I graduated high school the week I turned 14 years old. I went to college immediatley. Now, I'm turning 16 years old soon and have just finished up my second year as an engineering student. Obviously, the 20 year old girls I go to school with arent interested in me, and frankly I'm not terribly interested in them. However, I dont really have any opporunities to meet girls my age. I sometimes go and hang out at a nearby high school, but find that it's tough to get along with girls there because were on such a radically different academic level. I dont mean to sound "holier-than-thou", but I did high school 3 years ago, and they;re just going through it now, so I find it tough to connect. I'm frustrated that I'm missing out on the social aspect of high school, and am not really sure what to do. How long do you think it will be before I really fit in? What should I be doing now to fill the social void I'm feeling? Please dont insult me or tell me what I should have done then.