My son turned 13 years old in February of this year. His dad told me that Larry the Cable Guy was coming in May for a show and that he didn't have the money to take him. I told my son that I would take him and that would be his birthday present. I've never seen him so excited. When I got the tickets, I showed them to him, which even got him more anxious for the concert. Well, I received an email from the ticket liquidator asking if we enjoyed the concert. I thought they were idiots because the concert date had not arrived yet. I checked my tickets a second time and realized that it was May 3. For the past 3 months, I had it in my head that it was May 17th. Believe me, I've kicked myself enough and pretty much sobbed about the situation. The ticket liquidator said that I can get a discount on my next purchase but no concerts sched. Your children only turn teenagers once and I wanted this event to be very special. I need ideas on what else I can do to make this up to him....