2007-05-24 13:22:45 UTC
I have abf who is a 26yr old drug addict, and sells ketamine, and im sure hes using me cause hes always oof the rails and cant settle down,
My ex (19) who i love dearly, is mentally ****** up and i cant go near him til he sorts his life out, (thats in a nice way im not being horrible) but he cant sort his head out because its all about me and im the only one who can help him. and i cant because he gets really clingy and that makes him worse in the long run.
All my friends hang around a flat, including my ex, but its a downward spiral there and the drugs all cvome from there. my ex is garunteed to be there always. i would be if i wasnt strong enuff, but now iv severed all contact with my ex i dnt go round there, becus my current boyfriend said im better off without him, cus i get so much **** from my ex becus of our past and it screws me up wen my ex gets sad. i feel mega guilty so the best thing to do is get away.
but i love my ex!!!