2006-08-18 09:09:19 UTC
Silent teardrops fall, as I walk these halls
Just another number with no name
Cuffed and shackled, led in chains
Filled with anger, hatred and disgrace
I told myself “Never again”
Yet here I am
They’ve got me now
No way out of this jam
Forever a felon, it’s all downhill from here
Probation, yeah right
Gotta do the time
Caught up in the system, probably for life
Or is that just what they want me to think?
‘Cause I’ve heard of others who were in chains
Who trusted in the One called the Ancient of Days
Innocent of any crime
Condemned to death
Yet with their last breath
Spoke of a life that no man can take
Freedom that no man can break
About a messiah who died so we might live
Who gave all he could possibly give
Would I have ever truly learned
Would my soul have been bought
Probably died and burned
If I’d never got caught
I rejoice in this jail cell
Acquitted by God
I’ll not see hell
In the everlasting court
I walk a free man