Living alone pros and cons please?
2008-11-12 23:02:13 UTC
My Boyfriend has started working away again and he flew out this afternoon. This is the first time I am staying alone ever i just wanted to know some pros and cons and how to get used to staying in the house overnight by yourself?

59 answers:
Angela D
2008-11-13 14:06:15 UTC
I lived alone for 2 years before I met my husband and I had a great time.


- you can cook whatever you want for dinner and no one complains- plus if its your favourite and if there are left overs you get to have them

- all the hot water is yours

- you can do everything in the nude

- you can go to the toilet with the door open

- you have complete control of what is on the TV

- no one else to clean up after

- no one interrupts you


- it can get lonely - you may find yourself talking to yourself- no you aren't crazy.

- your phone bill will be higher with calling your b/f more

- you are responsible for all the housework- no one to share it with

- you can get scared by weird noises outside

At first I was scared to be alone in a house overnight- I just made sure all the doors and windows were locked, and I put some wooden rods in the window tracks so they couldn't be opened without a lot of noise.

I just started doing things I enjoyed at night- TV programs I liked, listen to music, read a good book... it took a little while but eventually I really grew used to it and loved it- it was really weird when my husband (b/f at the time) moved in with me... I was so used to living alone!
2008-11-13 14:44:20 UTC
Living alone can be great (but then again im a bit of a loner)

Here's some tips:

Have some music playing ALL the time. It stops the place from being too quiet. Even if it's in another room.

Rearrange the furniture. Eg using couches to block off a portion of the lounge room can make the area more intimate and and makes the place look less empty.

When sleeping have heaps of pillows around you, one to hug, and others positioned behind you putting pressure on your back so it feels like there is someone in bed with you. Also have a fan going in the room somewhere the white noise can be comforting and simulates the breathing of the other person. If its a pedestal fan put it on the rotation setting it helps break up the noise and makes it more believable.

If you are messy and your BF is clean then let the place be messy, it will make the place seem more like yours and vice versa.

Use yahoo messenger to talk to your friends and BF if possible. It also has a voice function so you can hear their voices which makes things much easier.

If security is an issue make a ritual of checking all the doors and windows before going to sleep. Having a rod in the tracks of the windows is also a good idea. Talk to your neighbours tell them you are alone and ask them to keep an eye out for anything bad.

Start a hobby it will keep you from getting bored. Get a pet, if you are renting and arent allowed a cat or dog, get a ferret or a rat, they are really intelligent and sociable and you can set up mazes and puzzles for them.

If you are the geek type try one of the manny MMO's eg Warcraft, Guildwars etc. Not only will they keep you occupied but they are geared towards social interaction between the other players.

Yeah you'll be lonely but as long as you keep yourself busy you will be able to weather it out.
2008-11-13 23:51:26 UTC
Living alone is my trademark, so to speak lol

Dont think you cant do it, and you will actually find out how easy it is. I moved from america to australia a number of years ago , and for the most part have lived on own. You make the mess you clean it up, you want to watch a show on telle you do, you need all the bed space you got it.. those are some of the pros .. on the flip side you can get lonely, but nothing a good night out wont fix. or a simple thing like a phone call.

just dont stress or overthink and you will be fine,
sarah married
2008-11-13 16:44:55 UTC

1.You can do whatever you like

2.The house will stay clean when you clean it

3.You put something down, it doesn't move

4.You want toast for dinner, it's all yours!

5.You don't have to feel bad about watching girly shows


1.You might miss cuddles

2.You might check under the bed or behind the doors or in the cupboards everytime you come home

3.You might not like having to do everything all by yourself

4.You might spend a lot on the phone calling your friends

5.You might end up wearing his clothes (I'm wearing my husband's shorts and he's only been gone a few hours, lol)

Don't worry about being alone in the house at night. If you fear it just check the security of your house then keep the phone with you when you go to a different part of the house or to bed. That's all you can do. A friend of mine just thinks of marshmallows when she's scared... it might work ;)

You'll be fine though. Just stay positive. Think happy thoughts.
Jeremy D
2008-11-14 00:11:36 UTC
Pro - living alone is good

Con - it can also be bad

Really, like anything it depends upon the person, your interests, what feels normal to you. I play lots of musical instruments and like reading so I can live alone without being too bored. Also, being male, it isn't exactly scary, nor should it be for you.

Just adapt. You'll get used to it. Maybe it is an opportunity to try some new things.
2008-11-13 16:43:57 UTC
I've lied alone almost continuously since I moved away from parents when I was 18 (which was 18 years ago). I've also been in share situations, and I've even had to move back with the family.

At the beginning, I had this enormous sense of freedom, tempered by a comparable sense of responsibility. I had to develop a sense of self reliance, the ability to run a household, on top of work and education. It can be intimidating, and the solitude can be a real obstacle to developing social interactions, but at the same time it forces the development of the skills needed to make it work, identify and deal with big issues.

Your situation sounds fairly short term, however. Your main concern seems merely being alone at nights. Security-wise, I suggest ensuring all doors and windows are secured. Arrange telephone calls with your boyfriend every evening. Intimacy-wise, well I'm no expert in that department, I've never had the luxury of sharing my bed with someone, and not many people ever do - just cope the best you can I suppose.
2008-11-13 17:06:18 UTC
The cons will include hearing your own thoughts, that can drive you crazy, because you're stuck alone, with your own thoughts. You also have nobody to talk to, at all, and it's hard, then, to find anybody who's willing to talk to you. If you go to the shops, they won't talk to you for more than a second, so the tip is, if you are moving out on your own, or know you will be left alone, make sure you have a very structured life, where you're seeing a people a lot, throughout the day, or evenings, as well, make sure the contact is regular. The pros are few, mostly to do with being able to watch what you want, and eat as much as you want, a lot of the stress of living with the other person rolls away immediately, as soon as they have left, it's weird, it's like the tense way that you felt, when you were around them, just drops away, as soon as they're out of the house. You can run the house the way you want, there is nobody to pick on you, but if you are looking after a house for someone else, you will still hear their voice in your head, telling you what to do.
2008-11-13 18:57:41 UTC
The pros of being alone is that you can do what ever you want have the music up load, have your girlfriends come over (the ones that your boyfriends don't wont over), and cook what ever you want the kinda of stuff that you love and your boyfriend hates.

There is alot you can do by yourself when your boyfriend isn't there and you can always ring him and tell him that you love him and miss him.

The cons are if you haven't lived by yourself either and it all depends on the area in which you live in as well. If your at home by yourself have a light on and the tv just to let people know that you are home and if someone knocks on your door always ask who they are.
2008-11-13 18:51:59 UTC
Pro: you can wander around naked

Con: no one is there to beat up the neighbours 15 year old son for being a perv

Pro: you can shower for as long as you want

Con: you have to do it alone

Pro: you get to eat the whole pizza

Con: you ate the whole pizza

Pro: you can watch whatever you want on telly when ever you want

Con: there is no one to snuggle up to when it gets sad or scary

Pro: Utility bills will be lower

Con: its hard to cook a meal for one

Pro: Girls night can be every night

Con: there are no boys

Pro: You can go out all night and stumble home in the morning

Con: you will have to get your own aspirin and hold your own hair

Pro: more time for friends

Con: those friends more than likely have partners and they will want partner time

Its hard to adjust to staying on your own, every little sound will sound like a robber, or serial killer or deranged lunatic. Maybe get a pet to keep you company, if you are a cat person they make good pets, dogs are cool but are a it more maintenance. Or you could get a roomie depending on how big your place is.

Its going to be hard to adjust at the start but you will fall into a pattern eventually.

Hope it works out
2008-11-13 14:54:02 UTC
I'm not sure how old you are, but I started living alone when I was 18. I am married now, and husband works away, always has, and I love it when he's not here. People have referred to the the fact you can become intolerant of other people, and this is true.

All I can say is enjoy your time alone as much as possible, but enjoy when he returns as well. We all need time alone to re find ourselves, but the reunions are wonderful, or are supposed to be, lol. Keep yourself active, get out some girly movies you wouldn't watch if he were home, go have coffee with your friends.

The biggest thing is security, though. Make sure you keep your doors and windows locked if you go to bed, I'm a shocker for that one. And if you don't have a dog, get one, not only are they great company, they will make you feel safe as well. You will be ok.
2008-11-13 23:57:38 UTC

Can do what you want

Dont have to be tidy

Can say what you want

Dont have to wait for others



Can get bored

No one to talk to

no one to make you do the things you need to do (like tidy)

you have to do all the jobs.

Living with others is better socially, and mentally. it is healthier for you. If you are alone i recommend a pet or even a housemate.
2008-11-14 00:03:54 UTC
Pros: every read or watched "He Died with a Felafel in his Hand"? - you don't have to deal with people like these.

Cons: you don't get the entertainment value of dealing with people like these.

Living alone is pretty easy once you get some good security and a good phone/internet plan
2008-11-14 01:52:15 UTC
I've lived alone ever since I was divorced & loved every minute of it.I bought a couple of dogs which kept me very busy indeed.Complete freedom to do what I like & when I like & not answering to anybody--absolute heaven.I've lived alone for 17 years now & had never felt lonely or

scared,I suppose a lot depends on yourself.Believe me the freedom is worth it.
2008-11-14 00:58:17 UTC
I have lived alone (off and on) for the last 40 years - it has had its good times and also it has bad times.

I am guessing that you are a young person - I am a bit older than you.

Please take my advice anyway that you wish, but trust me when I say that I am "fair dinkum" and I have learnt in my years never to judge nor never to say "I told you so".

You are young - you are obviously in love - you are going to miss your boyfriend -so the important thing is to keep in touch - I guess he will email you as you will him - you will mistrust him - DO NOT DO THIS !!!

Tell him every important thing, silly thing and totally stupid thing that happens while he is away EVERY DAY - and tell him sometimes that you miss him a bit

Maybe the most important thing is you trust him, he trust you and you keep busy until he comes home.

Take care

2016-03-19 12:38:24 UTC
Pros: No one to bug you, you won't have to write messages for other people's missed calls, no one else's mess, no waiting for the bathroom, not having to consider what the other person(people) want to listen to, watch, or eat, no having to get on someone's back for them to pay their share of the rent, and you can have parties without having to invite people you don't like that are friends with your room mate. Cons - You have to pay the entire share of the rent, you have to do all the cleaning which includes the bathroom, you're alone and depending on the neighborhood, it can be dangerous, no one to make you feel better after watching scary movies, you'll be to the only one to cook and buy the groceries, no one to answer the phone/door when you're sleeping in, and no one to borrow clothes from that doesn't require to get out of the house.
2008-11-13 19:00:55 UTC

- Get to have 'me' time

- Do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want

- Can cultivate relationships with other people you care about (You don't have to be at home, you could be at mates places, etc.)

- Read a good book, watch a good movie, tv show or listen to the radio


- Could get a bit lonely

- Could be boring, dull?

- Sole resposibility for what goes on at home (bills, etc)

How to get used to staying in the house by yourself overnight?

- Be out of the house so much that you get sick of being around people and noise so that all you want is to be home alone anyway

- Enjoy it!
2008-11-13 20:49:56 UTC

Danger of being robbed or attacked:

With the increasing no of crimes as can be seen on news - the balcony couple and the latest murder in Auburn. That's not a good idea for women to live alone or with other defenceless women mates.

Pros: You can enjoy doing wutever u want.
2008-11-13 15:44:00 UTC
i work away (shipping industry) and also live alone. To me it is the only way to go as long as you have friends to share some time with.

living alone means you do not have to put up with others invading your space and can do what you want when you want.

the bonus for u is your BF will come back so basically you get even time alone and sharing - best of both worlds. Make sure the place is secure and u will enjoy it very much - you may even ask the BF to find his own place when he returns!
Peter R
2008-11-13 14:38:46 UTC
Others have pretty much covered them, but there is one con that can creep up on you. You can become increasingly intolerant of living/sharing with somebody else. As you get used to the way that you do things and having everything just the way you like it, you can find that when another person, perhaps even a significant one, moves in, you find their habits and idiosyncrasies irritating, annoying or even intolerable. And it can work the other way around - they might find you too fussy and particular.

Some years ago I realised that this was happening to me (I love living alone) and decided that this one con outweighed all the pros. Since then I've tried to ensure that I share with at least one other person just to keep myself more sociable and tolerable.

Enjoy it while you can, but don't let yourself do it for a prolonged period.
Ann-Marie H
2008-11-14 03:20:03 UTC
The best way to help me sleep at night is having a dog (well two of them now). They can hear a footstep 4kms away and will let you know well in advance if someone is at the front door.

Plus the positive factor is when you start talking to yourself you won't feel so bad if you are talking to your canine best friend.

Just remember that a dog is not a short term solution but a lifetime commitment.
Betty D
2008-11-14 03:04:57 UTC
The toilet lid is not always left up

The top is back on the toothpaste

The floor isn't where you hang your clothes

Nobody to snoore and pass stinking wind at night

Everthing is not just where it was left used

And your'e not used as an unpaid hooker who is expected itocook work wash and iron

The Plus side

Can't think of any of any importance

Not worried about being alone \The only thing to fear is fear itself
2008-11-13 18:41:37 UTC
I get separation anxiety (its not just reserved for pets). so i tend to work a lot while i am alone so i get sleepy.

pro: time to yourself, privacy, can stay on the phone for a looooong time, keeping in mind the bill will still come.

con: if you get in trouble it gets very scary, the house seems to creak a lot more, every noise makes you jump if you have been together a long time

just try and keep distracting yourself with familiar things. watch a feel good movie. read a (non scary) book. there is always the phone so hopefully you can call your boyfriend occasionally.

if it gets too bad, try asking a friend over every so often.

it does get easier.
Craig W
2008-11-13 23:32:29 UTC
Hi iv lived alone in sydney now for 1 year and havnt been lonely once!

You will find that your friends want to spend more time with you because they dont feel like theyre intruding on you n ur boyfriends time together. i love it and would say dont worry bout bein lonely. Probably good to get time to yourself too if you can .
2008-11-14 03:18:16 UTC
living alone is not as some people percieve it to be,yes lonelyness is not a nice place to be,after life we have years on being on your own,and yes i do have to contradict myself here,as it also has its bonuses to it,you dont have to answer to noone you can be selfish plus,you dont have to share ,or might i say argue about the remote,you dont feel guily if you dont cook,you sleep and wake when you please,but sometimes we all need to give or recieve a meaningfull hug,what can i say i been alone for 5 years now,though i do have pets a cat called molly and dog called zoya and yes they are company,

hope you will be ok,i come from a very large family,but one thing i am good at,i adjust to the moment ,GODbless
Trayci M
2008-11-13 16:45:31 UTC

I have lived alone a lot of my life, and recently moved in with other people.

There are many advantages to living alone, but I feel a lot has to do with the type of person you are.

Some people just cant hack it, there are afraid, and dont see it as an oppourtunity to get to no and understand the most important person and that is yourself.

When your alone, you truely learn who you are, what you like, how you like spending your time, and use the time to get stuck into those projects that you think about but dont action. And most importantly contact your friends as they tend to end up on the back burner once your in a relationship.

2008-11-12 23:12:33 UTC
The one thing I have always said about living alone is that when you want to see friends you always have the choice, but when you want to be by yourself, home is like heaven. In an apartment or house with roommates, peace and quiet can be hard to come by, and sometimes the alternative options such as the park, coffee house or library serve as sorry substitutes.

Living alone is not for everyone. It takes a certain type of person to find joy, comfort and ease in solitude. I have lived by myself for the past three years and absolutely loved every minute of it.

However, there are both pros and cons to living by oneself. I feel the pros outweigh the cons, but that is a decision for each individual to determine.

If you can easily entertain yourself, seldom have issues with boredom, love playing loud music, find pleasure in walking around naked and never want arguments about cleanliness and organization when it comes to the bathroom and kitchen, living alone will suit you well.
2008-11-13 19:41:36 UTC
i lived alone for 12 months after I separated from my husband. My boyfriend used to come visit and it was great that he did but t was great that he left too. Now that we live together its not quite as intense (but still good)

One pro of living alone was that if I wanted some time alone to enjoy my....... self I did not have to be quiet...did go through a lot of batteries though.!!
2008-11-13 16:18:38 UTC
I used to live alone for one year when my husband decided to go far ever for working, that was 20 days working and 10 days coming back to rest. It was a fantastic time for both of us. That resting time was such a party for us; and I have some experience about living alone for 8 month when my husband went abroad for working.

For your nights, I suggest you keep turn your TV on during the nights but just adjust the volume like murmur, better that much you cannot distinguish many words clearly- to avoid interrupt your mind and sleep- it works like lullaby and it‘s like you are not alone. It should not take so long that you fell you do not need it any more.


1 )You have all the bed just for your own, so feel free to enjoy free movement in the every part of that.

2) You will get stronger and stronger in making decisions and that one who is seeing the result is just you! So you don’t have to worry about judgment and it is an absolute right time to get some risk and exercising making decisions correctly.

3) Good time to be just yourself and after awhile you will find you are connecting to your child hood behaviour and it’s a fantastic way to get more healthy in mind.

4) You can walk around naked or wear your ugly but comfortable dresses.

5) You can buy all that food that just you like.

No body is judging you, so relax!

6) Your partner will miss you so much and seeing you in the chat room would be great benefit for him!

6) You can break every rule and see nothing happens.


1) It would be hard to share your bed after all!

2) You should be careful about getting depression!

It happened to me, I found my quietness so valuable and little by little I was refusing to accept my family or friends come around. While I was not working (just studying), I got depression. So catch up your

friends time to time and go out every day.

3) Consider whom like use your privacy to calm themselves!
2008-11-14 02:45:14 UTC
I luv being on my own, I am free to do whatever I want and to go whereever I want. I have my computer and also plenty of other activities to keep me busy, even tho I have disabilities. I also have 2 budgies that make good company, and plenty of friends who enjoy my company from time to time. All my family live overseas and I have lived on my own for a number of years and find it a joy.
2008-11-13 22:26:10 UTC

You might find out if you're using a boyfriend just to avoid being alone, or whether you really care for him.

Also, you can surf porn in peace.
mark h
2008-11-13 15:05:32 UTC
Pros; take on very complex projects (novel, programming, art etc) without having to break mental process for social behavior

Cons; All the bills are yours and yours alone

Die insane
2008-11-13 19:01:20 UTC

Your all alone by yourself. Cool.


What happens if the electric goes out and your phones go out? Do you know how to shut the water main off just in case there is a water leak? Can you find the main gas connection? Do the locks work properly? Do you have all these emergency phone numbers? .. But then again ... your phones don't work .. what would you do?

Do you Believe?

Are YOU really sure you are alone in the house? .. Keep looking over to the right out of the corner of your eye and you WILL see them! There are always in the house watching you. But don't look in their direction or the will move behind you.
2008-11-13 18:38:36 UTC

You get to go out and buy a toy for yourself then find a good hiding place

You get to view porn and pleasure yourself with that new toy and out being interrupted.

No Cons .. all upside stuff here .. when your man comes home put all your new found experiences to work on him .. he may never leave again! :-)
2008-11-13 18:28:23 UTC
pro"s fun fun fun

sleep as long as you want

eat what you like

get naughty with someone lol

think about what he might be doing and with whom?

go shopping

have parties loud as

do what you have not done for a long time, since you were single.

go see all your old mates n girlfriends

spend some time with your oldies give em a hug and tell them you love em.

cons being lonely

lonely at nite, but you can fix that lol
2008-11-13 14:42:23 UTC
I have lived by myself for 3 months now and this is what i think

Pros Privacy

Do what you want when you want

Have who you want over when you want


Cons Get Lonely

Hear weird noises in the night

well its mainly getting lonely no one to talk to

it really sucks

But i still love living on my own!!!!
2008-11-12 23:12:29 UTC
i always home alone its a good chance to catch up on house work and other things then just sleep for the rest of the time u will get use off it its not that bad just think positive always
2008-11-13 20:33:31 UTC

-You can do what you like (within reason)

-You can listen to music as loud as you want, as long as it won't disturb the neighbours

-Have you ever wanted to learn to play the Electric Guitar or the Drums?


-Have to do everything by yourself

-Have to pay everything by yourself

-Could get lonely
Rebecca Tang
2008-11-13 21:53:46 UTC
Today, I had take off and injoy alone at home. What can I do ? May be on line talk with best friend or read magazine . Are you have any idea?
2008-11-13 15:56:46 UTC

-u get a lot of quiet time

-u won't worry what to serve for breakfast,lunch and dinner

-u can go in and out of the house anytime

-u are free to have lunch/dinner with friends without worrying


-u get lonely at night

-u miss having someone to talk (but i chat with friends thru YM)

2008-11-13 16:59:04 UTC
Pros: You can play up, go out on the town and pick up boys but make sure they are gone before your boyfriend gets back or else you might have some explaining to do.

Cons: You'll have to take out the rubbish yourself

Hope this helps, good luck.
2008-11-12 23:08:43 UTC
Pros: Privacy and a sense of having your own space. You don't have to share chores and responsibilities with anyone. Come and go as you please.

Cons: Responsible for all bills. Could be lonely.
2008-11-13 22:31:11 UTC
I've never lived alone. I hate the people I live with though. (my parents and my sister)
2008-11-13 14:27:32 UTC
Living alone is good if you enjoy your own company. Sharing can get a bit tiresome at times.
2008-11-14 03:14:41 UTC
living alone is great.

no cons...

and if you get lonely, get a cat.

2008-11-12 23:13:26 UTC
here is a few things i do when my husband leaves!

get movies i like to watch

play online

have friends i can talk to if i Do get paranoid or really lonely

have girlfriends come over to stay with you


time to yourself

you can stay up late....go to bed early...whatever

u can veg out!! and not care


it is lonely

sometimes scary!
2008-11-13 23:55:34 UTC
You get to watch what you want to on the tv.

Don't have to wash up every day(no one to see it)

It is harder to cook for one.
2008-11-14 02:43:23 UTC
cons: you might not want to cook for one person and might therefore not eat well while he's away.
If u happy i'm happy
2008-11-13 22:10:28 UTC
Well, do whatever you like, such as, spent some time with your families or other friends.
Lisa M
2008-11-14 03:36:50 UTC
WOW!!!!!!!it must hell scary OK all you have to do is lock up all the doors and watch a scary movie.but don't go and have a shower joking!!!!!!!!!!! Just be safe ok it will be fine
2008-11-12 23:08:19 UTC

-quiet, all to yourself

-you can relieve your farts and burps w/ out giving a damn.

-you can watch all the shows you want.

-you can call over your girlfriends and have fun.


-it will get lonely

-i'd personally get paranoid.
2008-11-13 19:28:28 UTC
Time to your self

But you get lonely
2008-11-14 00:21:43 UTC
Have your own rules and answer to no one.....choose who you want over or not...tops!
Mark F
2008-11-13 19:41:49 UTC
play with thyself,both mentally and PHYSCALLY
2008-11-13 21:23:55 UTC
You can be constantly nude, very enjoyable
2008-11-13 19:14:19 UTC
you can go to the toilet with the door open and you can masturbate in the loungeroom....
2008-11-13 17:03:52 UTC
I'd say its the best chance you have to get "banged" differently.
2008-11-14 02:48:04 UTC
you get to walk around the house naked...... but you dont have anyone to get naked with........
cheer up buttercup :]
2008-11-12 23:05:28 UTC
more privacy

more stuff to yourself

you can do anything


2008-11-13 14:24:43 UTC
I reckon angela D's answer should get best answer.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.