he needs help im worried?
2009-03-07 21:12:23 UTC
My friend is gay transgender he is wild and out there and I really think he needs help he's angry and bitter and mad at everything and very self destructive all of his friends abandoned him and I'm starting to think I should to but I don't have it in my heart should I tell him my view
Three answers:
2009-03-07 21:17:45 UTC
Your friend is probably going through identity issues. If he is gay and a trans gender, he may not be as accepted by society as he would wish so he is lashing out and seems angry because of it. I have a gay sister and when she first came out, we all kinda abandoned her and she was the same way. Your friend needs to do some soul searching and if homosexuality is his choice, he needs to find ways to deal with it and deal with the views of society or it is going to eat him alive. Ask him if he has thought about seeing a counselor.
2009-03-08 05:17:28 UTC
well if hes mad at bitter then i dont think u desreve to have a freind like that..its one thing if someones outgoing..but if there being a total ***** and rude then ...theres a problem...i think u shud talk to him and if he doesnt understand or change then u should totally move on...u dont need freinds like that.
2009-03-08 05:18:49 UTC
yes you should tell him how you feel and if u dont want to b friends wit him any more dont. Good luck!

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