New Swingers..Advice Pls????
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
New Swingers..Advice Pls????
Four answers:
2008-08-29 10:24:12 UTC
Well, this probably isn't the best forum to ask this question as most on here are pretty judgmental and self righteous. I would recommend posting your question over on They are actually very helpful over there. As for card games...well I don't know any. If it were me I would prefer to talk over drinks, maybe play a non sexual card game to get to know other a bit. Later, dim the lights, start putting the moves on my own partner then let things progress from there. Have you and your husband talked about ground rules and what you both are comfortable with? Feel free to email me if you have more questions. Have fun and play safe.
2016-10-22 01:55:08 UTC
Why you chosen this actual time to get sick, seems to me an insensitive determination. So do no longer be so egocentric; do no longer be a sloth; come returned so we are able to rejoice! I pass over You! enable's circulate, arise, cease faking it; Get your sorry in the back of off that mattress. attempt constructive thinking to come back to college. Your ailment is all on your head! a minimum of that's what i'm hoping. looking forward on your return. might the little flora mendacity in gloom, upward thrust and bloom, swaying for ever and ever, this form and that way, morn to dusk conventional, get properly quickly. Ganesh ----->>@
Lucius Scribbens
2008-08-30 15:47:39 UTC
Well, you got all the good games. Just play them and let things happen as they may.

The best advice I've ever found for newbie swingers is on The Swingers Board. You'll find lots of things from both newbie and veteran swinger alike.
2008-08-29 18:11:12 UTC
We have been swinging for almost 9 years and have been exactly where you are about to be. "Breaking the ice" and getting the fun going can be so difficult, you could find yourselves sitting there most of the night looking at one another. As previously mentioned, begin with your spouse and allow everything else to happen naturally. We never got into too many card games or board games so no advice there. Hopefully, your added partners are more experienced and can take the lead but never assume that anything will happen. Enjoy the experience for what it is and do not rush anything.

Check out http://www.Ginsopinion for more advice and information.

Good Luck!


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.