I'm getting bullied... Please help?
2007-11-27 12:10:01 UTC
I'm 18 and I'm getting picked on by 2 girls in my class. If I make a mistake or get something wrong, they always go out of their way to laugh hysterically, and make a bigger issue out of the situation. It's bitchy behaviour rather than threatening bullying. They mimic me in front of me. They always hum the Corrie theme tune loudly if I come into the room (because I apparantly look like Carla Connor of Coronation street). I've never been anything but nice to them, so I've done nothing to provoke them. I was bullied at school, and I hate the thought of going into college everyday. i want to tell my tutor but don't know what to say to her. Please give me some advice.
68 answers:
2007-11-27 12:16:45 UTC
Stand tall, hold your head up high! The next asinine comment they make, simply look them straight in the eye, and explain that you understand about their condition, many people suffer from low self esteem. If it makes them feel better about themselves to put you down, you've got strong shoulders and enough self esteem to spare!

Be proud! And if you want to really lay it on, give them a compliment after you finish that speech. Kill them with kindness, they'll get tired of looking like the idiots they are, and eventually shut up, when they realize that people now are feeling sorry for them, or laughing at them, depending on whom is watching!
stephen m
2007-11-27 12:47:23 UTC
What authority does your tutor have over the situation? Are you currently in college?

If you want her to know just so she understands your situation then simply tell it to her. On the other hand, if you want her to do something about it, tell her but don't expect a savior (unless she is a black belt in jujitsu).

I am short and my last name is miracle. I also tend to learn things quicker than others. People tried and do pick on me, but its allright.

You need to understand that not everyone will like you and some will think you are odd, strange, or different. I'm sure you think the same way about others. It sucks, but is life.

Instead of trying to change the girls minds, which probably would never happen, focus on the reason that you go to school (I'm still assuming you are in college) or the higher goal in your life. The girls probably would move on or might continue. Either way, you shouldn't care.

If the problem gets to the point where they are physically disrupting your learning and you are simply focusing on the higher goal. Humiliate them in a public place. A few sarcastic comments toward a bully when you don't care will always make them wimper away. The class is probably sick of it as you or nobody cares and the bully has nothing to stand on.
2007-11-27 12:19:12 UTC
They are being bitchy rather than abusive and violent because you look like Carla from Corrie, correct? Have you seen this Carla? She's stunning! These two little witches must be jealous of you and are trying to undermine your confidence and by the sounds of things are doing a very good job of it.

You should try to be the bigger person - which is easier said than done I know - and if this is too much for you to handle then have a word with your tutor. I think you can do this and when you do you'll feel so much better for it. Good luck sweetie :)
2007-11-27 12:21:52 UTC
One thing is that a bully makes fun of people simply because they do not feel secure with themselves. Have you heard the phrase "Misery loves company" that's what it means.

One way to stop people from disrespecting you is to be the bigger person. A bully hates and I mean really hates it when they cannot get a rise from you.

Here's one way to handle the situation. Next time they humm the song, smile and enjoy it. when they make fun of you laugh with them but do not say a word. They will come at you a few more times then move on to someone else. It's not your fault or wrong doing, you just happen to be the person they get a rise out of at the moment.
2007-11-27 12:23:57 UTC
i know what u mean... the best thing to do is ignore them i know easier said than done.. or go up to them n be like what have u got against could do that after all you seem much more mature than they are and they are just patheitc jealous girls and if thats all they can do is thikn about u all the time n laugh at you and mimic you everything is about u take it with a pinch of salt they obviolsly have an obsession with YOU so take it in ur stride n keep ur head high they will soon get bored trust me. they are dicks and worthy of nothin let alone ur time jus concentrate on ur work and u will succeed and they will fail cos all the will be doin is thinking about you!!

knock em out suceedd!!

good luck girl!
2007-11-27 12:21:45 UTC
You shouldn't have to put up with that crap at 18 - you're an adult.

Start acting like one and maybe you won't get bullied?

Tell the tutor, tell the headteacher, tell the governors! Anyone that will listen.

You shouldn't have to ask for them to be sorted out, you are well within your rights to DEMAND IT.

Wait back after class when everyone is gone and pull the teacher up "Please can i have a word? I don't know if you have noticed, but i am being targetted by ***** and Bitchier and they are making my education very unenjoyable. I need you to do something about them."

It will either stop or maybe get worse at which point you go back to the teacher asap and tell him that he has to do something and if he doesn't, you will report him.

Simple as. Maybe get a family member to speak to them also if you are nervous about it.
2007-11-27 12:17:15 UTC
If you look like Carla then you must be stunning. Are you quite clever too? It's probably jealousy. Bullies are usually the one's with the problem. They need as much help as you do. You need to find someone you can trust and tell them. Just try to ignore them. If you don't retaliate or react they will probably get bored and leave yo alone. The problem is they will choose someone else so you need to tell for their sakes too. Good luck. My daughter was bullied at school ad this continued when she left school too. If it is any consolation she is happily married with a lovely husband and baby, good job, car and home. The bully is a single parent living in a council house with no job. I rest my case.
2007-11-27 12:16:45 UTC
First of all, **** like this doesn't happen in college... well, it probably does to a degree, but most people by then have grown up... also, to a degree, so don't worry about the college aspect. Second of all, if you're nice to them even all they treat you like ****, you probably have a confrontation issue with people and are timid or shy, but that's alright because they expect this from you and probably prey on you because of it. Next time they give you ****, snap at them, yell at them, or what have you, even if it's in the middle of class... and be serious about it, they certainly won't expect it and might even leave you alone (And if it's in the middle of class will probably get embarrassed). Fight back in a way that's not confrontational but that shows to them that you don't give a **** what they think... even if you do. You're 18, so you'll be out soon and can move on with your life.
2007-11-27 12:19:05 UTC
U know the best thing to do is laugh at them and with them. When they see that.. they will back off. PPl like that r hungry for attention and if u scoop to their level then you're just as bad. Don't give them the attention they want from u. Just ignor them and If was me ..Just look at them as they r stupid and walk off and ignor them. They seems to be jeolous of u. There is alot of ways to solve this issue. Yea u can talk to ur tutor or go talk to the councelor. They may have good advice too. Them girls were obviously not ur friends after all.(what kind of friends do they have?)
2007-11-27 12:17:30 UTC
Wow! that I expect from a middle school,maybe a high school but not college.

If you give them the time or shoe you are upset by what they are doing they will continue.

Try not paying any attention at all,or just the opposite..laugh at your self with them (ha,ha,I do look like Carla)(or whatever). If these girls cannot get a reaction it wont be fun for them anymore and they should stop..
2007-11-27 12:41:47 UTC
For one, they need to grow up! Are they doing this "in" class I'm assuming? Continue just to be nice, but stay strong in your convictions. You be the better person here. Start just totally ignoring them as if they are invisible, they won't be able to stand it knowing you are not allowing them to get to you. That is just wrong. Tell your tudor what is going on, no harm there. It is not that you are being weak, as I am a nice person too, and boy I could tell you some stories. But it will make you a much stronger person in the long run if you maybe even stand up to them and ask them what their problem is and go from there. You are just a nice person and they aren't, so tell them to get over themselves. Lots of options. Take Care and be STRONG.
2007-11-27 12:16:10 UTC
Tell your tutor. It takes a lot of courage but you have to do it. You could also try helplines for bullying like:

Call ChildLine on 0800 11 11 (any time of the day or night). Calls are free and confidential. The lines can be really busy, so you may need to ring a few times before you get through.

you can also try
2007-11-27 12:23:28 UTC
Try this. I want you to take some very deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take four deep breaths. Sit up straight in your chair, or stand, and push your shoulders back, lift your chin up so you're looking straight ahead. Now, I know there has been a time in your life when you were strong and I want you to remember that time right now. Bring that memory into your mind right now. Make the pictures in your mind bold and bright colours. If the pictures in your mind are small, bring them closer to you and put them right in the middle, nice and big so you can see them clearly. Remembering the great feelings you had when you were strong and fair and had all the resources you need to deal with anything.

OK, from this place I want you to think about these girls and just see them in your mind. Put the picture of them lower down in your mind, dim their colours (maybe black and white) and then observe what they're doing.

Now, from this position, make a decision about what you're going to do. Remember, you have many choices open to you. You could talk to your tutor, you could stay away from them, you could talk to some people at College about them, you could challenge them directly, you could tease them back or you could do nothing and let it wash over you and just laugh inside as they try and affect you.

Remember, you have all the resources you need to deal with this and I know sometimes i doesn;'t feel like that. Remember to breathe deeply, remember you can be strong, you can handle hard things and remember that sound inside of you laughing gently to yourself.
2007-11-27 12:20:58 UTC
This is going to sound really juvinile go with it right back at them. Don't be nice, some people are just black hearted souls. It is harrassement, when they do something wrong give it right back at them. Put the shoe on the other foot. There is only one way to deal with bullies make them know what it feels like. When they call you this Corrie just tell them you damn right and don't I look good. Whatever you do don't cowar and hide. Just ask them are you so inscure in who you are that you have to treat people bad to make yourself feel like someone. That is usually the case.
2007-11-27 12:22:11 UTC
You pick out the biggest one of the two and just walk up to her one day (preferably when she's got her hands full) and take the hardest swing at her face with your fist as you can and when she goes down be on top of her before she hits the ground. I'll guarantee you the aggraviting will stop. You'll probably get an assault charge against you but anyone around will know that you mean business. I can promise you that those two girls have never had a REAL @$$ WHIPPING!
2007-11-27 12:21:22 UTC
What I would do in a situation like that is, when they laugh at you, laugh with them (or let them think you are laughing with them), do not let them know that it bothers you. They appear to be the sort of people who like to hurt others. If they are not hurting you, they will stop trying to hurt you. Also when you have a lot of confidence and are sure of yourself, you can laugh and not care what they are saying. Just tell yourself that you are the best, you have good friends, and you do not care what those people think because they are the ones who have the problem, not you.
2007-11-27 12:16:42 UTC
If you are being bullied than tell the people who are bulling you off and if they are still bitchy than find some dirt on them and then make them sorry for what they have done to you and if you dont than they will just keep doing it trust me i have been in a sitchuation like this before!

Good Luck! I hope that they stop bullying you!
2007-11-27 12:16:24 UTC
I don't want to give you the stereotypical answer, but unfortunately they seem to be the best kind.

Ignoring them usually works. they'll leave you alone soon. Its not like middle school where you can tell the teacher and have a parent-teacher conference.

I'm 20 and i'm STILL getting bullied by this one guy in class, but last year my boyfriends best friends all made fun of me all the time and he just went along with it. It sucks, but just SERIOUSLY don't let it get to you. They're inconsiderate people and its not worth it.

at my school we have these free on campus therapists, and I went to one. She helped out a lot. I suggest that, if it is available to you.
2007-11-27 12:17:12 UTC
well i have delt with things like this is school when i was your age. when they start laughing. laugh as well. laugh and think wow poor girls have no life they dont understand anyting about people . poor girls and laugh knowing htat you are not like them. if they know they arent getting to you (cause you are better than them and on a highr level of class by the way) they will stop and pick someone else or low and behold they might actually learn something! lol! lmao! take teh high ground and see what happens. just keep on smiling and know you ARE better than them. in ten years you will have more done in your life than they will. hold your head high and do your life. caue you rock! lol.......christina
2007-11-27 12:17:00 UTC
Darlin i kno exactly how u feel i went through the same thing wen i was in college bout a yr ago.

And u feel like ders nothing u can do,so i kno dis might not help but i just used to smile and acted like it didnt bother me,laugh back at dem,and mabye a few sly comments towards them wont go astray to show u dnt give a ****,because if dey notice der hurting u dey will dem at their own game pet

good luck and keep ur chin up
Holly S
2007-11-27 12:33:52 UTC
well first of all i remeber high school graduated in 2000 well i can tell ya the reason why they bully you they are in some way jealous of you!!! I had a guy in my class in middle school that use to call me mop head....never seen him in highschool he found me on myspace and he had nothing but nice things to say.... that he knew what he was doing but he didnt mean to hurt me if e ever did!!!! which he did but he later told me he had the biggest crush on me and we are now good friends im married so things would never happen between me and him but its just funny to see how the tables turned.... Stand up for yourself cant let people run all over you!!!! Just ask them plain out y they do the things they do to you dont be rude but dont be soft cant let them know they get to you thats why there doing it standup foryourself ignore them take action into your own hands talk to your teacher.....
2007-11-27 12:27:51 UTC
sorry this is happening to you. some ppl are idiots. i went through this in highschool. i have to wonder why the teach lets them laugh? anyways, they obviously know it gets to you. you can try this it worked for me. when they laugh at a mistake cover your mouth and laugh (make sure they see it) hum along with them when they do, act or do something like conner does on the show, try your best not to let them see anything they do bothers you. dont associate with them anymore than you have to, but make sure you let them see how so funny there are. this really did help me in high school. anytime this group of girls would make fun of me, i would just play along and eventually they saw they couldnt make me upset. good luck to you
alison h
2007-11-27 12:22:28 UTC
write down every time something is said,what they say or do and date it,sort of like keeping a journal,add names of anyone that is present when comments are made and when you have enough down approach your tutor in private and explain what you are feeling and how it is upsetting you then show her the journal,if it is written down she can,t ignore it and it is easier than you trying to repeat the will find with this type of evidence it will be easier for action to be taken,keep your chin up and don,t let them beat you.they can only make you feel bad if you let them,bullies are just jealous and insecure people.
2007-11-27 12:17:27 UTC
Things change soooo much when you get out of highschool. My advice is ignore it and let them keep making themselves look bad. Saying something to immature girls like that won't help. Just wait 10 years and see how fat and ugly they get. I wasn't very popular in school and when ever I run into old classmates I get to walk away laughing at how much weight they have gained and how great I look!
2007-11-27 12:17:56 UTC
Just ignore them. The pre-teen and teenaged years are the years that kids try to make everybody upset or hurt by laughing at you, spreading rumors about you, and all kind of that junk. You can tell your tutor, but that won't stop them. That will just make them want revenge.

Nothing and no one can make them stop doing that stuff; only they can choose to do so. They're being mean, they think they're being cool, but they're just being obnoxious.

Ignore them and the problem will stop bothering you. They're just being immature...and being natural. All people have been doing...and going through...the same thing for hundreds of years.

Don't let them bug you; no one can make you angry or upset without your permission. If you want to feel angry at what they do to you, go ahead. If you want to be upset, go ahead. If you want to ignore them and smile at how stupid they look, go ahead. Only YOU can decide how you feel about what they're doing to you!

2007-11-28 07:28:04 UTC
Speak to them and tell them how it makes you feel when they do this to you.

Ask they other than your looks what has made them want to be cruel to you?

Ask them to stop.

Try your hardest not to become agitated when confronting them. Maintain calm breathing and voice when talking with them.

If they persist to be immature, notify someone in Authority. Keep finding a person higher if the behavior continues.

Speaak to your parents about this!
jean s
2007-11-27 12:16:42 UTC
sounds like you are being bullied. What cowards do they only do this when they are 2gether. You should speak to your tutor. Try if possible to get her to have a group meeting then this way you are doing it openly as they may feel you have went behind their backs. This way hopefully they will be made to face up to their own insecurities..Good luck in whatever you choose to do
2007-11-27 12:17:19 UTC
Next time they laugh at you or mimic you, just turn around and say to them "Wow, even people with low I.Q enter college this days." If they try to intimidate you, just stay calm and say that if their behavior was not as moronic, you would have never said that before.
2007-11-27 12:17:02 UTC
I was bullied at school!! Either ignore them and theyll get bored or answer them back!! Answerin back is satisfyin but will get u in trouble and they will never leave you alone!! I got bullied but when i finally stuck up for masel and beat them up, it all stopped and I got a new earned respect!! JTry being really nice to them smile widely hold ur head confidently laugh at them when they laugh at you! say hello to them!! They will hate it!!
2007-11-27 17:55:18 UTC
Don't do anything. Just ignore them and go on. 'cause eventually they will get bored and tired of bullying you and move on. Trust me. i'm being bullied now by people, but i dont give a damn. This happened a lot to me. But trust me. Pretend your life is just the way you want it without them in it.
2007-11-27 12:20:35 UTC
You look like Carla...? Its simple really,,they just jealous little bitches...Carla is beautiful.

Speak to your tutor in confidence..she should have had some guidance in how to deal with this....

I wish I looked like Carla but being as I look more like Schmeichel the Great Dane....I would just like to settle for bonking Liam Connor...he is one seriously sexy man...
2007-11-27 12:18:01 UTC
well ur not the only one who goes through these things tell some one u trust, or ur head teacher and they will help u no school these days ignore people with problems and bulling . and they just do it cos they no they are pathetically stupid and couldn't get any think right if they tried, or if all else faults stand up for ur self and ask "wot is ur problem" your 18
Lupe S
2007-11-27 12:32:32 UTC
Confront the witches... Tell them that you don't appreciate it and that you have better things to do and listen to, other than their snickering about you behind your back... I'm sure if they are as stupid as you make them sound they'll be intimidated enough just by you saying something to them... Call them out in front of all their friends.... Make them look and sound as bad as they do you....
2007-11-27 12:27:52 UTC
They are jealious of you. What do you have that they don't. Why are they important to you? Why are you important to them? Say hello to them and tell them that they are mean people. Figure out their why's and you will know how to stop the problem, and maybe become freinds, or at least be left alone.
2007-11-27 12:14:49 UTC
You shouldn't be getting bullied at the age of 18. You need to stand up for yourself.
2007-11-27 12:15:45 UTC
I'd look them straight in the eyes and ask quite loud, but calmy,....." What is their problem?" Then wait for them to answer. You might want to then add "you are really looking foolish acting the way you do." Then walk away with your head up high.
Spooky Mouse
2007-11-27 12:17:09 UTC
Talk to your parents about it... Mental abuse can be and somtimes is worse than physical abuse, ...

Somtimes people back down when they taste there own medicine what if you confronted her about it, think of a comical resmblence name for the pair of them....

Other than that you should let your parents know, thay may be able to help more than you think
2007-11-27 12:22:21 UTC
Make sure you have a good enough reasons and evidence before reporting because they are two and you are one they can easily deny the fact they've done all these thing to you except you have evidence. Please don't make matters worse than this Learn to ignore them sometimes.
2007-11-27 12:16:00 UTC
I'm in seventh grade so I know what your going through.I got bullied in the second grade.So my advise to you is just pray about it and tell your tutor and teacher.It's not called tattling if they are bothering you or bulling you.
2007-11-27 12:15:43 UTC
just tell them to stop and that they are better ways to settle this. Don't tell you tutor she it will make it worse. If you would like to talk to me about this some more im always there at!
2007-11-27 13:53:06 UTC
I think they probably just jealous of u, bullies usually are, just remember you're better than them coz ur a nicer person and rise above it x
2007-11-27 12:26:49 UTC
the worse thing you can do is to ever let them now that they bother you, go talk to your tutor what have you got to lose, and if you get no help from her then find who the head is and go to them, but what ever you do don't let them get to you, they are not worth it but you need to nip it in the bud like now, stand up to them give them as good as they give you try making friends with some big butch lad in the college and see if he will sort them out, but what ever you do don't let them get to you because you are worth more than that, perhaps they are just jealous of you if the Truth is known KEEP YOUR CHIN UP hold your head up high they are just scum AND YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEY BE STRONG good luck i will pray for god to guide you to do the rite thing and that they will leave you alone god bless what ever you do dont hit out at them dont stalk, them dont do anything stupid because you will end up getting chucked out of college, go to your tutor and get it sorted my god you shouldnt have to put up with this not in college they realy need to grow up.
you Dunno
2007-11-28 11:30:51 UTC
this might not be the best advice to give to you that everyone else is giving, but, confronting them makes no difference, people who like to tease other people just have it in their nature to not like other people to a certain degree and act out accordingly to it, my advice would be to act like it never bothers you even if it does, in your mind, when they do it, you should say to yourself "i don't care, i don't care, i don't care" soon enough, you really won't care. they like teasing you to see your reaction, making you feel bad, in the end if you don't ever feel bad, they'll try to tease you and if you show your un-effected by it, it makes them look like they just told a joke that no one laughed about.
2007-11-27 12:15:23 UTC
my dear dont pay attention to those girls, they are getting your attention and that's all what they want, believe me I went thru the same, and I just started ignoring them, and that worked for me, if they see that this is bothering you they are winning, and is better if you tell this to your tutor so they can be warned.
2007-11-27 12:14:12 UTC
Same thing happened to me...Finally I got the back bone I need and let everyone know they were not gonna pick on me anymore.
spongebobs biggest fan
2007-11-27 12:15:24 UTC
carla conner is pretty!

that suggests to me they are jealous!.... someone told me i looked like stacey slater... LOL i was ok with it!.. another website told me i was 74% likeness to a porn star and 71% likeness to angelina jolie...

thing is you cant take anything they say serious... everyone has different opinions and thoughts ...

rise above them you sound 40 times better!

these people are jealous just try and ignore them as best you can!
2007-11-27 12:18:39 UTC
they are obviously jealous of you, just tell the tutor what they are doing you shouldnt have to put up with that your not at school anymore they just havent grown up yet,
2007-11-27 12:15:07 UTC
i think that u should talk to the principal and tell him what is going on... let me tell u something when those two girls see that u let your self they take more advantage and keep doing it... u need to stand up for ur self.. be careful
2007-11-27 12:14:02 UTC
well they are obviously jelouse carla conner is gorgeous they must be too ugly and stupid ignore them, if they keep doing it tell someone above your tutor!
2007-11-27 12:15:49 UTC
hun the worst thing is to let it lie. don't be bitchy to them. thats what they want. don't let them walk all over you. they want to get the best of you. don't let them. thats how ppl get hurt. in more ways than one. go to the authoroties. use your wit with them show them you are not easily affected by their actions. just smile at them and ignore them. i know its hard but you have to. don't let them get to you.
2007-11-27 12:13:44 UTC
people are more mature in college - just make sure the idiot twins don't go to the same school as you
2007-11-27 12:14:33 UTC
telling them to f!@# off would work but don't stoop to that. if they don't see a reaction from you it wouldn't be any fun for them. show you don't give a rat's a@# and i bet they'll leave you alone. (you can alway sick me on them) just joking.
2007-11-28 05:53:22 UTC
WOW and I thought that kind of stuff was just highschool.
2007-11-27 12:13:42 UTC
i was bullied too, i went and stab him 3 times and he went to emergency room, i only got expelled from school for 1 calendar year, 6 month probation, and 20 hours of community work service as well as my record expunged after probation is gone, i did this when i was 17, and now i'm 18, nobody messes around with me anymore because they're all scared of me. since you're 18, i suggest you get revenge in another way, maybe you should stalk them home and then when you find out where they live, you should try to find out when is the best time to attack them, and maybe scratch their car or break their windows and then run off.
2007-11-27 12:13:34 UTC
copy and paste this into word and give it to your tutor.

and if i were you as soon as they laughed id turn to them and glare and ask "im sorry, i wasn't making a joke about CHO MAMA"
2007-11-27 12:24:13 UTC
Don't you know misery love company, ignore them.
2007-11-27 12:13:01 UTC
you need to stand up for yourself and ask then if they don't have anything better to do than make "you" thier center of attention, besides who knew you were so popular.
2007-11-27 12:12:53 UTC
Knock the **** out of them
2007-11-27 12:15:21 UTC
they`re jelous of you,, trust me i know, dont let them bring you down...stay strong girl.
the girl next door
2007-11-27 12:13:39 UTC
fight back, confront them, yell if ya' have to, but make your point a cross that they are bitches!!
2007-11-27 12:17:45 UTC
please tell your tutor, you cant keep this to your self , you have to tell someone try another teacher they are here to help you x
Don m
2007-11-27 12:13:04 UTC
get a body guard
2007-11-27 12:14:58 UTC
2007-11-27 12:12:27 UTC
Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.Fight back.
2007-11-28 11:06:40 UTC
my homie says run b!%c# run!!! And i say HA!HA!
2007-11-27 12:12:22 UTC
tutor wont do crap, get a big *** boyfreind and get him to slap them
2007-11-27 12:43:42 UTC
king kong
2007-11-27 12:11:55 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.