Need advice the age difference too much?
2009-01-07 21:13:22 UTC
So I've known this girl for a while and she's absolutly gorgeous but I've never took the time to actually get to know her until now. Now that I've gotten to know her I actually am starting to like her, the only problem is that she's 16 and I am 19...I know its only 3 years but its different considering what age we are. I know I can get a girl my age but there's something about her that I like, but i can't decide on whether or not I should pursue because of our ages. What do you guys think?
Two answers:
2009-01-08 00:22:28 UTC
It's not the 3 years that's the problem, it's she is a minor and you are an adult in the eyes of the law.

I would say be nothing more than friends for your own sake.
2009-01-07 21:27:36 UTC
i had a boyfriend that was 18 when i was 16 and i thought age doesnt really matter. But sense shes not exactly legal for you, you should take things slow so it doesnt go completely wrong. Nothing wrong with it, just make sure her parents are okay with it...

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