2012-01-25 06:13:56 UTC
As the title might imply, I'm pretty much totally friendless. It's not that I'm completely utterly without social skills, I'm just rarely incapable of taking it to the next level beyond casual conversation/smalltalk. This is made even worse by me being in a high school environment for most of the day, which definitely isn't helping when you're as introverted as me.
Over the course of the last few years at this school I've certainly improved my social skills, but I feel like it's too late to really change my appearance in school. I've already garnered the reputation of being the brooding, quiet guy, which makes it extremely hard to shake it off again. This isn't helped by the fact that, frankly, a lot of the people at my school just aren't very nice. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of cool, interesting people too, but there's just too much gossiping, drama and talking behind each others backs (which is extremely annoying when people are doing it about me, while I can hear them!). It's especially annoying when I think I'm connecting with another person, only to hear them trash you later. This makes me wary every time I'm talking with someone else, simply because I have no clue whether to trust them or not.
It also isn't helped by the fact that my family is aware of my lack of social relations, meaning that I'm constantly pushed to be more outgoing. This makes it really hard for me to act normally when I'm with them somewhere, since I'm constantly thinking about how they'll judge my "performance" (which they do at times D: )
Do I have a lot to work with myself? Yes, indeed! I'm not denying that. I need to be more outgoing right from the start when I'm in a new place, for one thing, and I need to learn to be more trusting.
I'm really looking forward to the end of this school year - even if it seems like the last few years have been a waste of time -
So my questions are, does it get better later, especially in college? And is it very detrimental to my socializing in college that I've been pretty isolated in high school (not just in terms of actual social skills, but, you know, who wants to be friends with a "friendless loser"). And is it damaging that I don't have Facebook? I mean, I'll probably have to make a Facebook account at some point - and, on some level, I'd like to, since it'd make a lot of things much easier in high school - but it just seems so artificial and wrong to "friend" a bunch of people from high school and earlier, whom I never talked that much with, just to increase my friend count.
Thanks in advance, and I hope you can make sense of my rambling :)