My son is dating an atheist girl. How Do I get him to brake up with her?
2016-04-08 07:28:27 UTC
Hi everyone, my name is Linda, I'm 55 years old and I have 4 children 3 girls and 1 boy. The boy is the 3rd and he's 27 and he works as a PC programmer.. I raised my kids in a very religious manner 2 of my daughters are married with kids to 2 great religious gentlemen and my younger one is dating a boy from church but my 3rd one is dating a girl who says she doesn't believe in any of that. I'm really concerned that she influences my son and he starts having all those crazy ideas that she has. She's a beautiful and appears to be a sweet girl but she's Atheist and that goes against our family values and morals.. I don't really want my son to see her any longer I have talked to him but he won't listen and last night he got really angry and told me that he doesn't want to hear about it any more or I won't see him again if I try to bring that up one more time. I don't understand what's wrong with him there are so many beautiful and sweet girls at church and he had to choose someone like her. I can't believe it
285 answers:
2016-04-09 21:25:59 UTC
sorry to say, but he's 27yrs old....and at this point...there's not much you can do* You've raised him...taught him your beliefs...and now he will choose what HE feels is right or wrong for him~ I know it's upsetting for you that his g/f doesn't believe in any of your beliefs...she was brought up differently* The more you push your son to leave her the more he'll turn around and leave you~ Perhaps in time, he'll come around and figure out she isn't the girl for him....n if he feels she IS the perfect girl for still need to back off on that subject and let him live his life the way he chooses~ Ppl say you can't help who you fall in love with~ You said she's a nice girl, other than she is an atheist*~ which is against all your beliefs* ..Like i said..ur son was brought up with the values /beliefs you taught him...the more you go on him about religion and the lack of hers....the more you WILL PUSH HIM OUT OF YOUR LIFE! i dont think that's what you want*~ He may or may not figure out later on that she's not for him....or he may want to marry day...but YOU NEED to back off or u will lose your son and it wont be HER fault*. Hope things work out* As long as your son is happy* you should be happy~ he's not hurting anyone* just cuz she has her beliefs doesn't mean he believes that as well~
2016-04-09 02:13:08 UTC
Hi Linda,

Well, that's told you, hasn't it..?

You've had some unnecessarily rude replies here - probably mainly from kids and if not, they're not very good at giving constructive criticism...

I understand. You are probably feeling pretty desperate about the matter. I understand not because I am a mother (I'm not) or because I am religious (I'm ex-Roman Catholic I stopped going to church at 29. I'm a couple of years younger than you) What I want to say is "Please don't be that mother". I have experience of this situation and it doesn't end well....

Try to think further down the line... It already looks like you've over done it - one more step and the bridge will snap, so keep well away from the subject. There is obviously something he doesn't feel comfortable with - maybe he feels it was used as a control mechanism throughout his life and now it's time to breakaway, or maybe he just fell for a girl that had qualities he likes - and it just so happens religion isn't part of her life. (Please bear in mind this is NOT a problem for him otherwise he wouldn't be with her - she is not in violation of HIS personal values and morals...).

When you say you've basically told him "I don't want..." or "I don't like..." you are invalidating his life choices - if you do that the threat he delivered will be a promise and there may be no going back... Fast-forward 10 years and now you only have 3 daughters. You will lose him and any children - your grandchildren, that he may have. Think of the pain and regret that would cause in your later years, and the reverberations throughout the family as you set him apart from the others.

You say he is a computer programmer - so he's no fool and is competent enough to make up his own mind with rational judgement. And you say she is sweet? So focus on the good you can see in her.

Don't take it up with him anymore, instead pray to God for the change you want (sorry, I don't know which religion you are exactly) and if that change is intended, that is what will happen. If not, this has been put before you now as there is something you need to learn from this and it is a test for you and the understanding you have of your Faith.

I hope it all ends well for you both.
2016-04-10 20:31:57 UTC
Well inter-religious dating is a taboo topic. When I first saw this my first impression was a biggoted mother refusing to let anything violate the "sanctity" of her home, but it is understandable that there would be issues between a Christian dating an atheist. I have some rhetorical questions for you.

Would you love your son any less if he were an aithiest by his own principles? Would you approve of their relationship if his girlfriend converted to Christianity? Would you feel more open toward their relationship if she were religious, but not Christian? If I were worried about my son's sake I would feel more threatened if she were religious, because then there would be a direct conflict and she would try to convert him.

She is an atheist. This doesn't mean she doesn't respect his beliefs or that she will try to change them. If she does then that's a different issue. If she really makes him happy that's all that matters.All good things must come to an end. Until then try to accept it
2016-04-09 20:57:20 UTC
Sadly you can't! If you try it will only make him want to rebel sneak out run away etc I know because I was in the same boat with my ex my parents did NOT want us together at all tried everything they could and in the end I ran away 4 times with him! I know you don't like the fact she is an atheist but it's better than her being a satanist all you can really do is accept her for who she is, if she doesn't wants have a belief then so be it that is her decision be accepting so your son you love him no matter what that if he is happy with this girl then you are happy if you're Christian/catholic you shouldn't be judgemental of others
2016-04-09 04:16:34 UTC
The short answer is that you have no legal power over the friends and associates of your son. So only your own powers of persuasion could get him to break (note spelling - "braking" is what you do to slow down a car) up with his current girl-friend.

You have to understand that atheists exist, as do Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, etc. You cannot seem to understand that, but your son obviously can. Will you dismiss everything from your life which was not made by Christians? In which case, go and live in a dessert, without any modern appliances, and grow your own food.
2016-04-09 16:07:00 UTC
I'm sorry, but you religious people take things way out of proportion. Good thing I don't practice or believe or brainwashed into believing things as a child. If you know your son is a great guy, then let him be!

He will take everything you taught him and he'll be fine. Just because his girlfriend doesn't believe in the same thing you, your son or your family does, doesn't make her a bad person. You just have to get to know her and trust her from the good things you find in her. This is why religion destroys people's brain washed minds and life when people think way too much into it.

My point is, your son will do fine.

Don't break them up or force it upon him unless there is a better reason than religion lol

You people are too funny with this bullshit lol
2016-04-10 06:23:49 UTC
I am Catholic, and my boyfriend is atheist. My parents have met him, and they think he's great, not for his beliefs, but for his heart, his intelligence, the love he has for me. That's what you need to look at in your sons partner, not what she believes. You need to understand that Atheists are not bad people, they're just like everyone else. And if God loves everyone equally, why can't you? Is this really religious of you? You're ASSUMING that she's 'bad' because she has different beliefs? Would you not want your son dating someone of a different complexion? - same thing! Lastly, you really do need to back off. Your son is an adult who can make his own decisions, and is well past the stage of being under his mothers control.
2016-04-09 03:28:15 UTC
This won't exactly answer your question however I have personal experience in this matter:

My girlfriend's family were Christian and mine were Agnostic/Atheist. At first her mum was absolutely against us being together. However I showed interest in their religion and I was willing to become accustomed to it, as you would with any values your partners family has. We have now been together 2 years and her mum loves me and my family.

What I'm trying to say is consider meeting half way at least. Because theres not going to be a guaranteed outcome in your favour. If you ban your son either you will never see him again or he may be miserable his whole life. If you trust him and allow him to make his choices he may decide you're right or at least will be happy. Whatever happens, if their love is true neither will force their beliefs on each other, so you shouldn't worry about her being a bad influence.

If it were God's decision what would they do?

I hope I've helped you decide what is best
2016-04-10 03:41:50 UTC
Linda, I m 16 and I haven t come across such a post like this. How can you condone this girl just because she does not share the same beliefs as you? Shouldn t the happiness of your children come before your religion? Maybe you would learn some lessons from this girl and maybe she d learn some from you. People grow and change. I m from an incredibly religious family yet I am a total atheist but my family have accepted me. I don t go to church with them on Sundays, instead I stay home and make Sunday dinner. It s all about compromise and you seem to be a very simple minded person. Your son is an adult, he can make his own children and just because he is your son does not give you the right to control his love life or his life in anyway. I hope you come to your senses and accept this girl whom clearly makes your son happy.
2016-04-09 13:08:49 UTC
Let me tell you that just because he is in a relationship with an atheist does not mean that he will change his beleifs. And even if he does, what's so wrong ?

You raised him with good values, that's what matters, not the religion. It's his life choice from there on, and not worth stressing over.

I keep telling the same thing to my mom, but she never understood the idea of mutual love and respect. Relationships are not about Beleiving in Jesus Vs. Believing in Shiva, but more about compatibility, common interest, and respecting each other. Some people just have a tough time grasping it, I guess.
2016-04-10 04:30:16 UTC
Well if I'm honest you are just as much an atheist as him. You claim to be religious but are you ? Which testament do you follow if it's the new one then you are an atheist yourself because your believing in a relgion made up by man not by jesus i'm jesus I said follow this testament I never said you can make up your own or alter mine to suit yourself. Do you cover up if not at the very least cut your hair short ? Because that's what the original bible says to do. If you haven't done this it's pretty clear you haven't done other things. Just going to church does not make you religious. Have you even read your own original bible ?

Point is you say you are religious when you are not you are no different to him in this manner. Therefore you have no right to accuse him of "poisoning" your child. For all you could know that poison could be medicine. Ask yourself "why did you follow Christianity?" Because your parents told you to.
2016-04-09 01:28:32 UTC
I would encourage you to try a forceful and direct approach. Tell him that this girl is pure evil and that YOU will no longer allow HIM to see her. Then he'll naturally make the right decision which is to remove you from his life and continue on with her.

If your personal interpretation of a 2000 year old poorly written collection of contradictory riddles is more important to you than your son's happiness then you really need to reevaluate your priorities lady.

Atheism has globally established positive correlations with intelligence. It's the way of the future. I would guess that religion has less than 100 years left in the first world so get on board.
2016-04-10 09:59:24 UTC
I agree with the first answer, but you should not be so hasty to judge a book by its cover. Atheism is not a negative quality and maybe the girl is very smart and from what you say she has looks as well. People should be taken for who they are, not what they believe in. That is working on misjudgments, not on trust or love for your son. You need to show more understanding towards him or you will lose him. When they say you lose a son and gain a daughter, that is a truth. Think about what you are doing and don't act in a way that will alienate him or he will cut you off and you will lose all communication with him. Think before you act!
Obi Wan Knievel
2016-04-09 23:44:30 UTC
He's 27 and working full time. You can't just threaten to ground him or take his Xbox away, and you can't stalk his girlfriend and sabotage their relationship because that's against the law. With your spelling and grammar skills, you do not want to face off against a prosecutor in a court of law over your actions. You'll lose.

You've tried reasoning with your son, and he's not interested in your reasoning. That leaves you with only two options, and one of them is also against the law.

Option 1: Have his girlfriend killed. Pay the assassin to make it look like a tragic accident.

Option 2: Get out your beads, light a candle, maybe even go into a church, and ask your god to kill her. Gods kill people all the time, just for no reason at all, so yours probably won't mind. He probably owes you a favour or two anyway.
2016-04-09 15:32:40 UTC
What a stupid way of thinking Linda!

Some of the shittiest people on earth go to church on Sunday!

Some of the nicest people you will ever meet have tattoos!

Some of the smartest kids who exist have special needs!

NEVER EVER judge a book by its cover or beliefs.

We all roll differently and are entitled to those beliefs.

Does not make us unworthy or not marriage material!

You are very simple minded.

I don't think I would ever want a mother in law like YOU!!!!

Ps. You also need a spelling lesson! It's BREAK UP not BRAKE UP! Unless you need a friggin' BRAKE job on your car!!!
2016-04-08 08:18:16 UTC
Excuse me! I am atheist, it means I don't believe in God. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want and to be happy you know. We respect others believing in God or other things, that we don't personally believe it doesn't mean we aren't good people. Having a religion doesn't make you better than everyone else who doesn't have it. I thought Christians believed that discriminating is wrong and that you shouldn't judge people but you are being ******* racist right now. She won't try to influence your son because she can't and they have better things to do and talk about that isn't religion don't you think. That we don't go church on Sundays doesn't mean we don't respect the people who do and we can't stop them from doing so because there's a human rights that state:

We are all free and equal. (in the end we are all the same)

Don’t discriminate (like you are doing now)

The right to privacy (your son needs privacy you know)

Marriage and family (they can marry or date if they want)

Freedom of thought (she can believe in what she wants)

Nobody can take away these rights and freedoms from us.
2016-04-10 04:10:21 UTC
This is going to be short.

I do not nor care to understand why this is a problem for you. Its just a shame to see a stereotypical religious yank throwing all logic out the window.

What are these "influences" that athiests have? Seem like you fear the unknown, I say that cuz it seems you only socialise with other religious people, and probably have limited presence around others outside your religion.

If she was of your religion but was a horrible person better than an athiest that respects and loves your son? Morals, values, charity and love are in all oc us, you dont need a deity to have respect and love for someone.

You just need a good upbringing.

You are going to push him away.
2016-04-08 17:28:58 UTC
I know this isn't neccascarily what you want to hear but you don't really have a say in who your son is dating.

If you truly care about his feelings, then don't get in the middle of his relationship. If this girl makes him happy, then her religious values shouldn't matter.

Everyone has the rights to their own beliefs, and that's all there is to it. I personally grew up an Athiest in an all Christian family.

I am often insulted, and told that my beliefs are wrong and unacceptable. Yet I am still a human being just like everyone else.

Love has no religion, no age, no gender.

Sometimes we just need to accept how things are.
2016-04-09 16:55:14 UTC
A step-by-step guide to having your son break up with someone:

Step 1: Peel an orange.

Step 2: Throw the peel in the trash can.

Step 3: Go into the trash can.

Step 4: Allow your son to do whatever he wants because it is his beliefs, his relationship, and his life.

Step 5: Realize that by telling your son he can't date a girl because she doesn't believe the things you do makes you hypocritical, because God has said "Love each other as I have loved you."

Step 6: Realize that you are being an *** hole to someone who doesn't have your opinions. You would feel offended if someone told you that you were wrong in your beliefs.

Step 7: Realize you are in a trash can.

Step 8: Exit the thinking-trash.
2016-04-10 01:33:37 UTC
Religion huh!

What a pathetic excuse to ruin your son's life you should be ashamed of yourself ..

You need to wake up young lady obviously he's not interested in your religious beliefs anymore and wants to get on with life .

You will lose him if you carry on like this then it would have been you and your stupid religions fault that split the family up only because you've been brainwashed into believing something different .
2016-04-10 19:10:05 UTC
its quite simple- you don't. the more you try to keep him away from her, the more you push him towards her. and besides, in the end its his choice, you can't force someone to stop (or start) loving someone, anymore than you can force someone to believe the same way you do. honestly, the best option is to try and provide a good Christian image. God has brought this girl into your life for a reason. maybe it is God's plan that this girl will come to know him through you and your son. the irony... you don't want your son involved with her because of her beliefs, and yet the bible says to spread his word and bring people to him. it also says not to judge, and to love your neighbor. if you use this as an opportunity to show her God's love, you may just lead her to believe in God. but if you shut her out, not only do you risk losing your son, you also will be going against your own values and beliefs.
2016-04-09 17:05:31 UTC
Not being rude or anything but being atheist is nothing bad. Its like saying that he can't be with a Buddhist, Hindu ect. Being an atheist is almost a religion itself. Its also saying that if he was gay you would be disgusted by him, but its his life and he cant help who he falls for. How would you have liked it if your mum told you when you were his age that you couldn't be with your partner? You would have been devastated, annoyed at her, would you not? Think about how your boy feels. He loves you, but he also loves her and you have to understand that he's not a child anymore, you're not the one telling him he's grounded, making his tea, but he's going to be the one to do that soon, to children of his own. But if you keep bringing this up, he may never let you have access to his children- your grandchildren. Just think about what you say to him, he's not a little kid anymore, he has his own mind and if he wants to be with her, nothing you do/say will change how he feels about her.
2016-04-09 19:56:28 UTC
Ask her to come to church with you. Anyone who says they are positive there is no God is not too bright.They are putting their thinking worth way above their pay grade. She might just be immature and there is hope . A good test is how she respects and values mankind. If she knows when a woman is pregnant that she is carrying a human baby then that is a good sign that her head is on right and she is a good person and has not been sucked into this fad that a baby in a womb equals garbage. I would gladly accept a pro-life girl over a girl that sees the baby as garbage and says she is religious. If you cant stop him ,tell him to try to change her mind about religion and the good of religious values. Sometimes converts make better religious people. You are right though ,it is important for getting along in a marriage to have the same religious values.
2016-04-09 02:53:35 UTC
Whether you like it or not, you cannot change his feelings or make him break up with a girl. It is his decision, and he is an adult. If you did your best to raise him as well as you know how and tried to instill good values, you have done all you can do. It is not our choice how our family members behave, and we cannot control other people.

Please don't push your son away or try to fight him on this. If he breaks up with her, it will be of his own choosing, and trying to harass him will not make it any better. Unless the girl displays abusive or dangerous behavior in which you have a legitimate concern for his safety, then you cannot intervene. God gave all of us free will, and loving or not loving someone because someone else tells us to is meaningless. God didn't make it so we had to follow him- he wants us to choose for ourselves.

She may stay an athiest, or maybe she will become interested in learning about your religion. However, regardless of her personal beliefs, you do not get to choose if your son dates her or not. Also, just because she is an athiest, doesn't necessarily mean he will become one. But if you reject him and his girlfriend on that one aspect, it will only drive him further away from you.

Honestly, it is not your place to choose who your son dates. Do you not have faith in him to have good morals? Only God knows what is best for us and knows what our future will bring. Don't burn the bridge when you haven't even crossed it yet. They're dating, not married. He may stay with her and decide she's the one, or he'll find out they aren't quite the right match. Either way, it is HIS decision, not yours. Trying to force him will only make it worse.

Also, do not forget God's words:

"Love your neighbor as yourself."

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you," (John 15:12 KJV)

If you're worried, the only thing you can do is pray. But try to look at the good qualities, and trust your son. And trust in God. That's what faith is.
2016-04-10 19:07:46 UTC
Dear Mother,

I am not going to talk about religion, I will tell you something important. Doesn t matter, your son do wrong or right, you are his mother to be there for him, to give him a LOVE! To show respect and support his dreams and desires. Be there for him, be his friend! Get into his room If you want him to share with you and to tell you how the relationship develops. You never know, he may not continue with her, time goes bu and people change their belief system, their mind. Let him be with her, as if you say"NO", he will be more attracted to her and spend more time that he will if he feel the love you give him at home. You must win his heart in order to get your son back. Just remember, once the "bird" get out of home, he will never come back. You may both get together after years, but the pain will be there, because he is going to remember. In Bulgaria we say:Physical wounds heals faster that emotional, especially words, they have power that can hurt for all life long. Just to share, with boys,

reverse psychology works better than straight talk. I have two children and I am happy mother, because I give them my love and I respect their choice and I was there even they made a mistakes. If you really love him, you should follow your heart first, before the religion severe rules. I wish you both a good luck.
2016-04-10 01:40:53 UTC
Hello everybody,my name is Emon Barua .I'm nineteen years recent. programmer.I have a lady friend . She's a stunning and seems to be a sweet lady however she's Atheist which goes against our family values and morals .I do not need|actually need|really need} my son to envision her from now on I actually have talked to him however he will not listen and last night he got extremely angry and told American state that he does not want to listen to concerning it any further or I will not see him once more if I attempt to bring that up an additional time. i do not perceive what is wrong with him there ar such a large amount of stunning and sweet ladies at church and he had to decide on somebody like her. i can not believe it
2016-04-09 21:08:31 UTC
Your son is a grown man, so you don't really have much control over his life. The best thing to do is to really hammer on him how bad it is to date this woman. Sorry to those who are atheists, but dating a atheist is poison to someone who has faith, because there is a chance they may be converted to being atheist as well and that is basically a straight shot to hell in my religion.

The only advice I can give you is to pray and talk.
2016-04-09 22:36:50 UTC
I'm actually the female in a similar issue, and I have to say, please don't hate your son's girlfriend just because of your religion. My boyfriend's mom hates me because I'm not a Cristian, in fact she believes I'm an atheist (I'm not, I'm agnostic). She is probably a nice girl who really is in love with your son, and might even be willing to learn more about your religion (NOT convert). I know I have offered to go to church with my BF a couple times (though I've never actually gone, but I honestly would if he wanted me to). Seriously though, think about what your son wants. You can't break them up, but you can try to accept her for who she is. It is really painful to be trying to make your BF's mother like you when the reason she doesn't is your beliefs.
2016-04-09 13:51:48 UTC
Wow I read through most of these answers and I have to agree with them. I understand where you're coming from and I gather your following in your parents footsteps here. A generation of pure Christians , a tradition perhaps that has not been questioned nor broken until now...

You are a good person and mother, but every mother /parent must give their child freedom of choice once they hit adulthood.

Their life becomes theirs to choose their own path and their own partners or relationships.Don't become your child's dictator. Love them and who they choose to love. Be accepting and as you should know , the heart wants what the heart wants...

Even God gives freedom of choice. I'm a Christian , but I believe everybody has a right to their own belief and opinions. God will handle this !! If they are not meant to be, they will part . But for now, and maybe always, God has chosen them to be together...

be a good loving accepting parent to your son. Don't condemn him because he fell in love with a beautiful girl whose only fault is her beliefs....

You may just surprise yourself ....
2016-04-08 19:11:24 UTC
Hahahahah you're the crazy one here! It actually sounds like he's found a gem. Too bad his family isn't the same. She could obviously look past his background and beliefs and be accepting. YOU can't, therefore YOU are the problem. If you truly believe that you raised your son right, you raised him well enough to choose the right girl for him. And you would trust his decision and be accepting. Just because she isn't like you does not make her any worse or any less of a person. I'm sure she's still a wonderful soul, and if you could look past her lack of belief you might be able to appreciate that.
2016-04-10 14:37:08 UTC
You can't tell a 27 year old man what he can and can't do. You can tell him what you think and that's about it. We have a son that has been married 3 times (divorced now) to women that were not religious. He has changed now and knows that he should have listen to his Mother. He even joined a church. Maybe it will work out and I hope it does for you.
2016-04-10 00:41:03 UTC
You simply cannot force him to break up with her if he is in love. As long as you, him, and her have mutual respect for the others' beliefs, you really cannot get mad at one party. Imagine how many of your friends may be atheist since religion is a touchy subject that many people prefer not to discuss. If anything, you forcing your hand to come between your son and his girl would only cause a divide between you and him.
2016-04-09 22:33:53 UTC
I understand that you have your beliefs and can see how strongly you believe in them. But its his life to live. If he think he will be happy with this girl then you should be supportive. Growing up my mother was Catholic and my Dad was Atheist. I still went to a catholic school. Your family wont go to hell because of this.

Basically you have 2 choices:

1. Let your son marry who he want s and keep a happy family

2. Pretend like you are still allowed to make his decisions for him, have him run off and never see him again, knowing he will hate you for the rest of his life. (you'll probably die alone, srry to say. since it will drive the rest of your family away)

Ive seen option 2 before. NGL it makes the overbearing parents seem like complete nutjobs...

Your choice
2016-04-08 17:07:12 UTC
You're 55 not two. You don't get ANY say in what your son does or who he sees. You don't even get a say in the clothes he wears or the job he has. You can't control him forever, if you carry on you're going to lose him forever. And if that happens I shall applaud your Son. You Madam are a disgusting hateful bigot. I hope you see the error of your ways sooner rather than later

By the way it's Break not Brake. Brake is something you do in a car - Dumba*s
2016-04-10 23:14:07 UTC
Linda, I am 65 today, I have three daughters, two of them already married. For practically 51 years i have been very religious, but commencing November 2015 last year, I have finally decided to forget my beliefs and leave all of that behind. Now, I really feel very free and very happy. I come to this understanding after doing research on the origins of civilization (in Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Babylonia), the origins of religions, the origins of life and the process of evolution, the origins of the universe, the origins of languages, and almost every information that have connections with religion, which are available and easily obtained from the web.

My advice is: Children today are better informed on religion than their parents! So, do not worry too much, be happy that he is normal, should he made a mistake, it will make him stronger! Love your daughter in Law, help her in preparing the coming of your grandchild, believe me...that will make her, your son and yourself happy!

About religion?? I appreciate if you are still religious, but if you ask short...for me religion is just man made and as such religion only divide people! We all are humans! Do not let Theist or Atheist divide you and your son! Love them and they will make you happy...!
2016-04-10 23:09:10 UTC
Your son is an Adult, has a good job that requires brains and able to make his own life choices. If you are a Christian as you claim, then learn to love and accept that we are not all the same. Learn to accept his choices. By the way, brake is something on a car. Break is to tear apart.
2016-04-10 14:22:23 UTC
Dear Linda,

I too am the mother of young man about the age of your son, and I understand how you must feel. I would too would have concerns about my child having a serious relationship not only with an atheist, but anyone outside of our religion. Not because I don t respect other religions, but because I know that

should they have children it will be extremely difficult on their relationship and their family trying to decide which religion to become or to incorporate both. I’ve seen marriages and families fall apart

because of this. I’ve yet to see any work out. It’s only me, but when I’ve people with no faith, they just flounder.

However, if you continue to harp at your son he will turn against you and turn to her out of spite. All you can do is continue to show them your family’s love and faith as you normally would. If it comes up again, from him, tell your son that you know he will make the right choices and you would like him to consider his children and the faith based upbringing that he had. Then pray that it will work out for him.

God has a plan. God bless you and your family, Linda. You are in my prayers.
2016-04-08 19:06:33 UTC
Lady what is wrong with you? Your son's happiness should be #1. You're worried about her being an atheist. What next she needs to be a democrat or republican? Give me a break. If your son is happy let him be happy. At the end of the day we are all children of God. Don't pester him anymore. Love him and accept his choice and his girlfriend too. That is the proper thing to do.
2016-04-11 01:08:13 UTC
You'd like to think that you are generally accepting of most things, but you are mistaken: you appear to actually be quite rigid and inflexible.

Even when I was still a practicing Catholic, I never understood those who placed their God (more properly, their understanding of God) above their family. These kind of people say things like "I love Jesus, then my spouse, then my children", which seems utterly backwards to me. But all that is beside the point.

You asked what you should do.

The question is simply "what can you do?" If you can't find some way to respect your son, your (future) daughter-in-law and their decisions, then chances are your grand children really will be raised by atheists: you'll likely not see them. If you are okay with that outcome, then proceed as you see fit. If you aren't okay with that outcome, then you will have to figure out some way to build a relationship with your son and his partner.

Ask yourself: "Is it within my power to love my son, his partner, and my as yet unborn grand child enough to struggle through my own misgivings and treat them with respect and love?"

It's really up to you
Chris K
2016-04-10 18:11:14 UTC
He is 27. An adult. You simply can't make a rule that he has to break up with her because she is not religious. If he is happy with her then wish him the best. Coming from a 31 year old here, my parents don't care who I date as long as she isn't some psycho girl.
2016-04-09 03:51:51 UTC
Your son will date whoever he wants to date. You have already voiced your concerns, which is all you really can do. Your son can keep his relationship with God and be with someone who is non-religious or someone of a different religion. Although you may prefer him to be with someone of the same faith you'll just have to trust your son's judgement and God's plan. As long as your son is happy, isn't that all that really matters?
2016-04-09 21:46:10 UTC
Just because religion works out for you, that doesn't mean it works for everyone else.

Your son is not a boy anymore. He's a man and an adult, he knows what responsibilities his actions can create. You don't get to run his life, he is the only one person who's allowed to do that.

He doesn't need your permission to be with someone. He gives himself that permission and chose date this girl. He's happy seeing her and why can't you be happy for him?

Accept him for who he is if you truly love him.
2016-04-09 13:04:59 UTC
First start off by learning how to spell before you make judgement. Now that that's said, I'm a Roman Catholic, and I believe it's against Christian morals to be judgemental of religious belief. Your son should be allowed to date her as long as she is kind. Religion should NOT come into the matter.
2016-04-10 22:46:08 UTC
He is clearly not making a very sound decision on this one. I have dated several atheist women in my life, and as a Christian I can say that I found them to be very spiteful and vindictive. Even most of the "Christian" women that I had been with, were troubled at best. He should run far and fast from this woman, but you know he won't. Once a man tastes some pusay, then he cannot think straight; its a curse that most men share. He'll have to come to the conclusion on his own, that she is no good, before he can break free from her clutches. This is unfortunately his burdon and he has to decide to be rid of her, but you can help by pointing out her faults to your son, and if your lucky he might see eye to eye with you.
2016-04-11 00:08:27 UTC
Hi, Linda! I understand your experiences, but you need to understand, that your son grew up and he has his own opinion, view on life and the main is feelings! I think, that it will be better if you give him some time to be with this girl without your advices. Everybody has it's own beliefs, please,think about it. I think that if I'm Christian and don't visit church every week, it means, that I'm do not believe in God, or I'm bad person. Wish you all the best.
2016-04-10 03:33:18 UTC
It's his life to live, not yours. It's not very "Christian" of you to be unaccepting of his choice. Even Jesus made friends with Mary Magdalen, a prostitute. Perhaps you're Christian by Name and covert habits, but not in your heart, and by your actions, behaviour or tolerance towards others. Judge not, lest you be judged for your hypocrisy. You will lose your son, not because of his behaviour, only your own. Jesus was inclusive of and had love for all, what gives you the right not to be, and deliberately ruin your son's happiness? You are toxic, judgemental and will get exactly what you deserve if you don't start being genuinely nice to both of them.
2016-04-08 11:31:30 UTC
Your son is old enough to make his own decisions. It shouldn't matter what religion your son's girlfriend is. How is her being atheist a bad thing? Just accept it. Don't judge her because of her beliefs.
2016-04-09 13:00:41 UTC
It's always the worst if your family hates your girlfriend or you know that your boyfriend's family hate you. If your son is happy with her and she seems like a sweet girl then why don't you try to get to know her rather than judging her on what she believes in. It's ridiculous.
2016-04-08 08:39:04 UTC
You such as a Christian. Your son may eventually get the woman to find God and start believing.

But you dismissed her and you think she will always be an atheist. BTW, there are also many lousy Christians and many wonderful Atheists in the world.

Who is better? A guy who attends church on Sunday but still gets drunk, cheats and beats his wife? Or an Atheist who treats everyone they meet with love and respect?
2016-04-09 22:07:36 UTC
If you say that you truly raised them as strong christians then you should try to convince your son to either leave this girl or try to make her believe in Jesus. Give him valid and reasonable answers to why should he leave her. Tell him that she won't be able to raise kids who love God and obey him, ask him how would he feel if she doesn't value what he values and worships, he need a consultation from the churches' priests and they will be able to help him out. By the way, if he is a strong christian who has deep faith, as time goes he will figure out that she is not the one cos simply athiests only live for themselves and for their desires to be fulfilled without any rules to be followed. The best way is to PRAY for him ...yesss cos a Prayer can create a miracle!!
2016-04-10 13:03:43 UTC
Wanting whats best for your child is understanding, if he's happy with this girl and they're good to each other then let them be. I understand that your belief system is different from hers as well as others but that won't change the kid that you raised. His anger may also be hurt. He most likely wants you to accept her into the family even if you disagree with what she believes. Just be careful with it, pushing him anymore will make him distant and will hurt you both in the end.
2016-04-09 15:21:24 UTC
Let the kid be who he wants to be with, personally i dont have a religion either becuase PERSONALLY i think its pointless, that is my point of view and i dont want any mean comments towards me thanks, but like sara said if you raised him to not go with non religious girls then he will listen to the reason you told him not to do that unless he thinks that your wrong, but this is the world we live in, and again in my opinion not many perople are religious anymore most people i know at my school (with about 5 thousand or something people in it) are NOT religious im not telling you that religion is wrong im just being honest when i say there are only a few people who believe, my last point is, If someone seperated you from someone you wouldent like it would you? Be grateful hes not a guy that no one likes and he can actually get someone to love maybe for the rest of his life.
2016-04-09 04:44:31 UTC
I don't think you should, unless she's just a terrible person in general. Just because someone is an atheist doesn't mean they are nessecarily bad. Maybe you could talk to your son about talking to her about his Faith and maybe inviting her to church. But if she doesn't want to you should just let her be. If anything God doesn't want us to go out and find people who are already good he wants us to go out and show his love to those who need it most. Remeber Jesus said to preach to both the Gentiles and the Jews. When you really think about it it is almost a little shallow to have somebody else breakup with someone just because of religion. Remeber religion is meant to help bring people together not tear them apart.
Brian Stromi
2016-04-10 19:03:04 UTC
Ms. Rosie gave a great answer. To add, I would suggest trying the supportive approach in letting him know that you are always there for him. Your actions seem to be pushing him away and raising his defensive walls so anything you say is non-effective. Instead, If you try to find the good in her, and try to support his decisions, you'll be able to repair your relationship with your son. Maybe it will repair to the point that he'll value your opinion more.
Tien 482
2016-04-09 17:38:32 UTC
There's nothing for me to answer your question with because you can't force people to get together and you can't force a breakup either. Let your son and his gf work it out between them. There's nothing that you can do for control purposes or you can try and risk not seeing your son again. Which is more important?
2016-04-08 15:23:16 UTC
Dude, let the coat strings go! Let him make his own decisions. What SHOULD matter is your son's happiness and well being. Boo hoo she's atheist religious views shouldn't matter. My mom pulled this on me and continues to try it. I have two kids I am raising them to make their own choices if they decide they want to be religious I will support therm 100%. That's how it should be with any parent in any situation. We love our children unconditionally no matter the situation. By doing what you're doing or wanting to do is going to put a wedge between you to. He is a grown adult let him be one stop trying to make decisions for him
2016-04-09 16:53:33 UTC
Sorry to brake this to you but if you brake them up he will grow to hate you I'm trying to be nice but that's probably what'll happen
2016-04-08 07:42:12 UTC
hahahaha get him to break up with her? for a 55 year old woman you are pretty stupid, you can't and the more that you protest the more he is going to hold onto her, at this rate he will marry her and there is nothing you can do about it. do you want to be in your son's life? then stay out of his dating life. he's 27 years old he's a grown *** man, he will choose to be with who ever the hell he wants, besides no guy wants to be with a girl that he's mum chooses.
2016-04-10 15:06:43 UTC
You can't help who you fall in love with. If he want to date her then let him. You can't control him. I date a atheist before most sweetie person I've dated. Don't judge your neighbor because you don't want to be judge. And you're judging her. Maybe she have reasons she doesn't believe. Like how you've reasons to believe. But just because she doesn't believe doesn't mean she's a bad person. And just because you are religious doesn't make you a good person. It goes both ways.
2016-04-09 02:41:27 UTC
''brake up''

56 years of age and you have the IQ of a 2 year old, you can barely spell & your grammar is horrible. Please don't reproduce anymore, thank you.

Not going to read any further because it's obvious you're a child a or troll or really a 56-year-old with NO education whatsoever.
2016-04-09 03:16:09 UTC
Don't try and change his relationships. If he loves her then he gets to stay with her. Fair and simple. Maybe she's an atheist who still has an open mind about religion so she's not evil
2016-04-10 01:36:51 UTC
Talk to your son and convince him that atheists doesn't have rules. And doesn't believe in things we believe in. They can cheat if they want and think it is right sleeping around and you don't want to deal with that. It is unusuall they change. do really convince him. It hurt really for me to be with an atheist that didn't respect my waiting until marriage and lost his to others meanwhile we talked. I don't want that to happen to your son too. He laughed about it and tried to convince to not believe. We were different that way. Tell him that is gonna be someone else who will love him. Found a believer and he respect me, and think like me. It is best for your son too
2016-04-10 12:32:35 UTC
I can't give advice telling you how to make them break up, but I can say that just because someone doesn't believe in God doesn't mean that they don't have morals and values. It also doesn't mean she will for sure try and change him. My advice is to get to know her for her not what she is labeled as.

I wish you and your son the best of luck.
Gregory Edward
2016-04-09 00:17:07 UTC
It's parents like you that shouldn't reproduce, i'd hate to imagine if your son was gay and what you'd do if he was.

You can't try and cure a world destroyed by religion only to try cure it with religion, it doesn't work that way and so there for you should stop trying to change your son as it's his life he's living and not yours.

I'm glad my parents aren't like you because if it were me, i would had sure ditched your *** if you can't respect and let me live my own life.
2016-04-09 22:13:10 UTC
1. he is atheist

2. all the girl at your church are ugly

3. just let him be, he is an adult.

Jesus doesn't really exist... so it doesn't matter if he is in church or not.. church is really good, but most people go there just for the church social... I myself am atheist.. but I still go to church if I don't have anything better to do.. like on new years.. just to give an example.
2016-04-10 12:01:10 UTC
Just live your own life mom, and leave your son and his gf alone. He's well into his adult years and doesn't need your malicious religiously corrupted meddling mind trying to spoil what could be a wonderful thing for both of them.
Uncle Sam
2016-04-10 01:58:30 UTC
Oh I wouldn't worry about her. There are people with religion that want to kill all of us. It's ISIS that is short for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. You see the president won't even say Islamic State. So I think we have bigger fish to fry don't you.
2016-04-08 07:29:25 UTC
brake up?

By the way, religion is a personal affair not a group affair as you are making it to be. Nobody in the world can force someone to believe in something if they don't want to and there's not a D/\MN thing you can do about it.
2016-04-10 06:14:50 UTC
Religion? Are you ******* kidding me? That's not what makes you, YOU. It's a belief. If she's a good girl, then let him go for it dont get in the way. It's not something i would trip about as a dad, as long as he ain't bringing no hoes over.
Little Ollie
2016-04-10 13:13:01 UTC
He's obviously not interested in the beautiful and sweet girls at church that you have in mind for him. You need to be very careful if you want a relationship with your son, it's his choice to make, not yours. Pray for patience and understanding.
2016-04-09 01:47:01 UTC
, i think that , unfortunatelly, there are too many children!so some of them could have missed the point!i have only one daugheter and took care of her better than my breath and she let herself stolen by my husband, my soon, ex husband..anyway he has never been my husband , which used to pretend in Court he is an atheist or so , i guess.but my gaugheter doesn't know about things like - atheism in so way that to take it for real...i 'don't know.well despite the fact that i am repsonsible for her life, and i love her like i love god..i told her i won't come at her wedding if she answers me back..etc..take stupid into marriage or so....these times when i and her have been shared , i said to myself that if i would have had a boy..i would have let him in the Street ...without care about him..why.because men are not violated..or not the same with a girl, then their mind is far much stronger , and i i myself would have raised him, he should know to come to me and do what i remember him from case he refuses, it is better that our ways to be apart, in other that he could know my opinion , not a false one..and think he does good and then discover he is destroyed.

then let 's think a little.that letting him do what he wants, bringing home Who knows whom , it could kill you...such a person, could take you aut of your my country there is a big problem, the sons and the daugheters don't receive fortune until the death of their parents...e.g many cases...because of this problem i think..their mariages..even if all of them die...!and alomost die...

..but i told my daugheter in other to come to me..she will receive something now..and the rest of it ..under conditions which is a law term here and i tried to..avoid the subject this way but i think i told her it is because this man of a woaman's life ..the way i heard it here.the man of my life...

but i am not sure i still try to discover what it means...could be idolizing somebody Who doesn t deserve..even.after she will return , i should give her whatever she needs, but i ll make a deal..about her the meantime, she must be taught what this World is..and she will be able to choose.

if you say you raised the boy in a religious manner, he shlould know that the that girl is having demons ..e.g by being an atheist..and a low intelligence, and the devil of sexual pleasure if she is not virgin and she wasn't raped.if she was raped she should proove it..but by this..she is an atheist...she didn't pass the first comandemnt of God at least, the conditions of God given in the bible, for marriage are not acomplished..and they cannot marry, the priest should not betray
2016-04-09 14:34:53 UTC
I am sure that you want the best for your son as any mother would want for her child. At the end of the day, if she makes him happy and doesn't influence any of his actions or beliefs and he stays true to who he is then there should be no reason why they have to breakup. It doesn't matter what she believes in or doesn't believe in. If she loves your son and wouldn't do anything to change him or his way then you should just leave them be.
2016-04-09 11:51:34 UTC
I would advise against making them break up. Yes the scripture does say not to unevenly yoke, I believe that if you try to teach him to break up with someone early and pretty much teach him to divorce when he gets married and that is absolutely wrong because youre teaching him to break a life long promise made in front of God. What youcan do is pray for him and hope he can influence her to convert. Also see if you can get someone he trusts to talk to him, his dad, his friend or a pastor. You can not force him to make a decision, but you can influence him.
Kevin Queen
2016-04-10 15:12:40 UTC
hi linda I don't believe in religion I believe in what I believe in and you should just let your son date her it is love you should never break up 2 people who are in loved or else you will be the one who will get hated look here does it really matter who he dates I am sure as long she is nice I am sure your son will be alright it could be worse he could be dating a girl who only wants his money or beats him up or something like that
2016-04-08 07:38:05 UTC
Hey, there are many atheist girls who are genuinely nice people too. Just because someone is atheist it doesn't necessarily mean they bring bad influence or go against one's family values and morals. You'd be breaking their hearts. That's cruel and I don't think it's right.
2016-04-09 14:07:09 UTC
First get him to teach you better grammar. It's break not brake. And then after that, go home and get some food.
2016-04-10 02:06:52 UTC
When she dies shes gonna go into a tree and she's gonna be doing her tree thing with the wind or what ever trees do and then a big sweaty guy with an axe and starts beating her she falls, drags her through the mud and the muck, throws her into a saw mill, pack her into paper and print the bible on her

-Dane cook
2016-04-08 21:17:31 UTC
Why does it matter what she believes? If they want to be together, LET THEM BE TOGETHER. Yeh she may not believe but when it comes to love and religion, religion comes after love. My girlfriend and I are completely 2 different religions. She's Mormon and I'm Wiccan. but the thing is we don't give a crap what each other believes if anything religion isn't even a factor in our relationship. If you love your son then fine but you shouldn't restrict who he can love just cause of their religion.
2016-04-09 00:48:25 UTC
You are a sinful woman, on one hand praying to god and trying to be nice. But on the other hand judging people for their believes. If you believe in god you know that god loves all people even if they dont believe in him.

Is this girl a goos person, does she have a good heart, that is what is important.

Try to show your son that you have a big heart by allowing him to date this girl.
2016-04-08 19:46:36 UTC
Your 27 year old son is not a boy.

He's a man that can make his own decisions.
2016-04-08 14:07:18 UTC
he is 27 and you still want to tell him how to live his life?? why?? he is a grown man. he can make his own decisions about anything and everything, including religion. just because she is an atheist does not make her a bad person, nor any different actually than you. she just has a different belief system in place. keep doing what you are doing and you will alienate him forever.
2016-04-10 13:01:39 UTC
i think if there is a god (which you say there is) and he has power to do things and he's on right side and he made this world based on solid and true rules and he also is kind to everyone; he should and of course he will guide your son in the ways of i think you should do your parts as a mother and after that trust god in your son's redemption...and there is one important issue which is:we as parents;teacher,church,friend should'nt never ever neglet people's liberty and let them experience and learn for their goodness.

what's matter is everyone deserves to a pupose and fight for it.
the truth
2016-04-10 13:51:58 UTC
The lord gave us freewill, he wants us to live our life for him and to be fruitful and multiple, your son fell in love with the person by his own free will and he loves her, you are trying to make him do something that he doesn't want to do and that makes him mad because a loving mother should support her son. yes the girl is a atheist, but that doesn't mean she is a bad person, religion is important but god loves all his children no matter what religion they are and if you are unwilling to love her as a atheist then you are not obeying what god wants "love your neighbor as yourself." you don't need to get your son to leave his girlfriend, you need to bond with his girlfriend not in a religious sense but in a friendship sense.
2016-04-09 02:42:49 UTC
If you don't want your son to hate you then you will let him be happy. Trying to get him to break up with his girlfriend is probably going to drive him away from not only you but your religion too.
2016-04-08 08:19:54 UTC
FYI... I married and Atheist, she goes against everything my family AND her family believes in... Both of our families have had cheaters and divorces... Ours... After 20 years, we are still strong and faithful to each other.

Religion is not "required" to have happiness or a long marriage.

It's perfectly understandable if your son IS happy in his relationship.
2016-04-10 10:57:00 UTC
What's wrong with that? He could be dating a religious extremist. What's worse?
2016-04-08 18:43:12 UTC
You're so ignorant. People can believe whatever they want to believe. If your son loves her for her, then you've raised him correctly. He sees the person, not the religion. Maybe you could learn to be more like that instead of a close-minded b*tch.
2016-04-09 18:43:11 UTC
You can't stop him. I've seen a similar situation with a friend of mine. He married my friend and dumped his parents. He moved out and now he calls his parents in law 'Mum and dad.' It's time to see your son as an adult now and respect his choices, even if you don't like them.
2016-04-10 12:10:30 UTC
Really there is nothing you can do. I feel for you. I have two sons. All I could do is hope they will come their senses. It's their life. Who knows maybe she will become a believer.
2016-04-10 08:48:55 UTC
It's up to him.
2016-04-10 18:14:34 UTC
Your son is an adult and (I presume) he is able to make his own life decisions for himself. That said, if you successfully force him to break up with his atheist girlfriend, he may end up resenting you. Your son will eventually be haunted by the possibility that she may have been 'the one.' Instead of putting yourself in the position of being the villain, please put enough trust in your son to see how it plays out.
2016-04-08 22:00:21 UTC
Just because she is not religious does not mean shes not a good person. Ive met many amazing athiest and religious people. There are all types of amazing people! The world would be a better place if people could just understand that. Just because someone is different does not mean they are not kind and amazing.....
2016-04-09 16:51:18 UTC
The bible literally says if someone marries a Christian theh are part of the church. You can't make your son break up with her. Maybe he'll convert her or something. Good luck
2016-04-10 10:31:49 UTC
You should base somebody on their beliefs? If your son really cares about her, that shouldn't matter and you should want him to be happy no matter what. It's 2016 fgs, this is disgusting
2016-04-09 12:54:23 UTC

I'm a Christian but one son is now a pastor and married to a Christian girl my daughter is wavering

Its up to your son to make his own mind up. If you have brought him in a Christian?religios way that should be enough, if he strays he will come back
2016-04-08 20:54:58 UTC
2016-04-09 17:27:18 UTC
Interesting as all religious people are only one God away from being an atheist. By Google their is over 2500 gods, and most believe in only one, so once we get you to realise your one God is a brainwashing fictional mythological man made rubbish, we will have done our job on earth.good on this atheist girl, as she is not going to allow herself to be brainwashed into believing in this rubbish.
2016-04-09 03:10:31 UTC
Let your son date who he wants.Atheist or not she's still a girl.
2016-04-09 21:14:24 UTC
Hes 27 you can give him your opinion your his mom but you cant tell him what to do if he says he doesnt want your opinion to be stated anymore then live with it. also if your 55 and comin on yahoo answers for this type of question then you need to grow up to your age and learn the break is spelled "break" and not "brake" when your saying break up...
2016-04-10 15:17:14 UTC
You can't break a couple up just because one of them doesn't believe in god! Its absolutely pathetic! If they love eachother then they should stay together. Also, if you broke them up then your son found out, he might hate you. Just leave them alone. They're a couple.
2016-04-09 22:05:07 UTC
You don't, there's nothing wrong with being atheist. Stay out of personal business that isn't yours to decide
2016-04-09 21:00:52 UTC
To be honest, I don't really see the problem here. She doesn't believe in God.. Let her believe what she wants to believe I'm on your side my family is religious also but there's nothing you can do about it he likes her if I were you I wouldn't try to split them up
2016-04-08 17:14:38 UTC
I thought that you were not meant to judge others as a christian but except them. She may jot share your religious beliefs but as long as she shares the same core values and morals she should make a good partner. My mum is religious and my dad isnt. They have been married happily for 35 years. Dad made the decision to support my mums beliefs to have a united front with us children. Maybe she will do the same. You should treat others the way you wish to be treated. It is not for you to judge, only for god. You cant really be a Christian if you are not accepting of othersand are trying to ruin your sons change at real loveannd happiness.
Donna L
2016-04-08 10:19:57 UTC
He's 27, a grown man. Unless you were a horrid mother who shouldn't have even been trusted with a fish, let alone a human, trust that you raised him well and trust his choice and stay out of it.. serously.
2016-04-08 22:51:33 UTC
my mother in law was same like you. she tried to separate us because she belongs to rich family and I am from middle class family. she always thought i am after his money and there is no love between us. she insulted me and humiliated her own son.

we have been together for 11 years and been married for 9 years. i didn't loose anything but she lost her son. the son who loved her now don't talk to her at all. we moved overseas 8 years ago and never went back. i never argue with her whenever she said anything to me. she still call me and talk to me sometimes but my husband never answer her phone calls. i never asked my husband what she said about me but i know she said very mean things about my family and so husband and I are not rich peoples. we are working class couple but we are happy.
2016-04-09 09:30:12 UTC
She may be a fine person. God, for some reason, seems invisible to some very good people. God is just not there whereas we see Him everywhere.

I'd go over Thomas Aquinas' Logical Proofs of the Existence of God with my son and make certain he understands them. Duns Scotus wrote some that Thomas Merton thought were even better than Aquinas'.

Once your son realizes that faith is not just based on belief, but can be proven, you can relax. She won't convince him to deny logic.
2016-04-10 22:53:03 UTC
It's not up to you to choose who your son dates
2016-04-11 00:41:10 UTC
In the long run it's really up to your son who he dates. I'm sorry you don't agree with her beliefs however you should not ruin your sons happiness to benefit your own.
2016-04-09 02:57:54 UTC
I'm not gonna read all the other answers because most likely most of them are all from non believers... I say PRAY!!! One thing is for sure God does not want us with non believers.. So pray for it to break up, and know that God is on your side because he wouldn't want your son with a non believer either. Another thing is, MAYBE God wants him to bring her to God. So pray for that as well. But tell God if she is never going to believe, and effect your sons faith, then for him to break it up... GOODLUCK.
2016-04-09 04:45:03 UTC
He's 27. It's none of your business.
2016-04-08 20:32:46 UTC
'Break' up. Brake is a device used to slow or stop a car or other vehicle.
2016-04-10 09:00:34 UTC
It's okay. The offspring of internet trolls always behave like that. It's normal
2016-04-09 13:01:21 UTC
Just let him choose his life, her being an atheist does not necessarily mean she's a bad person
2016-04-10 05:59:19 UTC
By looking at this from your perspective, I can understand how you feel. Now you need to look at it from his perspective. He's an adult and can make decisions for himself. Also, if he's happy, that's all that should matter to you.
2016-04-09 20:42:35 UTC
Your son is a grown can't control who he choose to talk to and date..he's living his own life and he have to can't push your beliefs on him..that's not fair to can only talk to him and let him take that information and do what he please with you constantly in his ear about his personal're only going to cause him to stay away from you and push him closer to him..what you said he blieve him when he say "you will not see him again"..

My brother married this controlling, manipulative, verbal abusing woman last month..before they got mom and me tried talking him out of it..that only cause get mad at us over her..make excuses for her actions..disrespect my mom and me over pushed him closer to her..and what happened......they got married..your son is 27..he gotta live and learn..he gotta make know next time what not to do or who not to talk to
2016-04-11 02:28:16 UTC
Atheist have a belief and that is there is no God. It's up to him who he wants to date and separating them will only make him want her even more
2016-04-10 12:33:16 UTC
With all respect to your religious principles and beliefs which were obviously introduced to you by your forebears, why is it that you wish to try to force your views onto a stranger who has every right to her own views on this matter ? We all individually need to conform to our beliefs no matter how rediculous they may appear to others., yours to theirs, and theirs to your's. Its just as unfair to attempt to brainwash or bludgeon your ideas on to them as it would be for them to attempt to influence you.

Would suggest that you try to look a little beneath the surface of the young lady, and try to see how she really is, instead of only seeing a surface image of which you have a natural bias. You cannot asses a real person by judging what style of coat they wear. Give it a try. I think you will be very surprised once you eliminate all the built in biases that all our pasts have lumbered us with.
my 2 cents
2016-04-08 07:36:00 UTC
Just because people are religious, doesn't make them good people. There's nothing wrong with being an Atheist. It goes against YOUR morals and values, not his. Atheists have morals and values too.
2016-04-09 19:20:58 UTC
I'm not religious but my sister is a qualified religious theologist and a devout Christian she says that the bible teaches us not to judge those who don't believe and that even if she's not a Christian herself that it will not reflect upon him in the eyes of God.
2016-04-10 11:41:01 UTC
You can't
2016-04-09 09:38:41 UTC
If he really loves her then their is nothing you can really do about it. So you can't MAKE him break up with her, he's a grown man now. Even if she is an athiest, it DOESN'T MATTER. She just doesn't believe in God. Why would she want to speak of religion anyways? I'm a Christian, I don't discriminate. You shouldn't either.
Donnie Doom
2016-04-08 17:54:00 UTC
She doesn't even believe in talking snakes or walking on water?! Wow, you were right. She's definitely got some crazy ideas going.
2016-04-09 23:17:42 UTC
How does she get him to break up with you? Love thy neighbour knowing that you wont be embarrassed by her as you dont play the whole holier than thou pride game. Im not sure, perhaps if you read the bible with a bit of humility in your heart you will find your answer
2016-04-08 21:30:49 UTC
Your Son is a Adult, He can date who he wants, You shouldn't get involved with his love life
2016-04-08 23:33:43 UTC
It's not your concern. You're just going to push him away. Accept her for how good she is towards your son.
2016-04-08 23:41:27 UTC
Mom Think as young keep your self in place of your child and then thik

Second thing every one beleve in god but some people dont want to show it even when he/she comes under hard time definately they pray and remind god.

Third thing you already saying she is beautifull, explore the nature and her family values and forget other things

and do not force your kid and do not rule on him. proff you are great parrents.
Cartesian M
2016-04-09 15:48:55 UTC
Raising kids with religion = not allowing them informed consent. What you should have done from the beginning is allow your children the freedom to choose JUST LIKE YOUR GOD DOES IN THE BIBLE. You didn't, and now you are making it worse, which will probably destroy your relationship with him. Congratulations.
2016-04-09 16:02:21 UTC
You dumbass.

Just let him date who he wants. It's better than dating a boy. Atleasts he's not gay. He probably won't change one bit if he was mature and well disciplined. Just don't worry do much.
2016-04-11 00:26:06 UTC
Good golly it is BREAK not BRAKE maybe you should encourage he date atheists who are probably more educated than you.
2016-04-10 13:32:03 UTC
Hi Linda, what I think you should do is let your son be happy, sit down and have a chat with him about his girlfriend get to know her before you want them to break up x
2016-04-09 11:46:36 UTC
If this were my son I would remind him of his faith and let him know that this woman is no good. In the eyes of the lord she has to go. He needs to be with his own kind. It is not good for him to be with this woman as she could heavily influence him into not believing in God. You need to make him choose, God or his girlfriend.
2016-04-08 20:35:44 UTC
Your 55 and acting like an infant. Im sorry but its your sons right to be with this girls.
2016-04-10 04:07:05 UTC
I am wondering what "all those crazy ideas" really are. So, are you saying that atheists are crazy just because they don't believe in Jesus? You should be thankful that your son is not so racist unlike you are. Can you please respect diversity a bit?
2016-04-09 17:40:17 UTC
Please don't let your religion get in the way of your son's relationships. If he loves her, you can't break that up. Not everyone has the same values so sometimes we just have to deal with it.
2016-04-10 10:56:18 UTC
2016-04-08 17:28:17 UTC
I personally don't agree with atheist religion but I have seen nice people in them who love and care so I don't judge them. Maybe he can change her and she'll end up converting that's usually happens in female cases
2016-04-08 20:11:39 UTC
Pray,only Jesus can convict him,and pray for her,an may Jesus save her and all here. Google Beth Moore and Charles Stanley,great Christian teachers to encourage you and your son an his girlfriend,in Jesus. May The LORD Jesus Bless you,your son,an her,family,bring salvation to her,and all here,lost,give wisdom in Holy Spirit, by Jesus stripes we are healed,saved,amen shalom Israel,family,world. PTL

Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 good Christian sites
2016-04-10 05:20:01 UTC
Don't. It's his choice. Trying to stop him will only make him hate you for not accepting his girlfriend
2016-04-09 12:39:49 UTC
2016-04-09 12:36:45 UTC
Well pretty much I have been disappointed in this arena also. Being Catholic the sacraments are close to my heart. But God blessed me with inlaws I love none the less. Love is always the answer
2016-04-09 19:40:24 UTC
Miss, if your son is happy and the girl is respectful then why interfere? Not everyone is going to share the same beliefs as you.
2016-04-09 23:38:36 UTC
Hi Linda ! It's really matter of worried try to understood him about this because its not supported by religion so you should do that be carefully.or misunderstanding increase her craziness .

try to discussion with him
2016-04-09 05:55:53 UTC
Hello Linda, it's very normal for you to have these thoughts about that being unbelievable but you need to put away your religion for a little bit and think about your son.I'm sure what you want is for him to be happy,right? You should call your son over to your house or maybe out to eat,explain your feeling calmly and be ready for acceptance.maybe come to a compromise like once every month the girl come to church with both of you and maybe you get to know her and get past the atheist part.if happy unsafe then he deserves to be with her

.....Let me know if this helped
2016-04-08 16:20:10 UTC
If your son is happy, then that's all that matters.
2016-04-09 17:13:02 UTC
Your "boy" has been a legal adult for nearly a decade and can date whoever he chooses to date. A good way to drive him away from you is to interfere with his love life. It is none of your business.
2016-04-08 22:16:33 UTC
What's more important, your religion, or your kids? That should be a no brainer. I mean good grief, talk about first world problems.
2016-04-09 08:43:58 UTC
All religions are right and all religions are wrong. As soon as you come to terms with how you yourself have been brainwashed by religion, and how you in turn have brainwashed your children into becoming 'followers' instead of critical thinkers for themselves, you will never understand her.

She sounds like a great catch...and that you could stand to learn a few things from matter what you THINK you know. All religions were placed here for all people from different populations...and as such...different religions developed naturally. There's no ONE religion that rules the rest. WAKE UP.
2016-04-10 01:32:52 UTC
Send him out in a dual-controlled car and arrange for a kitten to run across the road in front of them.
2016-04-08 07:43:10 UTC
nothing you can fact your values probably run differently than the average person. in fact, it wouldn't bother me what my son loves in a woman and I am a Catholic which is the holiest of religions. you can't even state what you believe in!!
2016-04-09 10:36:34 UTC
You have raised your son, and made your opinion known. As far as direct action, I'd say you're done. Take comfort in that. If you push any further, you will distance yourself from your son. The beginnings of this occurred already when he got angry the other week.

As far as indirect action, you can always pray. I would pray for what is best for my son, basically God's Will. I would not pray for the destruction of his relationship with his girlfriend. I would also pray for my own peace of mind and restraint in the matter.
2016-04-09 09:06:14 UTC
If your son is happy with her, and she isn't influencing him into drugs or alcohol, then I think the relationship is perfectly fine. Just because she doesn't believe in the same things as you and your family do, it doesn't mean she's a bad person.
2016-04-10 01:52:17 UTC
Just leave them. It's his choice who he is dating
Joseph hola
2016-04-09 11:32:29 UTC
Sometimes God uses circumstances like this for His benefit. Let's see how it goes and if the girl is neutral to religions or is an antitheist.
2016-04-12 11:49:35 UTC
Maybe you should grow up and realize that an adult has agency over his own choices and you have no right to push your ideas on him and control his life you crazy freak
2016-04-09 04:17:17 UTC

Break is the one you want not...brake..Just looked back and he has closed his old persona and gone back to Level 1.....good.
2016-04-09 23:13:06 UTC
A few words from a young man to an elder. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2016-04-10 10:42:42 UTC
Well if that's the case it makes things a lot less clear cut. If you intend to continue this relationship I wouldn't recommend going out of the way to convert her, it is those actions that seem to turn even the most respectable atheist into the boorish militant sort. The reason is simply because no matter how much respect they give to people of religious belief, in the end you have to remember that they find your beliefs illogical; the more militant just take it a step further and claim that lack of logic is also dangerous.

If you continue the relationship it would be a good opportunity for her to see the good of Catholicism through the works of its followers (you). If you continue I would recommend that you do become weaker in your faith and duties to the Church, because if an atheist senses doubt there is little reason for them not to attempt to convert you to atheism simply because they think you'd be happier that way. (Not trying to make it sound sinister, just giving you an atheist perspective gathered from my own moments of weakness)

Finally the biggest problem is if you ever get engaged with this woman and married it will be troubling raising children under that kind of household. There will always be doubt in a child's faith when they see one parent who never goes to Church with the other and from what I've seen it tends to cause problems in marriages. Heck even Catholics marrying Protestants causes problems so its just the same for atheists.
2016-04-09 15:35:28 UTC
Religion shouldn't matter, if they both genuinely like each other don't get in the way of it. You'll look like a prick if you do.
2016-04-09 09:14:12 UTC
Maybe try to see it as an opportunity for your son to show his faith and bring another person into the faith. I know it isn't easy, but it's possible that your son could save someone's soul. If she starts pushing him away from God, then you have reason to worry.
2016-04-09 12:44:05 UTC
You can tell him how you feel about it, but I wouldn't go any further than that. At the end of the day, it's his choice who he dates.
2016-04-09 20:18:07 UTC
Dont get involved, he may come to resent you in the future, let things play out. They will likely break up on their own terms anyway
2016-04-08 07:49:27 UTC
How about you accept your child's decision for THEIR life?
2016-04-09 09:54:56 UTC
Lady, your son is a grown adult. He's 27. Let him date any woman he wishes and stop trying to shove the Bible down his throat.
2016-04-09 23:40:51 UTC
try your best to act christian and accept him and his gf or you will push him away from both you and your religion i'm sure you don't want to end up a grandmother who never gets to see her grandchildren so be accepting and don't try to push your religion you never know he might even convert her
2016-04-10 15:52:29 UTC
Well, if he's 27 yrs old there's not much you can do is there?
2016-04-10 03:08:48 UTC
First learn how to use the proper word. It's break* ma'am.
2016-04-08 14:03:33 UTC
It's his life not yours, if you do manage to break them up, he'll never speak to you again
2016-04-10 00:14:19 UTC
Ur son who is almost marriageable ( as dating) & having his own life. So, why poke Ur nose into his affair?
2016-04-10 17:49:54 UTC
2016-04-08 21:14:06 UTC
back OFF and let your son lone This girl will never come to Christ if you are always against her and your son will turn away too. Pray for them.
2016-04-10 22:16:18 UTC
You need to treat your son as an adult. You have done your best to train and groom your children according to your faith. On attaining adulthood, they are free to choose- life mate, life style, faith independently. You need not bother as you have done your best.
2016-04-09 07:34:23 UTC
Think about it like this: God does what's best and maybe this is it for your son
2016-04-10 14:59:17 UTC
He's 27!!! Let him do every he wants to do
2016-04-10 14:39:26 UTC
just let him date the girl.Being atheist doesn't mean someone is a bad person
2016-04-09 03:15:12 UTC
Rock n roller collar wares I can't take it anymore
2016-04-08 07:42:02 UTC
Be careful, he is old enough to make his own decisions. Even if you manage to make him break up with her, he will hate you forever for breaking into his personal life.
2016-04-10 14:56:31 UTC
stay out of your son's love life. he's a grown adult who can make his own decisions
2016-04-09 03:51:59 UTC
you poor deluded old fool still believing in a load of trash written centuries ago. Your sons girlfriend is the right one and your the idiot.
2016-04-12 17:46:44 UTC
At least she'll never feel compelled to worship another man.
Alan H
2016-04-08 07:35:50 UTC
He is an adult. Your responsibility now is so to demonstrate Christian love that she will want to ask how you do it.

If your lifestyle is no different, what odds does it make?

You are in my prayers
2016-04-11 03:33:32 UTC
Just put your foot on the brake.
2016-04-09 20:58:48 UTC
Go back to 4chan
2016-04-08 23:13:02 UTC
its ok for someone to believe in another religion it doesnt make anyone differ talk about your feelings to your son accept his partner like she has accepted you try to make it work if you care about your son you will do what makes him happy
2016-04-09 14:19:07 UTC
Maybe he is happy and surely as long as your son is happy you should be able to accept his decision even if you disagree with it you too should be happy
2016-04-12 02:58:18 UTC
Learn how to spell break before sticking your nose in where it doesn't concern you.
2016-04-09 09:03:51 UTC
The thing is, you don't try to get them to break up. In my opinion, your son is old enough for him to make his own decisions. And you as a mother at this point in their life shouldn't have control over their life choices nor who they want to have a relationship with. You can still be apart of their life, it's just that your teaching and helping them grow into adults is over. The more you force your son to break up with her, the more he will want to stay with her. I know that's weird but that's how our minds work. If his childhood was religious I'm almost positive he would not depart from how he was raised. It just sounds like you've taken it way too far with him. You can't change love, and you can't make it break up with get unfortunately. Just pray about it and see what happens. I wish you the best.
2016-04-12 16:26:51 UTC
Everything'll be okay just as long as no one brings up religion.
2016-04-09 06:19:32 UTC
You don't.

Nor do you get him to break up with her.

It's his life, and he's old enough to make his own decisions.
2016-04-09 06:03:27 UTC
The short answer is that you have no legal power over the friends and associates of your son. So only your own powers of persuasion could get him to break
2016-04-10 05:32:51 UTC
It's not your call
2016-04-10 05:31:48 UTC
Your bible says that you cannot. Children should leave their parents and join their partner. You have no saying about your children, they should go their own way just as they wish to do.
NewYork Prepper
2016-04-09 22:52:36 UTC
Here's what you do:

Lay down and rot.
2016-04-10 06:36:27 UTC
He's an adult. He makes his own choices.
2016-04-09 07:38:57 UTC
It's "break" up not brake.
2016-04-09 20:56:50 UTC
consider saying(but at ur own risk) :" Pregnant for many months , give birth to you and raise you up, pay for your stuffs and education and is that how you repay me??"

just a suggestion

pls dont blame me if fail
2016-04-10 06:12:47 UTC
You can't and you shouldn't get him to break up with her. Whether he breaks up with her is his choice, not yours.
2016-04-10 07:15:49 UTC
Fiirst learn how to spell, no need to break up with her, maybe he can convince her abour jesus, he should keep trying and praying
2016-04-11 11:50:34 UTC
Let him do whatever he feels right. dont brake them. its bad
2016-04-09 03:24:58 UTC
2016-04-08 20:08:47 UTC
You should always put his happiness before anything else. You should never judge people because of their religion.
2016-04-09 07:17:47 UTC
Have you ever heard of the qoute, "a son is your son until he takes a wife" As long as hes happy than you should be happy for him. Whatever tickles his pickle.
2016-04-09 16:10:28 UTC
lol I get your his mother but i'd only make him broke up with her if she was a murderer, a drug dealer..atheist are amazing people, even way nice than religious people. grow up
Jim Shoes
2016-04-10 00:22:46 UTC
I think you broke up with your English teacher. Get back together.
2016-04-09 06:41:59 UTC
Hi Linda, you need to let it run it's course as he will invariably tire of her crazy ways as you put it. One doesn't just switch who one is except for the person they believe that they are in love with, which is why he's asking you not to bring up the conversation again or you won't see him. Look at it this way, as long as he's still attending church you have a greater chance of them breaking up of she doesn't attend with him from time to time. Also, the topic of religion is bound to come up, and if she appears to doubt and pick holes in all that he believe he will soon eventually see her as not a suitable match.
2016-04-08 07:40:50 UTC
It's his choice, not yours. I guess you'll have to learn to accept it.
2016-04-09 19:47:41 UTC

It's break up.

Evidently, one must not be literate to read the bible...
2016-04-09 08:14:57 UTC

I am a believing Christian. You have brought up your son right and I think you will find that he does accept your outlook on life. But at 27 he is also finding his own way. His education has influenced him as well as your own life.

Try to focus on your son’s happiness, on his finding a partner, any partner, who appreciates him for the person the Lord created him to be. I know this is hard for you to accept, But wherever they go in this life our children are still our children. And this is the child that the Lord has blessed you with.

So trust your son the Lord has given you and let him be true to his own self and to this lady whatever her beliefs may be. And trust the Lord to guide your son. Because truly the Lord does move in mysterious ways.
2016-04-09 14:32:33 UTC
Learn how to spell Break first.
2016-04-09 11:25:18 UTC
Uh oh
2016-04-09 09:20:08 UTC
There is no getting him to break up with her. If he's going to date her, he's going to date her, no matter what. All your attempts will do is make your son resent you, and it will push him even further into the girl's arms. All you can do is pray about it. Mention to your son about what the Bible says about the issue, then pray. Also, what you could do is be happy that they are not married, or even engaged. It's just dating. When the Bible says, "Do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever," it is talking about marriage, not dating. There was only one instance about dating mentioned in the Bible, and that was when Jesus spoke to the woman at the well. She had five husbands, and the guy she had at the time Jesus spoke to her was not her husband. It was her sixth guy, though. All other mentions in the Bible is dealing with marriage.

Also, be happy that your son is happy. He could be with a crazy woman out to kill him for his money, which some people do. This girl is just atheist. That's all. Hey, I might want to date this girl, too, and I agree with you. (I'm a guy).

Just put it in God's hands through prayer. That's the only thing you can do, anyway. Pray that they do not get married. Pray that your son comes to the conclusion that it's better to be with a fellow Christian. If he does, pray that he decides to marry the Christian, and not just date her. That way, one, he will not be sinning, and two, he will no longer be on the market for the atheists.
mike m
2016-04-09 10:37:55 UTC
You don't, I'd say MYOB!
2016-04-09 13:55:11 UTC
Let him live his life, you can't control it forever
2016-04-10 07:20:30 UTC
You should be open-minded, there are great atheist persons
2016-04-10 04:33:26 UTC
So what if she doesn't believe in God? If she doesn't sin then it is okay.
2016-04-12 16:16:31 UTC
You disgusting waste of oxygen
2016-04-10 09:36:28 UTC
Stop being a bigot
2016-04-10 18:12:43 UTC
pay some guy to act like he is rich and to sex her video tape and give it your son
2016-04-10 04:32:19 UTC
U can't, he has to do it on his own
2016-04-09 14:56:18 UTC
Your son is no longer your control. He can do whatever the hell he wants.
2016-04-10 23:16:07 UTC
Let him find out for himself what to can only do so much.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-04-09 07:21:05 UTC
You sound like MY mother. I got married, and moved 1100 miles away ! Problem solved ! She never saw our children, while they were young !
2016-04-08 07:29:37 UTC
if true, with 27 years of age. he can make his own decision. but love him, support him
2016-04-10 13:26:59 UTC
Tellhim how ufeel
2016-04-09 14:47:29 UTC
Surprised someone as dumb as you was even able to use the Internet
2016-04-09 16:20:18 UTC
he'll make up his mind you push him to do it he'll just date her longer. simple.
2016-04-12 07:41:08 UTC
Well, I would think you could just pray to God about that sorta thing.
2016-04-09 14:00:50 UTC
Ahh all the retarded christians...... thanks for good laugh linda. Your son can date who ever he wants. and if you try to break them up then ur gonna burn in hell right next to me :)
2016-04-10 18:20:43 UTC
It's fine, because there isn't any God..
2016-04-09 21:29:35 UTC
You're a terrible mother. Now go kill yourself, you f**king cvnt!
2016-04-10 12:52:28 UTC
it's his choice, just love him
2016-04-08 19:33:35 UTC
Religion and culture is whats killing this planet.
2016-04-08 18:51:20 UTC
He is old enough to make his own decisions.
2016-04-10 08:36:17 UTC
If your son is happy, you should be too.
2016-04-09 23:46:45 UTC
You should not force anyone in doing anything.
2016-04-09 08:07:36 UTC
Ground her, taking her phone or just tell the girls mother to make him not hang out with him.
2016-04-09 00:34:34 UTC
You gotta let them make their own choices.
2016-04-10 10:05:20 UTC
you don't. he's an adult, can date whomever he wants.
2016-04-09 11:20:23 UTC
I suggest you fix him up with a good looking woman that loves fellatio .
2016-04-10 07:37:36 UTC
Get the dad to do it, if he is still around anyway.
2016-04-08 16:54:14 UTC
youre crazy
2016-04-09 21:08:15 UTC
He's an adult.
2016-04-08 21:12:04 UTC
Maybe have a satanic ritual and invite her over too dinner then drink her blood itll please the horned god 😈
2016-04-09 05:25:22 UTC
Good lord this is actually giving me cancer. Lady, you have NO say in who your son dates. Sounds like he's making some pretty damn good decisions for himself. This man sounds happy and satisfied with his life. Did it every occur to you that he may not believe in god? Let alone be committed to something such as a religion. Religion is a coping strategy for the weak. It is something that the weak hold onto. This "god" that you crazy people believe in won't do anything for you. He won't make things go your way, he won't save you, he won't make you happy. You have to do all of that yourself. May I just say, that your son is heading in the right direction by doing all of that for himself. He's making a good life. He's happy, he's well, he's living. Because he can rely on his own self-strength instead of the fictional belief that there is a magical man in the sky that is going to poof your life right down in front of you like some fairy tale. I bet you don't believe in Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. Well believing in this "god" is pretty much the same damn thing. Except a little more ridiculous. Now i'm not here to judge your religion, that is just my opinion on it, and my opinion perfectly justify your absolutely psychotic mindset on how Atheists are "bad". I ain't here to judge your religion, but I will judge your shitty, self-centered parenting skills. I'm honestly amazed how your son got out unscathed.
2016-04-09 03:22:06 UTC
None of my business. None of your business.
I care
2016-04-13 14:17:38 UTC
Goodness what a puzzle..........especially since you raised your children in Church......

I would be quite concerned if one of mine decided on this.........would make me wonder if they have their values still intact..............Good Luck...............Prayers sent............
2016-04-09 18:29:40 UTC
2016-04-11 09:23:16 UTC
cool story bro.
2016-04-10 04:19:42 UTC
lol ur crazy let him be himself and love who he wants.
2016-04-11 06:31:52 UTC
sorry love but i seen your son banging this half mexican half kenyan slut on the side of the road
2016-04-10 11:10:40 UTC
2016-04-09 09:51:22 UTC
do you mean BREAK up
2016-04-09 16:09:32 UTC
"I can't believe it"

neither can I

I think you are bullsh//ting
2016-04-13 19:54:21 UTC
Let them be
2016-04-09 16:41:56 UTC
not too sure but good luck
2016-04-09 03:45:44 UTC
As soon as I got to the part where you wrote "...and he's 27", I almost laughed out loud. He is much too old for you to "get him" to break up with anyone. Your right to decide things like whom your children date ends when they are an adult. It's great that you care about your children, but there will naturally be limits on how much you can control them as they get older.

Here's another thing to think about. Just because someone you love doesn't want you to do something, that doesn't mean you are going to agree with them. For example, if your son wanted you to stop going to church, would you agree and stop going? No, because going to church is important to you, and you like it, and so you're going to keep doing it. And if afterward, he kept on pestering you to stop going to church, would you start to think he was right? Not very likely; if anything, you'd be angry/upset at him for FAILING to see that going to church is meaningful for you. Realize that he may be feeling this same way towards your attempts to make him break up with this woman.

Also, pay close attention to this part that you wrote: "last night he got really angry and told me that he doesn't want to hear about it any more or I won't see him again if I try to bring that up one more time"--this type of statement is a lot more serious coming from someone in their late twenties than it would be if your son was a teen. I would advise you to think hard about whether your disagreement with him over dating this woman is so important to you that you are willing to lose your relationship with him completely over it. If so...that's your choice, but I thought I should mention it.

Another thing that you said that stood out to me was: "she's Atheist and that goes against our family values and morals". What do you mean by "our" values? "Our" as in you+your husband+your daughters? Or are you including your son in the collective "our"? The reason I am pointing this out is that children can develop a different set of morals than that of their parents, and so it may not be correct to say that his dating this woman "goes against our family values" if you are including him in that collective "our", because from his own perspective dating her may fit perfectly in with HIS own values.

You also wrote, "I don't understand what's wrong with him there are so many beautiful and sweet girls at church and he had to choose someone like her. I can't believe it". Please remember that there is more to loving someone than just finding them attractive and nice. For example, these church women that you say are attractive and nice may not get his jokes, not have the same ideas about raising children, not share his passion for such-and-such hobby, not want to live in the same state he wants to, not have the same taste as him in literature and movies, etc, etc. I have met many men that were good-looking and nice that I would not date--is there something "wrong" with them or "wrong" with me? No, their personalities were simply not a good fit with mine. It would be unfair to them for me to start a relationship with them if we did not really click. (Also, just because you find the women in your church pretty doesn't mean that your son does...)

At the end of your question, you put "he had to choose someone like her. I can't believe it". Here's something that might help you believe it a bit more: Sometimes, in their enthusiasm to promote their religion, parents get on their children's nerves. So, rather than think "My goodness, I don't know why he wants an atheist girl in spite of the family he was raised in being super religious!" you might want to consider the thought that maybe he wants an atheist woman BECAUSE the family he was raised in was super religious.

Here's another quote from your question: "I'm really concerned that she influences my son and he starts having all those crazy ideas that she has." Has it ever occurred to you that your son's girlfriend may feel the same way about YOU? From an atheist point of view, believing in a god is a crazy idea, but do you want her to respect your belief in your god? Sure you do, and I'm sure she would likewise appreciate you respecting her LACK of belief in a god.

...Also, she might not actually be "influencing" him at all with her views--do you even know for sure that he wasn't already atheist (or agnostic) before he met her? Because you didn't mention HIS stance on religion in your question.
2016-04-09 13:03:24 UTC
your son is happy. You should be happy for him. he is a ******* adult.
2016-04-09 05:07:05 UTC
god doesnt exist, he should disown you as parents for spreading lies you fcking idiot.
2016-04-10 23:42:43 UTC
2016-04-10 09:26:26 UTC
You are wrong, leave him alone
2016-04-09 16:21:45 UTC
2016-04-12 04:08:09 UTC
put yourself in his shoes
2016-04-08 19:35:47 UTC
What is wrong with you?
2016-04-10 19:37:39 UTC
chop it off
2016-04-09 11:26:24 UTC
I hope you die horribly, you close-minded bimbo *****.
2016-04-08 21:40:05 UTC
2016-04-09 10:34:25 UTC
You are a complete retard.
Repent and
2016-04-08 23:54:50 UTC
convert her
2016-04-10 08:45:41 UTC
You dont.
2016-04-08 19:41:52 UTC
Butt out, you crazy mother.
2016-04-08 13:02:37 UTC
I am not a criminal
2016-04-09 08:54:13 UTC
u can't
2016-04-10 17:27:25 UTC
you can be thankful she is not Muslim
Fort Erudite
2016-04-10 14:11:52 UTC
Join the Mormon church.
2016-04-08 19:49:18 UTC
shoot her in the head. jesus will approve.
2016-04-09 10:24:07 UTC
that is just sick
2016-04-08 21:25:50 UTC
Please do not give him pressure to change religion.
2016-04-10 05:49:54 UTC
Rape her.
2016-04-09 11:12:19 UTC
omg....just kill yourself, you fat haggard bible banging redneck c*nt.............
2016-04-10 03:40:59 UTC
**** you stupid ***** **** u and your shitty god
2016-04-10 15:00:27 UTC
2016-04-10 04:11:01 UTC
2016-04-09 17:09:28 UTC
2016-04-09 16:12:14 UTC
2016-04-10 15:03:00 UTC
2016-04-09 03:18:10 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.