go to http://www.infoplease.com here is an example of what u (will see) can find. any yr from 1900 to 2006.
Year by Year: 1900-2006 View a 1931 calendar
World Events
World Statistics
Nobel Peace Prize:
Jane Addams and Nicholas M. Butler (US)
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Spain becomes a republic with the overthrow of King Alfonso XIII.
British parliament enacts the Statute of Westminster, legalizing dominion equality with Britain.
Mukden Incident begins Japanese occupation of Manchuria.
The planned capital of New Delhi opens in India.
U.S. Events
U.S. Statistics
President: Herbert C. Hoover
Vice President: Charles Curtis
Population: 124,039,648
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Gangster Al Capone sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion (freed in 1939; dies in 1947).
Scottsboro trial begins, exposing depth of Southern racism.
“The Star Spangled Banner” officially becomes national anthem. Background: Francis Scott Key
Federal spending: $3.58 billion
Consumer Price Index: 15.2
Unemployment: 16.3%
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02
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Sports Links
Pro Football Summary
Pro Basketball Summary
Pro Baseball Summary
World Series
St. Louis Cardinals d. Philadelphia A's (4-3)
Stanley Cup
Montreal d. Chicago (3-2)
Women: Cilly Aussem d. H. Kranwinkel (6-2 7-5)
Men: Sidney Wood d. F. Shields (walkover)
Kentucky Derby Champion
Twenty Grand
NCAA Football Champions
USC (10-1-0)
Entertainment Awards
Pulitzer Prizes
Fiction: Years of Grace, Margaret Ayer Barnes
Drama: Alison's House, Susan Glaspell
Oscars awarded in 1931
Academy Award, Best Picture: Cimarron (RKO Radio)
Nobel Prize for Literature: Erik A. Karlfeldt (Sweden)
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There are nearly 30,000 television sets in the United States; 9,000 of them are in New York City alone.
Double features emerge as a way for the unemployed to occupy time.
Georgia O'Keeffe paints Cow Skull.
The Empire State Building is completed.
Nobel Prizes in Science
Chemistry: Karl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius (both Germany), for invention and development of chemical high-pressure methods
Physics: None awarded
Physiology or Medicine: Otto H. Warburg (Germany), for discovery of the character and mode of action of the respiratory ferment
General Motors's Frigidaire makes refrigerators safe for household use.
Karl Jansky begins the science of radio astronomy as he observes interference in the form of hissing sounds coming from beyond the earth's atmosphere.
Harold Urey discovers heavy water, water that contains deuterium, a rare hydrogen isotope.
An electron microscope is developed by Vladimir Zworykin and James Hillier.
i hope this helps u, tftp!!!