will i ever get a girlfriend?
Lord Of The Bling
2008-10-27 04:52:38 UTC
Im 14 yrs old....... i know that i have to make the first move (INTRODUCE my SELF)but i never do it because i dont know WAT TO TALK ABOUT wat to say start conversation to people or maybe i just have low self confidence because wen i chat with people online via runescape im really social. most girls i met their really like me they said im really really nice im a and b + student 116pounds 5 5"and im asian with a european ancestry (portuguese) skin color is tan like caramel eyes is hazel brown or brown
Seven answers:
Saf LeStrange*
2008-10-27 05:55:02 UTC
I always thought I'd never get a boyfriend but when it happens you'll be amazed about how easy it is! You just need to learn to get rid of your inhabitions and learn how to talk to girls. I know its easier said than done, but remember its not a task, and its not a job, its for fun! Just go up to a girl at school, one that you talk to already, or one that seems nice that you've never talked to, better still, find a girl that's pretty shy, just ask how she is, how was her weekend and ask stuff about the class, like what your supposed to be doing or whatever. Then its up to you! Try and get a conversation from there, chat about the work or be brave and talk about things like music and films. Just say, do you like whoever, and it'll go from there.

Try and say the things you say on runescape.

BTW I'm 14 too. If you want to talk to me just talk to me over this,
2008-10-27 12:12:41 UTC
You Sound Hot


Im sure you will get a girlfriend your 14 you dont need one at the moment although i know it would be nice for you. Just go and talk to girls about movies school music sport anything really

If you can sit anywhere in your lessons , sit next to a girl if you can then just start up a conversation about something random or taslk about the lesson or the work your meant to be doing.

Good Luck
2008-10-27 12:02:22 UTC
your only 14 dude chill this is the time where you have lots of fun...but if u want a girlfriend and you charm girls online then you should bring your conversations that you have with girls online and display it through talk, so i think that if you just be yourself then you will be fine.

2008-10-27 11:56:11 UTC
Well you're 14. You have about 70 more years to find a girlfriend, and I'm 100% sure you'll find one.
Ivan T
2008-10-27 11:59:17 UTC
Don't worry about it!!

I'm telling you you will get a girlfriend!!

I'm 16 and still thing that I'm to young for girlfriend!!

Don't worry about accent!!

i have eropian as well!!
2008-10-27 11:57:12 UTC
im 13 years old and you sound really HOT

just start a convosation by been friendly and smiley!

2008-10-27 11:57:35 UTC
i've had 6 girlfriends and im 13 ha!

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