He is really good friends with my best friend/roommate. So he is over all the time and in my class, so i see him four times a week. He is constantly trying to talk to me, get me to hang out with him, etc, and I keep saying no, but I don't want to be rude or too short with him when he is such good friends with my friend. Is there a non-hurtful way to tell him to get lost? He is irritating as H E double hockey sticks. He comes in my room without asking when my door is open, and tonight he wouldn't leave until I actually said something to my roommate and her boyfriend (who is also good friends with him) pulled him out. Even then he kept sticking his head around the door even after I literally shut it in his face. He seems to misinterpret my being nice to him when with my friends as actually being friends with him. He is puchy, and has even tried to invite himself in on stuff with me with people he doesn't even know. How can i tell him to go away without possibly starting something with my friend and her boyfriend (who i also like, as a friend).