bach and bach-et parties?
2009-02-17 08:28:29 UTC
What is your thoughts? I did not have one. Unless you consider my best man and I ordering pizza and playing madden. But some many focus on stripers and 'last time flings'. Your take
Three answers:
2009-02-25 02:20:17 UTC
I truly believe that most bachelor parties are celebrated exactly like you celebrated yours - I don't know too many people that have had huge bachelor's parties - Only talked about it!
2009-02-17 16:51:52 UTC
There's nothing wrong with having a celebration with your closest friends or family before you get married i.e. bachelor/bachelorette party, as long as they are tastefully done. If the prospective bride/groom feel the need to have strippers, go to a strip club or have a "last fling" then they are not ready for marriage. What difference does it make if you are legally married or in a relationship? Nothing. Being committed is being committed. Signing a piece of paper or saying your vows in a ceremonial manner shouldnt be the determinant of whether or not you are ready for marriage.
Abra B
2009-02-17 16:46:40 UTC
I think that folks should do whatever it is that would make them happiest. Some dudes enjoy raunchy stuff like that, others would rather enjoy quality time with their best bud without worrying about wives and families....

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