a guys advice appreciated! last name question?
2009-04-26 05:55:33 UTC
I absoultly love my last name, I have it tattood on me.(Not big, small but noticable) anyways, I've always said I would never change my last name. But now I'm with my boyfriend and we have been together for 2 years and I'm at the age, where the next step would be marriage. He's the type where the girl changes her last name to his. This is the name I was given at birth and for the past 20 sumthing years I've loved it. My question is, why would it be a problem for the girl you love and want to spend forever with, keep her last name. What is ur input on this, on if you would mind your wife not changing her last name?? Why do u suppose guys want them to
Three answers:
2009-04-26 06:04:20 UTC
you should do this:

your name-his name

that way you get what you want and he gets what he wants
2009-04-26 06:02:07 UTC
You do not want to throw any doubt on your commitment to your being a couple. You should add his last name to the end of your name. That way you keep your name, but do not put out vibes that you are planning a divorce before you even get married.
2016-12-05 22:42:23 UTC
truly i think of that he truly likes you, yet doesnt think of which you are going to furnish him the time of day. i could additionally be keen to wager that he'd open up and communicate greater in case you may enable him comprehend that its o.k. to assert something. i comprehend it could seem ordinary yet its ok for females to make the 1st circulate specially circumstances. This seems to be an ongoing element. U suggested it began around what? 3 years in the past? So possibly smile the subsequent time u all lock eyes (thats if ure fascinated) or set up for ur one or a number of ur pals to enable a number of his pals comprehend in a discrete way how u sense. i think of he has a huge weigh down, yet is frightened of rejection

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