I am ignored a lot, and my life is pretty boring...?
2007-08-23 16:26:51 UTC
And NO, the “What? I didn’t hear you.” joke is played out and unoriginal. It DOESN’T make you cool, sorry.


Gah! My life is so pathetic…

I’m always ignored and I am not really good at much. I never have anywhere to go and so I’m bored a lot. It is not as simple as just leaving the house and just walking around and meeting people, because I am a petite girl that cannot run fast. What if something happened? I could get abducted, and it is not that hard these days, especially in my neighborhood.

Then in school, I’m trying to concentrate on my work, so there is not much opportunity to socialize. It is an EXTREMELY small private school, so I more-or-less know everyone. My school does not have any clubs to join and my neighborhood doesn’t have a community center. I am usually shunned by the people my age around here anyway since I “talk white.”
28 answers:
2007-08-23 16:34:45 UTC
Have you thought about taking some continuing education classes at a local community college or university? At least that way you can see if you develop an interest or knack at something (creative writing, a foreign language, art, graphic design, dancing). I don't see why a college wouldn't let you sign up because of your age, so look into it.

How about getting some of your classmates together for a movie or have them over for a cookout or something? Is there a church you could go to to meet new people. What about volunteering for local charities? Good luck.
2007-08-23 16:45:50 UTC
Concentrate on the things you think you are good in. Like arts. You can paint or draw. This doesn't need socializing. Then if you already have your art works ready, you can advertise by doing an exhibit. If not possible, then just show your works to your friends or your visitors at home.

Eventually they will notice you.

Another thing you can do is sing. If you have a good, angelic voice you can join a church choir or volunteer for a song number in a neighborhood or family gathering or at school. Learn to play the guitar.

You can also catch other people's attention thru fashion. Express yourself thru the things you wear. If you are fair skinned then a lot of things will look good on you. Try things that are not usual, something to perck up your look, such as a scarf, a ribbon, whatever. Just don't go overboard.

Most importantly, don't do bad things just to be noticed.
2014-09-25 16:54:53 UTC
With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina.

According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.
2007-08-23 16:46:37 UTC
Oh, my oh, my, you have the negativity blues. Just look at your question. It is so negative that I want to cry and I don't even know you.Please, please, please lose all those can't words and don't words and substitute positive ones. Here goes friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,You life is not pathetic!! It is wonderful!!! Pathetic is when you waste your life and stupid stuff like taking drugs. No, your life is not pathetic. Now, repeat after me.............

"I am good at lots of things including spelling. I can spell anything.!! My school will have clubs to join when I get the administrator to accept my ideas on clubs. Hooray! And I will call the mayor and tell him about my idea for a community center. This will be so much fun. I know I can do it." Now, isn't that better than mopping around feeling sorry for yourself.? There is some younger person who is watching you and wants to be like you. You just need to make sure this kid gets the right example. He thinks you are great. Make it come true!
coneja loca
2007-08-23 17:56:51 UTC
Take a dance class, maybe belly dance, it's fun. Or, take a stepping class, stepping is coming back and everyone should know how to step. You can also volunteer in your community. You can join a surf camp in the summer, lots of young people do that. This is your chance to learn and grow. before you know it, you will have friends with things to do and places to go and you won't want do anything else but party. Do want matters now, so then down the road, when you're my age, you will have lots of experience in dance, language, smarts.... finish school... keep focus, I guess what I'm saying is you don't need a lot of distraction at this age because that's how people lose themselves at a young age.... too busy parting and not looking at the big picture...YOUR FUTURE... it's starts when you are young. Once you know what you like and want then you will find "those" type of people you need to be around ..... good luck and don't worry about what other people think, worry about yourself and what you want to be, who you want to be as you grow.
2007-08-23 16:59:30 UTC
Sounds your self esteem very low and you're afraid to go out. Abduction in your list of reason is really scary, maybe your family is one of the "well and haves" in your neighborhood? Being petite is not a reason for you not to enjoy life though. There are in-door sports appropriate to your height, much less physical like chess or table tennis. Invite friend in your place. Avoid, if not less "talk white", maybe that's the reason why you're often shunned and ignored. People around can not come up with your level of communicating with them. If you can't join the team, why not try the cheering squad?
2007-08-24 12:13:19 UTC
I agree with a lot of the posters above me who told you things about asserting yourself more, speaking up more, smiling, and just generally being more outgoing. Also, do your best to keep a positive attitude. I suspect that when you get out into the wider world, things are going to improve, because, especially in college, you'll be exposed to a much broader array of different kinds of people. I feel sure that if *I* met you, I would not ignore you -- I'd love to spend more time around somebody who knows how to correctly use "apologetics and hermeneutics" in a sentence!
2007-08-23 16:37:07 UTC
Well you sound pretty intelligent, you may perceive people more deeply than other's do so you are aware more of what is going on around you and how people respond to you. At least you are trying to join clubs and try sports, that sounds like your gettting into something, even though you feel overshadowed by other athletes. You may have some hidden talents you need to discover, we all need to be acknowledged so you make sense to me!
2007-08-23 16:47:55 UTC
two tips, escape through quality books; no matter how you look, when you open your mouth and have something intelligent and interesting to say...a natural byproduct of avid reading, people are impressed.

tips 2, go in the yellow pages and look up seventh day adventist church. find the one near you and show up one Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. you'll be directed to a class for your age and the discussion is usually interesting. more importantly, everyone in the room will be a potential person you could get to know...or another way to state this is to give them the priviledge of getting to know YOU. Jesus loves you.
2 Legit 2 Quit
2007-08-23 16:33:33 UTC
Don't be so hard on yourself. i had the same problem when I was growing up. Although I did have a few friends, they weren't around me and the neighborhood I grew up in. I stayed in a wealthy neighborhood and people used to call me "rich girl" and I wasn't well liked for that and plus I wasn't rich. My parents had money, not me. Try doing arts and crafts, books, collecting items, drawing, take dance lessons. I did all that and I excelled in them.

God put you on this earth for a reason. You have a purpose. You just need to stop whining and being down on yourself and figure it out what your purposes are.
2007-08-23 16:51:21 UTC
Ruby Red,

It sounds like you may have different goals and attitudes from the people around you. If you are brave enough to "march to a different drum beat" people may kind of ignore you. Deep inside they are uncomfortable with your difference of speech and attitude.

It sounds like you are in school. Trust me on the next few things:

1) Some people are late bloomers, they come into their own after graduating from school when they get a job. If the job involves a move, away from the people in the old neighborhood, they finally feel the freedom to be themselves.

2) People that you go to school with are very important while you are together in school. But after school you scattter and hardly ever hear from or see any of them. ( We all say we're different, we'll stay in touch, but life happens and we get busy)

3) Everybody is good at something, my boyfriend is fabulous at making people feel good about themselves and at cleaning cars, I'm a good writer, one of my co-workers is great at fixing little things like a weed eater, my best friends Mom grows beautiful African Violets.. My point is, being good at something doesn't mean it has to be sports.

Is there a nursing home nearby that you could stop in once a week to visit somebody with no family? Those people are starved for just a kind word and five minutes of time. They will tell you about things you never dreamed of.. World War II, sneaking our of windows to dances, and the ONE that broke their heart. You may be able to rad to someone that has lost their sight.

Do you like to grow things? Try a flower in a pot. You are petite, is there a gymnastics program near you? Tiny people excel at gymnastics. How about jigsaw puzzles in the winter to pass time. Is there a theater group near you? This woul d help overcome your shyness. If you could just gather up the courage to join, it's not really "you " on stage, it's a character!

Talk to one of the teachers you like and trust to help you find activities in the area.

Best of Luck ! at one new person everday and say Hi!
2007-08-23 16:36:17 UTC
if u get ignored tell people u just dont like being ignored.if they dont care join a cluba dn when they r talking to u say ur busy even if ur not.go on daily walks in a park that is safe but bring a buddy.make more friends and spend more time on the phone and computer.get active even if its in ur house and maybe think about redecorating ur something that will get u busy like maybe dancing or playing with younger siblings.try babysitting or get a job at mcdonalds or something it'll keep u busy and u get to make cash.
2007-08-23 16:35:38 UTC
If you believe you are ignored and play that card everytime you meet someone, you will be ignored. As someone who's already walked in your shoes, you need to start having confidence in yourself. Don't join a voleyball team to be the best one, it doesn't matter if you're not athletic enough, just go on the court and do your best to HAVE FUN. Have you noticed how people who have confidence, fun and a positive attitude irradiate their vibe? Start irradiating your vibe, have fun, whatever happens, just have fun. People don't like girls who are not confident, so don't expect them to come near you with that looser attitude. Start walking with your head up high, laugh, smile, think of yourself as pretty, get rid of that "I talk white" thing, because that has nothing to do with it.

It's not about how many activities you join, it's all about the attitude. Get that self esteem up, and you'll see the magnetism you'll naturally get.

Good luck.
2007-08-23 16:39:18 UTC
Everyone has some sort of talent or special part of them just waiting to come out! When that is discovered, what ever it may be, you will be able to relate to those also interested in that same talent or interest!! Then you will have many people to relate to that soon will become great life long friends!!! I know this will happen its just part of life. Until then, just knowing this should help you along! trust yourself!
2007-08-23 16:32:56 UTC
It sounds to me like your very busy with school. Finish that. People will just get in your way now. After you get out of school and start working, life will be better.
Baby Girl Rylin 5/3/08
2007-08-23 16:32:25 UTC
Volleyball is a good start. You say you are not really good at it, use that. Ask some of the other girls if they could help you. You can talk to me on here if you want, I will be your friend.
2007-08-23 16:37:59 UTC
i feel your pain (i talk white to) but people started to like me because i was myself and soon I had friends in every social group. Also if you keep your head low and keep working and studying you will have to beat friends off w/a stick.
2007-08-23 16:33:30 UTC
wow that really sounds sad

let me see...try to make simple comments to people and don't hang out with only one person, try to find a little group and ask if you could seat by them then make a comment liek"god i'm so bored" or something or compliment one of them
2007-08-23 16:33:03 UTC
Well stand up and speak up, let your self be seen and heard. No one eles will do it for you, this Is something you have to do by yourself.
2007-08-23 16:35:37 UTC
well somewhat welcome to the club i was like that last year but cause we moved to a upper class neighborhood i just became friends with gay people and got alot of friends
2007-08-23 16:32:07 UTC
hit the gym. and it's okay to go alone, you blow some steam, and in a few weeks you notice the difference and feel great.

seriously, it helps.
2007-08-23 16:31:30 UTC
Your life isn't pathetic.

Try and branch,out, be you but be louder.

Make yourself know to peopel, but don;'t go to drastic measures.

Make people notice you.
2007-08-23 16:32:01 UTC
We are who we think we are, when you head your life with the words boring dull, cant run fast to get away, cant socialize cause gotta focus on schoolwork-at lunch, recess, ets? Then you have made your life what it is

why not step out -get rid of the excuses but be sure what you are looking for-be careful what you pray for -you may get it!

My feelings is why start something before youre true friends, cause friends dont hurt friends and are honest with each other, then it can grow into true love. Yet, if it starts on a romantic note-then you dont love the person you love the romance and that can be found anywhere.

yet is this the person you would like to spend the rest of your life with-if its mutual then this question will never apply-only marriage vows will apply.

and some help from above to save a heart=Best Answer - Chosen by Asker



Band Aid Pencil

Eraser Chewing Gum

Mint Candy kissMuah

Tea Bag HERESWHY . Toothpick -- to remind you to pick out the good qualities in others. (Matt 7:1)

Rubberband -- to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out. (Romans 8:28)

Band Aid -- to remind you to heal hurt feelings... yours or someone else's. (Col. 3:12-14)

Pencil -- to remind you to list your blessings everyday. (Eph 1:3)

Eraser -- to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and its okay.

(Gen. 50:15-21)

Chewing Gum-- to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything. (Phil. 4:13)

Mint -- to remind you that you are worth a mint to your heavenly father. (John 3:16-17)

Candy Kiss -- to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday. (1 John 4:7)

Tea Bag -- to remind you to relax daily and to think about God's Blessings. (1 Thess 5:18)

the KEY is believing him as he spoke and speaks from heaven "I love you unconditonally, and ask you to turn from sin, even one lie, to me. Behold I stand at your heart door and knock, if you open the door asking me in, I will come in and be your friend." Revelation chapter 3:verses 19&20

so I prayed "Jesus thank you for dying for my sins and offering to come into my heart and be my friend, I am sorry for my sins, help me and come into my heart, amen"

worked for me with inner joy and peace that nothing compares to in all my life. Now I believe in true love, in changing myself to be the person I should be, and not trying to change another to be the person I desire that one to be, and seeking a future good precious wife.

This is my gift to you. JESUS LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALY-- don't ever forget it. Even in my deepest rejection of him and true love, making my own rules in life based on lies built in my heart to justify lust and rejection of His love, he never gave up on me.

To the world, you may just be somebody... but to somebody, you may be the world.

Send this to anyone who you think needs to know that they are loved by someone in their lives. Make someone's day just a little brighter today!

to sparkle your day inspite of this situation that has come your way.
kimberly M
2007-08-23 16:31:48 UTC
How about church youth groups???
Tracie S
2007-08-23 16:33:29 UTC
you should start taking pilates or yoga classes.u dont have to be really athletic and it will give u more confidence.
2007-08-23 16:37:12 UTC
join zwinky at

that helped 4 me!
2007-08-23 16:35:36 UTC
i agree with kimberly m
angel C awhs _ nWo
2007-08-23 16:32:08 UTC
well e-mail me

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.