i am12 i have a proplem please help me?
Nikki E
2008-09-06 18:39:59 UTC
i am 12 my mother is an achoholic my family neglects me. i cant live with my father because he is abuseve i dont want 2 go 2 a forsterhome(my freind has been in 1 she said that theres even more abuse there) i dont know who 2 tell and i dont know how will some one please help me...
49 answers:
2008-09-06 18:44:03 UTC
go live with a family member and tell them about your problem they can help. If your only 12 your not supposed to on yahoo aS
2008-09-06 18:47:26 UTC
Your mother needs help. There has to be a reason she's an alcoholic. Is she depressed? I suggest talking to a school counselor, a teacher, or another relative. If none of that helps, call the police. I know it's a scary thing to do, but you cannot live with an alcoholic. It's a horrible environment for a 12-year-old, or anyone else for that matter. She could totally end up becoming abusive like your father. Leave her house before it's too late.
2008-09-06 18:58:37 UTC
In the phone book or 411 luk or ask for child protective services. call them and tell them bout ur problem because this could leave u to high depression tell them u need a ride to there building to get some papers filed and that u want to go to some far away relative but not a foster home. they will and have to help u. After u move with a far away relative join a club or take bike rides it well help u forget about the old stuff and keep u movin on with ur life. gud luk i no how u feel im sort of in the same situation
2008-09-06 18:55:05 UTC
sweetie Im sorry about what your going through. Ever hear the saying "what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger"? I know things are hard now, but keep your head up. If you go to the police social services will be contacted. If you have no relatives that you think would take you in and you would be better off with, they will put you in foster care if thats what they feel is neccisary. So you can either take your chances with foster homes, or make the best of you situation until you are old enough to go out on your own. If you choose this option, make sure that you have someone to talk with, talk to someone online, friends, a therapist, dont hold it in. Excel in your school work, join extracuricular activities so that you have things to do after school and dont have to go home right away. When you are home do your best to stay away from your mother when she is drunk. Keep busy. Im sorry this is your situation you were born to, but it doesnt mean it has to be your life too. You can make your life be whatever you want it to be hun, just stay strong and I hope that my advice may help a bit. If you ever need someone to talk to please feel free to email me ( if you ever want to talk to someone, I have seen alot and been through alot and will give you advice or a friend to talk with if ever you need it. Good luck
2008-09-06 18:45:53 UTC
I am so so sorry :((. I don't know what you should do either go live w/ your friends or someone how try to talk to you parents although I do no it might be hard and they might not care but tell them how this effects u. If you have an older sibling you should give live with them or you aunt& uncle or any other parts of your family that you care about and they are really nice. I don't think you should tell anyone about this because then they are sure to take you away from your family. I hope I help you, i am very sorry though.
2008-09-06 18:48:14 UTC
Do you have any close relatives? The authorities will place you in the care of a grandparent, aunt/uncle before foster care.

You can't live in this kind of environment, my father is an alcoholic. I know how it need out. Just always remember that you will never be stuck. There is always help...even if you're scared at first, things will get better if you just seek help.

You can always go to anyone that works at your school for help, and there are toll-free hot-lines available to you 24-7.
2008-09-06 19:02:06 UTC
one thing i would rather say never ever let this episiode of life affect you emotionally and if it thus so, chances your future is sealed. u deserve a better life and that depend on how u make of it. yes u cant stop what u went through now but u can make the best of what u have even if it is limit. i would strongly sugggest u read the biography of successful people perhaps in the 1800s too, and they share difficult life as you do though in different context, but they determine to succeed. do not blame your dad. nothing can replace flesh and blood. he wouldn't want to be such. perhaps he could be a better man if his childhood is never the same as it was. be positive. good luck and be strong. REMEMBER no one is free from crisis. the important point is not what come your way but HOW you react.
Juicy Cris
2008-09-06 19:00:34 UTC
stay away from ur mom. just stay n school n do VERY well n school so u can get scholarships and can go to college. u dont know what can happen to u if u go to a foster home. just try to stay out of ur moms way as much as possible and maybe spend the weekends at a friends house. participate n after school activities to be out of the house. u have 5-6 yrs to do the best u can n school and make a better life 4 urself. i pray that things get better 4 u! if it get 2 the police. just try to keep ur distance n wait it out tho =-/
2008-09-06 18:50:09 UTC
Have you tried talking to your mother? I realize that it must be extremely difficult, but avoiding the problem will not change a thing in your situation. If you have tried talking to her and she absolutely refuses to get better, then maybe you should talk to your relatives (if you have any).

If that doesn't work and you cannot find anyone who is willing to take care of you then maybe you should take up a hobby that would keep you busy and distract you from what's going on around you.

I know the feeling of helplessness that you're going through and I guess all you can do is wait until you turn 18, but I truly hope that things will get better for you way before that.
2008-09-06 18:49:36 UTC
trust me...u need to tell sm1....tell a teacher at skool or a counselor...they alwayz end up helping. and just becz ur 4rnd says tht a foster home is even more abusive doesnt' mean tht others are 2. i hve heard of awesome foster homes from my 4rnds and its great there from wht im hearing. if u can't tell a counselor then call 911 n tell the police. u can get help for urself n ur mom. and 1nce ur mom gets help then she'll get better soon from bein an alcoholic so u will live with her again so don't worry kay? 1nce u let sm1 knw...they will get u n ur mom help n pretty soon 1nce ur mom's better u'll b together again. so good luck !!!
2008-09-06 18:56:08 UTC
I'm 12 too I would call the police At your school library see it has the book " A Child Called IT " Its about a boy who is abused until he is 6 to 11 it is so sad it made me cry.
2008-09-06 18:47:56 UTC
fist call children's aid or some one you can stay there just what ever you do do not run away not knowing were you are going. i know what your friend said is scary but if you feel that you should try it go for it remember that when you are there you can leave at any time. also your friend only when to one house there are many nice families out there. this is all about what you feel you need to do. try talking to some one at your school or police just what ever you do do not live this way all your life.
2008-09-06 18:45:52 UTC
my mom was an achoholic and i dont know if this is an option for u but it really helped me (causei didnt have a family or dad to turn to either) try to get involved whith after school activities and stay with friends as much as possible im so sorry this is happening to you, but im 16 now and i promise it will get better!
2008-09-06 21:26:33 UTC
I'm so sorry! I had a similar situation kind of. Do you have a friend that is REALLY CLOSE? I would tell one of their parents, and ask them for advice

Or if you do have some close relatives, i know it probably isn't the same, but at least you have a nice place to live and someone who loves you and takes care of you
2008-09-06 18:44:39 UTC
You have to tell another family member or a neighbor . You cannot just sit and keep taking the abuse its not far to you or those who see it in you . Tell the authorities if you must , but try another family member you trust more . Don't be silent it only adds to the abusers abuse !!
2008-09-06 18:47:31 UTC
Talk to someone, Maybe if there's someone at your school that you trust. Not one of your friends, someone who is an adult.

Maybe a teacher.

Not all foster homes are abusive. Sometimes they can save you from the families you're already in.
2008-09-06 18:43:52 UTC
Do you have other family member (e.g., grandparent, aunt) that can intervene? Maybe you could stay with another family member, who has a stable home, for awhile. Talking to a teacher at school or a counselor might be helpful as well. Good luck.
2008-09-06 18:47:12 UTC
I like Madeline's answer. Call the police and they will help you. If you have other relatives who can take you, the police will give weight to that. I wish you the best of luck. I can't imagine what you're going through.
2008-09-06 18:47:04 UTC
Ok, well try to talk to another family member about your mom's problem

Kids help phone can also be helpful if you have issues

I DO know what i am talking about btw, since my uncle is a recovering alcoholic.

If you want to contact someone about getting help for your mom try they helped my uncle recover


Good luck with this, and if nothing helps, try to contact social services, as they deal with stuff like this a lot.
2008-09-06 18:46:43 UTC
You poor girl :( I am your age, and i suggest you find someone you're close to, like an aunt or any older figure that loves you lots and would take you in any day. Live with them. if you are having problems with your life and mom and dad, please, tell an adult. Telling your friends doesn't do any good at all. Tell a teahcer or someone you are close to. They are there for you, they are there to help you and they would like you to come to them. Now seriously, got on the phone and call someone you're close to, and adult. Get immediate help with that situation. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Lexi K
2008-09-06 18:45:42 UTC
I'm 13 and even though i don't know what you're going through i would ask ask a relative to take me in. I'm so sorry but trust me, the bad times are almost over.
2008-09-06 18:45:44 UTC
Hi Nikki!

I am sorry that you have to go through this. Do you have any friends that you can stay with temporarily? Have you tried calling the police about what you are going through? I will pray for you that things will get better and that God will protect you too.
Jessie James
2008-09-06 18:45:25 UTC
:( wow thats really sad honestly i really want to help but i just dont know how.. y dint u talk to like your teachers or someone u love and trust cuz wow those are horrible parents no offence but i think some one u really love and care for and someone that loves and care for u i guess they can take care of u but just dont avoid the subject i think u should talk to like a counselor or something they can help
2008-09-06 18:44:52 UTC
I'm so sorry about your family, but maybe go to a school councelor to talk. They can help you out, and you can explain to them that you don't want to go to a foster home. You could also find another relative to go to, or you could maybe stay at a friends house and explain to their parents what's going on. Just try to find another place to go to stay safe.
Sarah Townen
2008-09-06 18:44:21 UTC
i'm sorry you are going thru this

for sure you can approach a teacher at school

i think that's probably your best bet

if you have an auntie or family friend, that's always an option too

but teachers are someone you can/will see almost everyday, so they are a great person to confide in

good luck
2008-09-06 18:46:52 UTC
ask one a of your friends do move in or your gonna have to get lots of money at least 100,000,000$ and live on the streets by milk for your self and stuff and food and neww clothes water and be wanted for the rest of your life.
2008-09-06 18:44:29 UTC
i had a friend who went to a foster home.

its hard at first he said, but you get to go to different families.

and if your family is that bad then you may need help.

tell a counselor at school, but make sure that there really is a problem first so you dont make something small (if it is) into something big.

but if it is really bad, then you need to get out of there
Dazzling by Design®
2008-09-06 18:45:48 UTC
i am so sorry.

first and foremost pray to God poor child.

Our God is a great God and he will help you.

I will pray for you also:D

Do you go to school?

Talk to a counselor or a teacher.

If you go to church ask someone at church for help.

If you don't have any of these things, go to a church near by and tell them your situation.

I will pray to God that he may find you a home and a loving family where you can be with.

God Bless
2008-09-06 18:45:18 UTC
OMG... that sucks.

i'd probably go with the alcoholic mum and try to look after yourself. you'll be stronger if you do. you have to do it eventually so may as well start young.

people in other developing countries look after their parents when they are 12. cook meals for them when they come home from work. if they can do it, I’m sure you can too. you just have to look after yourself (not your parents hehe that’s asking for too much).

but seriously learn to look after yourself. and call child protective services. Kids help line. etc
2008-09-06 18:43:58 UTC
i think u sould tell some one like a grown up u really like and if u go to a foster home and they abuse u call the cops
2008-09-06 18:45:50 UTC
hey nikki. i'm twleve too. my thirteen year old brother commited suicide and ever since, my mother talks to him when she thinks no one is listening. one of my best friends is going through the same thing. her parents were getting a divorce and her father killed her mom. she didn't know where to go until her friend and the friend's parents invited her to live with them. i hope that helps.
Dr. Feel Good
2008-09-06 18:44:09 UTC
Can you talk to a councilor or teacher at school who you can trust about the situation that you are in now.
i am a winner
2008-09-06 18:44:16 UTC
School counselors can help wonders. i know it might be embarrassing at first and you might not want to talk to them right away, but it is a start. they can help you find help and they wont judge you. they can probably find help for your mom too.
2008-09-06 18:43:19 UTC
Call child protective services. That is the only solution.
puppy dog 2
2008-09-06 18:44:35 UTC
tell your school counselar or ur best friends mom or ur teacher and tell them u dont want to go to foster care
2008-09-06 18:43:09 UTC
Tell your teacher or your counselor at school. Tell your pastor at your . church. Call the womens shelter near you. Be proactive and get help.
2008-09-06 18:45:35 UTC
its so sad my dear, but i think the best option you have to do is to be independent,live with your granny or go to your nearest relatives and explain to them that you need they help,share your problems with them
2008-09-06 18:43:21 UTC
Social Services.

And move in with another relative that you like.

Like Grandpa...
2008-09-06 18:44:38 UTC
Go live with your other family members, or live with your best friend, talk to ur guidance conselor.

talk to god, *hugs*
2008-09-06 18:44:08 UTC
can you possile live with a grandparent or mabe a relative
2008-09-06 18:43:33 UTC
not all foster homes abuse you you need to tell somebody if your getting neglected
2008-09-06 18:47:54 UTC
find a hotline where you can call and do not have to give your name and call they will be able to give you more help
2008-09-06 18:47:48 UTC
only your legal guardian can help you which will be your Mom or dad.
2008-09-06 18:43:21 UTC
Well ask your mom to plz drinking alchoal" make a freind at school and talk about it. also so something nice for them like clean the room
2008-09-06 18:42:58 UTC
tell the police
2008-09-06 18:43:36 UTC
Call the police, and foster homes don't abuse you, you're friends kind of a dummy.
~ * ~ Madeline Mystery
2008-09-06 18:42:39 UTC
well, if you have some distant relatives, you could possibly live with them. contact police, please.
2008-09-06 18:42:43 UTC
yup thats how life is. Just endure it all till your 18.
2008-09-06 18:42:34 UTC
im so sorry...

get help with your mom.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.