Given my circumstance, how long do you think it'll take me to find love?
2006-05-14 19:50:04 UTC
I graduated high school the week I turned 14 years old. I went to college immediatley. Now, I'm turning 16 years old soon and have just finished up my second year as an engineering student. Obviously, the 20 year old girls I go to school with arent interested in me, and frankly I'm not terribly interested in them. However, I dont really have any opporunities to meet girls my age. I sometimes go and hang out at a nearby high school, but find that it's tough to get along with girls there because were on such a radically different academic level. I dont mean to sound "holier-than-thou", but I did high school 3 years ago, and they;re just going through it now, so I find it tough to connect. I'm frustrated that I'm missing out on the social aspect of high school, and am not really sure what to do. How long do you think it will be before I really fit in? What should I be doing now to fill the social void I'm feeling? Please dont insult me or tell me what I should have done then.
Thirteen answers:
2006-05-14 19:58:16 UTC
I think you will be waiting until you are in the working world or doing a Ph.D program (I assume a brainaic such as yourself is going to go on to do that) to find someone who is able to match you intellectually.

I don't think it would have been worth it for you to stay in high school just for the social aspects. Maybe you could see if the high schools sponsor trips or clubs that would be more interesting to you, though.

Also, maybe someone totally outside your disipline, like an artist or musician, someone tuned into something different who isn't so "intellectual", but that doesn't mean they are dumb, they just see the world differently and you could teach each other how to use that other side of their brain.

Good luck, and don't settle.
Chris M
2006-05-14 20:00:18 UTC
Please don't take this the wrong way...

You are obviously an intelligent guy, and this is creating a problem for you right now.

But I don't think this alone will stop you from finding love. It is your attitude to your peers that is making things harder ("Radically different academic level") not your (or their) level of education.

Start looking at your peers as just that - peers - on the same level. Most people in the world don't care about your college or grades - they want to meet new people and make friends. The ones who do care - parents, employers etc - are unlikely to offer the sort of relationship you are looking for.

Try taking up sports or getting a weekend job, anything to get in contact with people of your age OUTSIDE of school or college.

Best of luck man!
2006-05-14 20:04:31 UTC
There are many ways you can meet girls around your age who are quite mature and at your level, but it just takes time. Take a part-time job at some local teen hang-out to meet girls around your age( and it works since for some reason, girls in my school are very interested in guys working in Starbucks...), and I am sure you will find a few girls that will be at least to your likings. But truthfully, girls of your level probably won't be that forward toward guys, so you have to try hard. Whoever says finding love is easy, right?
2006-05-14 20:02:05 UTC
If you're a member of a church, I'd suggest getting involved with the youth group there. If not - and maybe even if you are - I'd suggest volunteer work. Do a bit of research to find something that interests you, and dive in. That way you'll not only donate your time and attention/muscles/expertise to people who need it, but you'll expand your social circle and might just meet a girl to connect with. Who knows, maybe the people you spend time with there will know someone who would be perfect for you. Good luck!
2006-05-14 19:56:11 UTC
how about church or local hangouts like teen clubs or anything that interest you. i'm sure there are some girls your age though probably not many on your level, just finding them is the problem. try the library, the bookstore coffee shop or anywhere intelligent young people would go.

one thing though you are almost legal, so don't limit yourself only to young girls. might be better to just hold on another year or 2 and find somebody you really connect with reguardless of age.
2006-05-14 19:59:52 UTC
Although Im sure College takes up a lot of your time have you thought of joining some kind of club. Bowling, go swimming, baseball teams, something outside of school activities. Maybe a night school course something of general interest or maybe a fun computer course. Something that would be a mixed group.
2006-05-14 19:56:58 UTC
Honestly, if you are really that smart and become more successful in life b/c of it, you will not have a problem finding girls in the future. They will probably come to you. Gosh if I knew a guy my age who was like that I could only hope to make him mine. And don't worry, dude, you are only 16, give it some time. And kudos on your success. Don't ever lose your humility though. Girls like that too ;)
2006-05-14 19:56:52 UTC
Welcome to gifted and talented. I've got two of them in my house. Yeah, you guys are a different breed. It's good and bad isn't it? You might try going to a local church that has a happening, fun youth group. You can connect with good girls, (for the most part) and maybe find some friends you can relate to. Hope that helps.
2006-05-14 19:57:44 UTC
I really hate to say this, but you may never fit in. There is a chance that there is a girl or two interested in you, but may be intimidated by your intelligence. My best advice would be to be patient and see what happens. Everyone tells me that you find love when you aren't looking for it. Hang in there.
2006-05-14 19:57:51 UTC
well thats crazy.....but props cause you are smart....but really if you want to find love....its hard at any age or circumstance i give you 3 years beacause the girls will me more "mature" im 1 and a sophmore but i dont plan on love at this age.
2006-05-14 19:59:54 UTC
Don't find will come at the right time...i really love this quote i like to share it with you...

"the right girl/guy will come at the right time"hope you like it...this quote was given to me 5 weeks ago
2006-05-14 19:55:54 UTC
Damn that was a really long question. I got lost half way through the question. I don't even know what you were asking anymore. =(
2006-05-14 19:56:41 UTC
Is this your thesis?

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