2011-10-01 04:01:20 UTC
Im in a relationship with a girl who's 19 and im 23 i work full time she works part time we have our own place she says all the bills are my responsibility and mine alone and she doesn't allow me to have my own debit card cause she says ill spend all the money so i never have any cash behind me cause if i ask for the card she freaks out over it saying im not responsible enough to have it and calls it her card when it says my name on it, so that means basically i earn money and never get to see a penny unless i explain my self as to why i want some money, she moved 600 miles to come live in my place with me and she left her 2 dogs behind with her mum and dad i love her to bits really but when he came down here she said i want my dogs back as soon as possible and said she had nothing here no friends etc but then she started college and got the regular friends we all get and she still wanted her dogs so 6 months after moving in with me her parents moved 5 minutes drive away with the dogs but where we stop don't allow big animals, she has other little animals here bu she really kicks off a stink over the fact we don't have the 2 dogs and she's stopped me from seeing any of my friends saying there all losers be it male or female friends and i used to play darts for a local team and i had played from being 16 and got a few trophy's for it and some thing i loved to do and she said cause she cant have her dogs i should spend more time with her and not at the pub playing stupid darts, so not wanting to upset her i quit and quit seeing everyone, she hates my family also saying there this and that when they've only ever tried to help us out with lifts here and there and little gestures to help us along but she calls them all sorts of names which upsets me but still my parents support my choice to stay with her, but every now and again she really tares into me saying i dint do this and i don't do that and that im just a stupid so and so and im a loser and if i didn't watch it she would kick me out, when the letting agreement is in my name basically im afraid to say anything to her in case she just blows up out of proportion and leaves me cause i really do love her but she isn't making me feel happy ,,,, any help would be grate full