need help tonight please?
Candice M
2008-12-09 03:13:00 UTC
I was bullied allot in school and left because I couldn't handle the bullying to be correspondence schooled I ate a lot to comfort myself and gained weight, I am a very angry person now and make my family angry and upset, I cry a lot and the way I figure that I am a large burden on my family and I owe it to them to rid myself of them, I figure I should disappear or "get rid" of myself. I do not want to emphasize that I am NOT looking for attention nor am I trolling, can anyone help me out please?
Four answers:
2008-12-09 03:28:12 UTC
I think you need help, just apologize to your family before it's too late, and pay them back for what they've had to deal with, do chores, just to gain their respect and happiness back, as for getting angry and eating when your upset, I suggest when you do get angry or upset, or anything, start boxing, it'll make you lose weight, and it takes out your anger because you get to hit something, and it makes you feel better too, to help you concentrate.

- hope it helps -

PS - once you get better at boxing too stand up for yourself to the bullies
hawt milf
2008-12-09 11:31:59 UTC
this is a problem more common than you think. you can not disappear or off yourself. you need to take control of your life. keep up with the online schooling. diet and exercise. when a person is overweight, they are depressed and have no energy...sounds like you. once you lose the weight, you'll be less angry to your family. keep a daily journal and write down your feelings.if you can , see a counselor. things are so much different after high school. in the real world, people are not as cruel as high school kids. all this will pass, hang in there. i was fat and unpopular in high school. after high school, i lost weight and gained self confidence. all the guys who wouldn't give me the time of day in school wanted to date me after they saw the "new me"....well guess what...i wasn't interested!! good luck, you can do it.
2008-12-09 11:27:37 UTC
See candi, for no parents u r burden nor dont get rigid urself, bcz in life evrything happens.. just it is bad time that s it.. u just study wel, concetrate, once u r the topper, Just prove once...then just see.. u wil rememmber my ans...
2008-12-09 11:21:16 UTC
this is far beyond my reach, i probably don't live near you, i dont know much about you, im sorry i cant help, you need to see a counsellor.

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