hey guys .. im 14 and this boy that likes me and wants to have sex so bad and i dont really want to bc i think im a little nervous/scared what do i do?
2014-11-16 20:23:26 UTC
And do you think he just wants to hit it and quit it? Wat do u guys think
No rude comments plz .. thanks
91 answers:
El Guapo
2014-11-16 20:35:18 UTC
I'll be honest with you, if you have sex at age 14, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Losing your virginity (especially if you're a girl) is a MUCH bigger deal than you can imagine. I would wait til at least 16. I'm saying that's a minimum. Also, I'd highly recommend not losing it to a "boy that likes you and wants to have sex so bad" and save yourself for a long time boyfriend, one that does not pressure you in to having sex. Find alternatives. There are plenty. I would strongly advise against it. You don't know what you're in for.

Sidenote: Any guy that has to strongly pressure you into having sex, you should probably not have sex with, no matter what age you are.
2014-11-16 20:57:58 UTC
Do not have sex with that boy, I believe sex is something you should only do with your husband because it's something so intimate. I'm 16 and I will admit that the curiosity of having sex has crossed my mind, I'm still a Virgin and I look at my sexually active friends who have become a mess because of what they've done. You are so young and I am too. Most guys our age only want to "hit it and quit it" I know of only one teen couple that stayed together and that's my parents, I've heard of and experienced some of the struggles they've faced like how many times they broke up and how long it took our family to be stable and their relation ship to stabilize as well, it was even worse because my mom was pregnant with my older brother in the beginning, don't do it you will regret it.
2014-11-17 16:49:37 UTC
Tell this boy to F OFF. and leave you alone. He just wants to as you put it, hit it and quit it, at that age that's all boys want and you will regret it. I suggest waiting for a while first and maybe a few years before considering such a big step in your life. There is always plenty of people out there to have sex with but finding someone who means a lot to you, who you love and they love you back to do the deed with it a little harder but worth waiting for. I'm not saying find you ONE and your future husband but don't do it with the first boy that offers.
2014-11-17 00:56:57 UTC
Definitely don't do it with that boy. He does NOT deserve you. Wait for a guy who treats you with respect and makes you feel special and doesn't pressure you into doing anything you don't want to do/are not ready for. You are still so young, and if you do this (especially considering you already don't want to), you will regret it. There are plenty of guys out there that are worth waiting for. If you feel threatened by this boy, tell your parents or an adult that you trust. It always helps to talk to somebody in person about things like this, even though we, the mighty wise people of the internet, want to help too ;) good luck sweetheart!
2014-11-17 10:21:11 UTC
Well its all about sex for boys at this age it has nothing to do with responsibility, They don't hold a job, they don't care about school grades. the future or if they get your pregnant. I mean if you want to have great sex that your choice but it's defiantly going to be a disappointment, if your looking to marry the man who will be responsible to be the first man to have you. Look sex is about pleasure but its also about responsibility too, you have to be willing to be a mother, and he must be willing to be a provider. Othewise its dangerous sex. He say he will use a condom but what happens if that fails, you willing to abort your child, cause you wanted fun. That a poor choice as a mother. Sure your 14 your not ready to be a mother but the best way to say that is by waiting for the right man to have sex with. This guy is just trying to have fun at your expense, and the expense of your child.
2014-11-17 15:43:12 UTC
DON'T have sex just because a boy wants to. If you're scared then you don't have to do it. If this boy really likes you then he should understand. But if he gets angry or upset because you say no to sex then he's not worth your time. Also, save your virginity until you're a bit older and ready for the right guy that you truly like.
2014-11-16 20:33:56 UTC
Hi there.First of all you guys are very young and shouldn't even be thinking about having sex.You need to speak to him and tell him how you feel because you're not ready.Don't jump the gun and have sex at this age.You guys should be going out on dates,spending time with each other and having fun,not having sex.Also don't let him pressurize u into sleeping with him.U have a mind of your own.and if he really likes you he'll respect your decision.
2014-11-16 21:10:25 UTC
Hit it for sure. Then if pregnancy starts, what then? Young adults your age don't see the whole picture. Sex is for reproduction. Are you ready for that? I doubt it. My comment is: Tell him NO. It's that simple. He's just following natures biological programming. If he made you pregnant, he would be shocked, as if it wasn't supposed to happen. He's a bit young to be a father, but don't doubt his ability to create life. The first time could be 30 seconds of intercourse, then a missed period, and a baby growing. It's really that simple.
2014-11-18 11:08:09 UTC
You're way too young! I had sex at 14, but i was raped by an older guy. Make sure that if you have sex, you do it when you're older and are IN LOVE with someone. Also make sure you are with someone for a lengthy period of time to see whether the guy doesn't just want to get into your pants.
2014-11-18 00:17:49 UTC
What do you do? You dont do it. Period. If you are not comptorble with it, then you are not ready. And at 14, they are all just gonna hit it and quit it. I am a guy and at 15, thats all I did. I hurt alot of girls, Im sure, and have never looked back. I finally married the "one" when I was 27 and twenty years later, we are still doing great. And she held out untill me. It took me 4 years to get in her pants and I respected her so much for it, I married her.
2014-11-16 20:44:32 UTC
I'N MY OPION sex should be with someone you trust and care about. Try dating the guy and learning more about him. Once you know more about him you will figure out his motives. If he just wants to have sex without a relationship, then it is possible he just wants to be friends with benefits. Either way i think you should hold off on sex since you are so young, but just make you decisions carefully and think things through before acting upon them. And always practice safe sex!
2014-11-17 19:39:26 UTC
Hi, I,m 18, and I think you are too young for have sex with a boy thats dont make you feel secure ;) Talk to yourself and you will see if you're ready to do this <3

With Love Gabriela
2014-11-17 12:01:07 UTC
FIrst off, most guys out there are actually little boys. And its kinda scary to think about at your age. He most likely wants to just hit it and quit it. If he really liked you, he would wait until you are personally ready, and would actually be a gentlmen and ask you out and to be his girlfriend. Other than that, he wants nothing more than sex, and seems how your still a virgin im guessing, i wouldnt do it. I regret nothing more than who i lost my virginity to. Trust me, everyone finds that some one even if you think you wont.
2014-11-17 13:57:02 UTC
Some great advice here....and I'm a believer in staying a virgin until you're married. Will it be hard? Yep! Will people make fun of that....Yep!! But it will be worth it. Ask any married couple who waited. also, remeber this, every person you share intimacy with will be a memory for you. So, you will be able to recall and compare....and every person your spouse shares intimacy with will be floating around via memories as you are intimate with them. Do you really want your spouse to have a bunch of women in bed with you?? Just sayin....
2014-11-17 10:16:12 UTC
DO NOT HAVE SEX oh my god , I lost my virginity to this guy , I kind of liked him but honestly it was the worst mistake of my life . He now is thee worst person I ever met . If the guy really likes you he will wait for you , don't become friends with benefits at 14 it's just not worth it . save it till you're older . Not saying wait till marriage but wait till the guys get hotter and they wont just use you for sex and tell all their friends . (:
2014-11-17 09:46:23 UTC
At 14 your feeling is quite normal . You only like him but he has gone a sstep forward and wants to have sex with you.Better avoid him because he is only concerned with sex nothing else .Moment he gets what ever he wants he will simply vanish without even telling you.
2014-11-17 16:01:01 UTC
You are a strong independent woman who dont need no man. (he isnt even a man if he is pressuring you) tell him to kiss off. You want a man who is going to stand by you and respect you and if that isnt him then see ya! girl your 14, there will be plenty of guys out there for you! it may take some time because at that age theyre all horny and dumb. Stick to your guns, youll be glad you did. That was me at 15, i said no and broke up with
2014-11-17 06:18:10 UTC
You are only 14, you have to later in your life to have sex. You could get pregnant get a STD, don't do that to yourself. Think of school and have fun, not having sex.
2014-11-16 20:27:46 UTC
Do you like him?

If you like him then you could tell him that you will date him but are not ready to have sex yet as you are only young.

If he accepts and is willing to wait until your ready and you feel the same about him then yes date him however if he tries to pressure you into sex then no he wouldn't be worth it and would possibly just want you for the sex life
2014-11-18 12:31:42 UTC
Im 16 and trust me, dont do it. He is just a horny guy, Im a guy and I know that I will not bug some girl to have sex with me because in my eyes its a turn off. Wait until your ready and be safe about it, just tell him you arent ready! Hope this helps!
2014-11-17 12:31:52 UTC
I think you should wait until you, and him for that matter, and completely and utterly ready. Neither of you should force one another to have sex when you're not ready. From what I can tell from you question, you're clearly not ready and, if he cares enough, he'll understand. Otherwise, is he worth you're time?
2014-11-18 11:10:31 UTC
Don't do it... Be dating someone for a long time before you give yourself to someone. I was almost 17 when I lost my virginity and we had been together 7 months already. We are now married. If you give it up they have no reason to keep working to win you over. Plus, don't get pregnant.
Nathaniel Antonio Cristinziani
2014-11-16 20:25:58 UTC
I'm going to be completely honest with you, you probably shouldn't do it because there is always the possibility of getting pregnant even if he has a condom on because I remember learning in my health class last year that girls still got pregnant while the male was wearing a condom because it like had a whole or some ****
2014-11-18 13:31:25 UTC
I'm going to be honest here, I lost my virginity at 12. Trust me you do not want to lose it in such a young age. If a guy is pressuring you, that's when you know you shouldn't. No guy should pressure you to do anything.
2014-11-17 06:32:12 UTC
14 is young to have sex just kiss hug for a while and if you want to do more give him oral sex and let him do the same to you but no intercourse you will be having baby sooner then you want to but giving oral you can do that as much as you both want . I hope you like the taste of his *** young guys have lots of it or get him to *** on your face
2014-11-18 06:34:39 UTC look at a few giving birth videos. Will cure you for a long time. look on some virginity buying bids. And consider if he is worth the equivalent.
2014-11-17 12:23:44 UTC
seriously I don't believe that any individual 14 years of age is mature enough to have sexual intercourse with ANYONE...if you don't already have a committed relationship, then you are probably going to have your name on the bathroom wall as (easy)...sorry that's the way it is..+ if you are not on birth control, just think of how that may work out.~!!!!

Also remember having sex with someone under the age of 18 is in most states I believe (statutory rape)
2014-11-18 14:09:10 UTC
My advice to you is wait until you want to Never allow anyone to pressure you into doing something that you do not want to do. The answer to your question is YES he just may want to have sex with you just to prove that he can so he can go back and tell his friends that he had sex with you,.
2014-11-18 00:53:17 UTC
You're 14! You're waaaay too young to be having sex!
2014-11-22 21:10:23 UTC
Dont have sex with him because you are young and the boy might take advantage of you just wait until you are old enough and when you are ready to, you dont need to be pressured into it, please take my advice dont do it or you will regret it and you could get hurt to
2014-11-21 23:46:47 UTC
You're 14! You're waaaay too young to be having sex!
2014-11-17 18:23:12 UTC
You're 14! You're waaaay too young to be having sex!
2014-11-19 16:32:15 UTC
wait wait wait i lost my virginity at 14 and regret it. im 18 now and i think 16 is a good age to lose it
2014-11-17 17:53:43 UTC
Don't. You will definitely regret it. When you're ready you will know. You have to love the person. If you're not sure then you aren't ready.
2014-11-17 13:25:59 UTC
Personally, I wouldnt do it if i was in your situation. If you're not 100% ready then do NOT do it. If he has a problem with that then he definitely isnt worth your time :)
2014-11-17 06:06:17 UTC
hey sex is about making love with someone..and if that boy really loves you he wont force u or even he wont let u sleep wwith my advice dont do it you are a teenager girl enjoy it go out with your friends and hang out have social time and dont waste ur time with this boy..and think in case u had sex with him if ur parents knew about it what will be their reaction

so girl freedom is yours and enjoy ur teens without problems! :)
Alan H
2014-11-19 07:31:03 UTC
Lots of boys may WANT to,

That does not mean you have to!

Wait until you are in a mature serious relationship
2014-11-17 08:35:19 UTC
I understand you said he likes me but then do you like him exactly the way he likes you?

Even if you do like him, please be honest with him and tell him that you need some time or that you are not ready yet. If he really likes you, cares about you then he will not force anything on you and he will respect your choices.

Good luck
2014-11-17 07:09:42 UTC
You are just a small kid.Only adults must engage in sex.God permits sex only with own spouse after marriage.Satan is a deceiver.Most people are under the influence of that wicked one who is trying to deceive.People say many things in ignorance .But what God says only matters. He will judge us for all sins also. we are not here just like that .There is a creator up. He has not only made this machine called man/woman, but also made a manual ,where he says many DO’s and DON’T’s .Then the manual also gives guarantee of the manufacturer. But.But sad to say that many people are ignorant of all that. He has said many rules for this machine. If we break his laws we will face his wroth of God and even consequences’ of that. The guarantee card of the great manufacturer reads as follows:(In God's word, The Bible ).In Exodus chapter 15,verse 26 God says :


Exo 15:26 He said, "If you will listen carefully to the LORD your God and do what he considers right, if you pay attention to his commands and obey all his laws, I will never make you suffer any of the diseases I made the Egyptians suffer, because I am the LORD, who heals you."

There are many such things in the bible.Please fear God and seek him.

Let me quote some more from other parts of the Bible:


1Co 6:15 Don't you realize that your bodies are parts of Christ's body? Should I take the parts of Christ's body and make them parts of a prostitute's body? That's unthinkable!

1Co 6:16 Don't you realize that the person who unites himself with a prostitute becomes one body with her? God says, "The two will be one."

1Co 6:17 However, the person who unites himself with the Lord becomes one spirit with him.

1Co 6:18 Stay away from sexual sins. Other sins that people commit don't affect their bodies the same way sexual sins do. People who sin sexually sin against their own bodies.

1Co 6:19 Don't you know that your body is a temple that belongs to the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit, whom you received from God, lives in you. You don't belong to yourselves.

1Co 6:20 You were bought for a price. So bring glory to God in the way you use your body.

Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Eph 5:7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.


Eph 5:9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

Eph 5:10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

Eph 5:12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

Eph 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Eph 5:14 Wherefore he says, Awake you that sleeps, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

Eph 5:15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

Eph 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Eph 5:17 Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.


God loves us and want to save us from all problems, curses and God's judgments' which is meant for on sinners. That is why God tells us not to walk like others who do all sins. Therefore it is essential to know God and his word .In that way only we can love God and obey him, to please God .If not, you will be a rebel before God. For more information, please read the Bible. If not our adversary will deceive. He.He is deceiving through temptations and lies. This he is ding even from the first family in the Garden of Eden.


2014-12-02 19:30:14 UTC
do notdo it
2014-11-21 19:56:55 UTC
Girl, don't listen to anyone on here that tells you that you're too young, because if you're ready, you're ready.

I'd say you have two general options here.

1.) You could talk to that boy and tell him that you would like to get to know him better before you do anything physical (so that you can get more comfortable with him and THEN make your decision)


2.) You could tell him that your parents get you checked by a doctor annually to check to see if you've had sex or not. When in doubt, always blame it on your folks. It's not like he's gonna go and call your mom to ask whether that's true or not, right?

So just do what you think is right, and remember that this boy likes you, and if he really likes you he'll respect you and your decision.
2014-11-21 02:40:54 UTC
stop being a whore , and just do him
2014-11-20 18:36:37 UTC
Girl, You are 14! C'mon now. Pleaaaase don't do this. He's 14 , it might not be a hit-and-quit-it right away, but eventually it might not work out. He should like you for you.You should save yourself for the one. If he really likes you he wouldn't put that kind of pressure on you.Do no have sex with him! You can do better:)
2014-11-20 13:24:17 UTC
**** him you dumb ****.
2014-11-20 01:51:09 UTC
do notdo it
2014-11-19 21:45:06 UTC
Sex is for marriage. Wait until you are married. I am also waiting. I am a 29 yr old black virgin male waiting for a virgin girl for marriage.
2014-11-19 11:28:09 UTC
**** him you dumb ****.
2014-11-19 10:18:30 UTC
Ask your mother. Of course you do NOT have sex with him - you don't need a rputation as a slut at age 14 which is what you will end up getting. SAVE your virginity for someone special that you want to marry.
2014-11-19 06:41:27 UTC
boys who are your age mostly just want to hit it and quit it .
Hello World :D
2014-11-19 04:12:32 UTC
If he loved you he would learn to wait and he would want to wait! If he wont find someone who will, simple.
2014-11-23 22:18:52 UTC
stop being a whore , and just do him
2014-11-22 12:14:49 UTC
Just say calmly "I am under age so unless you want to go to prison.... do you get what I mean?
2014-11-21 20:51:05 UTC
if he likes you (loves you) he should be willing to wait for you. and if breaks up with you because you don't want then he does'nt deserve you
2014-11-21 18:53:58 UTC
There are three holes on a woman that feel good and only one gets her pregnant!
2014-11-21 01:46:28 UTC
You're 14! You're waaaay too young to be having sex!
2014-11-20 22:40:05 UTC
do notdo it
2014-11-20 15:58:21 UTC
**** him you dumb ****.
2014-11-20 14:06:53 UTC
do notdo it
2014-11-20 11:34:21 UTC
You're 14! You're waaaay too young to be having sex!
2014-11-20 04:44:53 UTC
You are the one in control so don't do it. If he insists then you should stop seeing him and break it off with him.
2014-11-20 04:27:39 UTC
Dont Do It... The Fact That You 2 Arent Going Out And Hes Already Told You He Wants 2 Have Sex With You Then Hes Just In It For The Goods Im Sad 2 Say...
2014-11-19 23:23:10 UTC
i think you should not do that because you are not ready and you are young too.
2014-11-19 22:12:11 UTC
It's right, that you are scared, and really don't want to have sex. Here's what you should do: 1. Tell him no.

2. Tell your parents, and the principle of your school. Also the police and dept of social services, if necessary. If he threatens you, then run to the police.
2014-11-18 23:59:49 UTC
tell him you are nervous and prefer to wait. If he runs away he's not worth you trouble.
2014-11-18 23:00:54 UTC
You're too young! If that's all he wants ditch the guy. It does sound like he's pressuring you and do a hit and run.Don't give it up just because he wants to do it.
2014-11-18 22:18:44 UTC
boys who are your age mostly just want to hit it and quit it .
Bud_Spot Speaks
2014-11-18 19:38:02 UTC
you cat have sex at 14. you are far too young honey. this may seem good, or even cool at this age but believe me, you dont want to live with the guilt of losing your virginity at 14. it is traumatizing.. sex is special, and save up yourself for the one whom you love, dont give up for the one who pressures you.
2014-11-18 16:39:03 UTC
Two comments from a male:

1) Congratulations, young lady. Stay away from the boy. And, if you ever need an adult to step in and protect you, make your request and someone will surely help. Remain a virgin until after you have become married when you are twenty or older. It is true that today there are many young boys and even many girls who believe that a girl needs to jump in bed with a boy or have a boyfriend to have a real life. That is complete NONSENSE.

2) Look at it this way: If you make a mistake in the future and you go too slow in making a decision, then you will be able to fix that mistake with no real loss. But, if you make a mistake and you go too fast in making a decision, then you may end up with a mistake that is permanent and which cannot be fixed.
2014-11-18 11:13:24 UTC
you are only 14 you shouldn't be even be thinking about sex .. you should be hanging out with your friends
2014-11-17 23:06:34 UTC
Don't do it. Way too young. You need to let someone know what this kid is doing. Get an adult involved. Save yourself for someone you love when you are a little older.
2014-11-24 23:03:28 UTC
do notdo it
2014-11-19 17:21:37 UTC
do notdo it
2014-11-18 18:43:21 UTC
I don't know him so can't say for sure, but the odds are, yes, he wants to hit it and quit it.

Also 14 is too young. I know it's hard to wait, but at 14 you're not ready.
Mama Mia
2014-11-17 19:58:23 UTC
you are way to young to be having sex , and any guy who is trying to talk you into it is just there for the ride and then he will be gone. What you need to do is tell him straight and plain that you are not interested in a sexual relationship at 14, and that if that is what he is seeing you for, he needs to step off. next, you need to make sure you are never totally alone with him , if he does stick around. There is a certain level of safety in numbers. Do not go to his home, or yours without parentals being there. He may tell you he loves you, and try to get ion your pants if the opportunity arises. It is your responsibility to make sure it doesn't. It doesn't matter that "he likes you and wants sex so bad" It is you who will be sorry, it is you who will feel used, it is you who will be left with the responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy, a baby you can't take care of and the guilt of having to chose an abortion or adoption. He is just going to walk away, and not look back.
2014-11-17 16:31:08 UTC
Having sex at 14. This generation makes me sick. Tell that "guy" to keep his **** in his pants.
2014-11-17 21:47:09 UTC
I am 23 and still a virgin, waiting for THE ONE. Best decision I have ever made in my LIFE.
2014-11-18 20:00:53 UTC
tell him you are nervous and prefer to wait. If he runs away he's not worth you trouble.
Liberty F
2014-11-17 07:18:22 UTC
tell him you are nervous and prefer to wait. If he runs away he's not worth you trouble.
2014-11-17 23:40:40 UTC
don't do'll regret it...and you're far too young for this overrated (that causes so much trouble) stuff
2014-11-17 12:54:57 UTC
Yes do it and have no protection,a baby do you both a world of good
2014-11-17 11:57:57 UTC
he just using u for sex , he doesn't really like you honey.

dont fall for it.
2014-11-16 20:36:27 UTC
dont let anyone... ANYONE pressure you to have sex until you are ready. seriously. if he really likes you he will understand that you arent ready! god bless
2014-11-17 09:20:38 UTC
14 ? No way.
2014-11-19 08:51:47 UTC
Have sex when you want it, not because he wants it.
2014-11-17 13:58:20 UTC
if a boy will not respect your abstinence, then he is not worth it, no matter how much you may "like" him
Esteban Hermanos
2014-11-18 04:46:09 UTC
Stop being a whiny ***** and take that dick
2014-11-18 01:57:25 UTC
dont do because he wants, do only if you want . please don't loose ur virginity to anybody unless you like him dearly
2014-11-17 10:35:34 UTC
do it, he wants it bad
2014-11-18 12:55:26 UTC
Do not do it you are not ready and it is illegal
2014-11-17 16:54:33 UTC
how old is the guy?
2014-11-24 20:13:13 UTC
**** him you dumb ****.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.