Unable to have children!?
2008-12-09 16:38:29 UTC
Ok, this is kind of an adult family question. I have recently gone through chemo for cancer and I am not in remission. It was Cervical and Uterin cancer and I recently had test ran and found out that it will be hard for me to have children due to chemo attacking eggs as well as cancer. My problem is though. I would love to find a wonderful guy and have a life with him and maybe adopt children or even try to have our own down the rd. if everything stays in remission and I don't end up having to have surgery. My thing is....I'm scared it is going to be hard to find a man that doesn't want children in his life or at least his own and when dating again since it has been a little while since I have felt comfortable dating how does that topic come up so that it won't be a shock down the rd. if you and that gentleman become close and develope feelings for each other.....has any woman gone through the same problems?
Three answers:
2008-12-09 16:49:09 UTC
Ah sweetie, I understand your pain because I have been there. I had a total hysterectomy at a very young age. It was very difficult for me for a while because I felt that I would not be able to find a special person to understand and deal with that. You have to realize it is not your fault, and that not being able to have children does not change who you are. There are men out there who will adore you for who you are, because they will fall in love with your inner beauty and strength. God has someone for every body, and although it may seem bleak right now, just know that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. It will be alright.....tkae care my friend......
2008-12-10 01:05:28 UTC
When you Meet Mr Right just let him know that you might not be able to have children. If he is the one he will work through the problems with you. if he can't handle it then he isn't Mr. Right. Don't worry you will meet the right guy and possibly give a child a life of love and caring that they might never have known without you.
Proud wife
2008-12-10 00:45:08 UTC
I have endometriosis, which makes it very hard for me to get pregnant the 'natural' way. So my Doctor put me on clomid. It's a fertility drug that makes you ovulate ( produce mature eggs)... It's very cheap and you only take it for 5 days each month until you get preggers. SO there is still hope for you to have your own. Ask you doc about clomid

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