it was stomach cancer. I went out of order. I prayed daily in the mornings on my prayer mat. I would wake up and I was terribly scared that he might just die. Imagine waking up daily at 4 am to pray and each day with tears and hope that he will recover. His test results came and it was ulcer. Than his fangs started showing. Increasingly he cancelled our dates. He cancelled our Friday dates. Each day all i got from him was Gdmorning B. LU - which meant - gdmrng baby. love you. He started to tell me that his children were his priority and that even I was not anymore. That hurt alot. After all that I did for him. But I gave in. I told myself that if his happiness and his heart was with his children then I should let him be. One of the reasons i loved him so much was because he loved his kids. Even when he told me he wanted to leave his wife and children, he always said that he wanted to make sure the boys had funds. But the truth was he was in demand now. His wife and he worked out their differences which is fine.
All i asked of him when we were together was to be upfront with me. To tell me he was working things out at home if he was because i do understand that children were involved. BUT he always and always told me that his daughter was another man's child and that his wife had had many men and that he will never forgive her for what he had been subjected to and the humiliation of being with her. I understood his feelings from a male's point of view. I truly loved him. I thought he was perfect, tender, responsible and kind. But directionless. There is more and it doesnt get easier.
I eventually broke up with him without a word concluding that if he wanted to work things out with his wife - i should let him since there were children involved. I refused to take calls and just started missing in action. Got a few where are you messages and soon that stopped when i refused to respond. I was really trying to be civil and control my emotions and not act on the rage and madness and sadness that I was going through within me. I want to highlight that as much as I have given and done for him - I am an attractive and a fiesty person. I live by my rules and am cheerful. I believe that people have a right to their choices. which was why i started seeing him and which is also why i decided to stop seeing him. And than more madness started. One of his wife's ex boyfriend starting looking me up on facebook.I di