Mandy M
2011-04-12 01:26:31 UTC
k so there's this boy. i loved him. me and him have had the best memories. i would of trusted him with anything. he made me happy, and i knew this was true love. but then his mother died and he kinda changed and stopped talking too me. eventually a complicated series of events happened, i called him an asshole, and lost total contact with him. because, see, this wasn't normal love, cause we met online... but all of my close friends i've met online so it makes sense for my true love too be met online too.
k so he closed his youtube account which is how i mainly contacted him. he still has his facebook, which i messaged him on, telling him i'm sorry, but here's where it gets more complicated. he put out a fake name, on youtube, and only told a few people his real name, i was one of them. so while he doesn't log on the facebook he made under the fake name, he probably logs on the one with his real name. but i don't know his real last name, only first name, and he has a VERY common first name.
i tried already just searching his first name in facebook search but nothing, too many pages, no one that looks like him. all i know is his first name, the city he used too live in, the state he lives in now, and what he looks like.
i do not know how to find him and contact him again, unless he logs onto the "fake" facebook one day and see's my message, but i think his given up with logging onto that facebook. what should i do? i have NO way to reach him unless he randomly decides too log in! please help... if you can... : (