My husband didn t say happy Mother s Day?
10 years ago
My husband didn t say happy Mother s Day to me but he called his mom to tell her he lives her .. But my ex husband father of my first two called me and sent a little something with my kids I feel devistated
39 answers:
10 years ago
Your day didn't go completely unacknowledged, as your ex did remember and called you. Yes, it sucks that your husband didn't do anything or wish you a happy mother's day, especially if your children together are too young to have done anything themselves. I do think that being devastated is a bit of an overreaction. He's set the tone, now you know that you are under no obligation to do anything or even wish him a happy father's day next month.
10 years ago
Some people do not place the same importance on arbitrary described holidays as others, nothing right or wrong about it, just the way it is.

Plenty of people, myself being one of them, see nothing any more or less important about Mother's Day, New Year's Eve, a birthday, anniversary, etc, than any other day of the year.

Being a parent is important,Mother's or Father's Day is not. Being married is important, an anniversary is not. Being alive is important, a birthday is not.

Your husband called his mother on Mother's Day, and that ought to be sufficient.

If he is otherwise a good and decent man and husband , keep him. If he is simply a bad human being or a terrible husband, his buying a card from Hallmark would not make much difference.

If Mother's Day is important to you, make sure your children know that, and if you want your husband to do something specific, TELL HIM SPECIFICALLY WHAT YOU WANT HIM TO DO!! Do not hint, do not wait for him to figure it out, do not think it should be automatic, do not assume he should wish to do it without prompting.

You are an adult married to an adult, both of you are allowed (and encouraged) to speak up about what you want. Neither of you are allowed to get annoyed because the other can not read minds.
Kristy Smith
10 years ago
Different people live by different rules. Personally, I think it's your children that should tell you happy mother's day, not your husband. Because this day is between children and their mothers. Your husband should say it to his mother and you to your mother.

Your ex may believe that all women should be recognized as long as they are mothers. Or he may just want to have an excuse to connect with you. While your husband doesn't need that excuse and so he doesn't have to say it.

When your husband doesn't acknowledge your birthday or Valentine's day or your anniversary, THEN you can feel offended.
10 years ago
Wow.... you expressed some emotional maturity in your commits about your ex and being bitter and confrontational. But then you chose as best answer one that suggests title or tat and gave it 4 stars. If you think mother's and father's day are important events should you not be teaching your children this regardless of how how your husband is acting? By the why did you have your children help you pick out your gift for your mother to help them think about this day being a day to get gifts for mothers?

Emotional maturity includes so many things.... none of which are selfiness.
10 years ago
Technically, you are not your husband's mother.

And it sounds like your husband is not even the father of your children.

Sure, it's nice if a guy thinks of wishing you a happy mother's day, especially if you are not his mother and you are not the mother of HIS children.

But no one is perfect.

Save your devastation for the BIG problems .. like him hitting you, or cheating on you, or becoming an alcoholic.

You can't make an issue out of everything if you want to keep your marriage.

You either accept, or you lose the love. And if their behavior IS unacceptable in your eyes ... then you have to leave them.]

We have to grow up, emotionally, if we are going to stay married.
10 years ago
I think its very inconsiderate for your husband to not say "Happy mother's day to you" I mean how hard is it? Would you forget fathers day or his birthday. That's a really selfish person and if he doesn't realize how important it is to you, there's something not right with this guy. I mean this is your husband, your supposed best friend and life partner, and he can't say three words to you? How often does he tell you he loves you. Does he appreciate you? I wouldn't stay married to someone like that.
10 years ago
Do you think he did it intentionally or did he just not have his brain in gear? How you answer that is what reallyvcoubts. Its not being wish a Happy Mother's Day is what bothers you.. it's more like you feel he forgot about you it wouldn't matter what day it was.
10 years ago
My husband didn't acknowledge me either. I prepared dinner and did the dishes while he went for a cigarette. All I can say is I can't wait for Father's Day! Not only is he not getting acknowledged but he's getting COLD McDonalds!
10 years ago
You wish your husband acknowledged mother's day for you because he seems to accept your kids as his own? Tell him! I was expecting mother's day to be a bit more special... If he clues in, he'll make up for it in the next few days.
10 years ago
Neither did mine. It's more than just being someone's mother, it's about being appreciated for all of your hard work. Being a good mother is a hard job and you never get a day off. It's nice when someone appreciates you. My kids didn't celebrate Mother's day either. Idk what happened, I know they knew it was coming. I was looking forward to it and couldn't wait to spend a special day with my family. Instead it was lonely and sad.
10 years ago
You should let your husband know this really hurt you ! My ex used to forget all my birthdays ! It really hurt me. To me, it meant, he did not care !

You should definitely let him know this was very important to you and him not wishing you a Happy Mother's Day really hurt you.

The kids are not his ? Is he nice to the kids at least ?

Tell him to make up for it and give you a Belated Mother's Day gift.
10 years ago
Actually, it sounds like your husband just doesn't quite feel like he can call your children his own given that they are from a previous marriage. Maybe this is a good time to open up a dialogue with him and discuss his feelings on the matter. If you want him to fully see your children as his children, too, he needs to know that's how you feel.
10 years ago
Well i didn't do anything for my mom for mother's day (i'm 17) she didn't seem to care much, i actually didn't even know it was mother's day i mean what's the big deal?
10 years ago
Well, if you two don't have a child together I can see why he wouldn't feel the need to celebrate it with you, regardless of you being a mother (to someone else's children)
10 years ago
I told my wife Happy Mother's Day at midnight since we were both awake.
10 years ago
Wow, if a guy who's not your son failing to wish you a Happy Mother's Day is enough to "devistate" you, you are pretty needy. How old are you?
10 years ago
Why should mothers be acknowledged just ONE day of the year, because this country tells us to? Also, if you are poor, or maybe not in a good financial place, then maybe he was ashamed to just say, "Happy mothers Day".
10 years ago
There is a real disconnect with your husband. He has sense of the day but not for you. Look within and ask yourself what it really is about. This is miniscule compared to the real problem at heart. Open the dialogue, seek to understand and see how to make it better for the future. Imagine what the kids are feeling?
9 years ago
He bought you what you wanted which was nice but it doesn't take long or much effort on the day to tell you how much he appreciates what you do. Fighting isn't the answer but just letting him know how and why it made you feel like it did could prevent this fight later on.
10 years ago
THERE are NO spaces alllowed as a substitute for the apostrophe in contractions. DIDN T and MOTHER S IS EXCRUTIATINGLY BAD ENGLISH GRAMMAR. Why are people using this horrid grammar things? Also, "devistated" is incorrect. DEVASTATED is the correct spelling. Root word: devastation.
10 years ago
Well i will say to u.Happy Mothers Day-Dave M Florida.
10 years ago
With that attitude, I see your third marriage will not be too far away because your things of important in life and marriage is out of order. Keep it up woman and your children will appreciate you even more for the father figure they are dealing with.
10 years ago
I hope you husband gets a new wife. Financially supporting you and someone else's kids are clearly not enough for you
10 years ago
For all the people saying she's not his mom, she is still the mother of HIS kids and therefore should be acknowledged and appreciated for all she does in raising and nurturing HIS children.
10 years ago
you aren't his mother. why should he wish you a happy mother's day?
10 years ago
is your husband your son? only offspring should say it else it's a bit odd
10 years ago
u re not his mother. and if u still love your ex - maybe u should go to him. I personally would discard anything my ex sent to me and wouldn't even listen to his congratulations
10 years ago
Get over yourself, what a stupid question. He is your husband not your child.
10 years ago
he's a a$$hole go f**k his brother
10 years ago
Are you his mother?
10 years ago
Your not his mom that's why
10 years ago
Hes your ex.
10 years ago
you're not his mother.
10 years ago
Talk to him.

Ignore the rude negative answers.
10 years ago
does one day really define your relationship? pretty sad.
10 years ago
you must be driddddddddddd , my man bought me tickets to fetty waps concert HANKKKKKKKKKKK
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
idk his problem


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